CONTENTS №1-2020

3 Orlyankin  B.G., Aliper T.I. Porcine pathogenic viruses

The present work summarizes data on the most significant pathogenic viruses in swine. Geographical distribution of these viruses is analyzed alongside their role in infectious processes in swine. The most common vaccination strategies for the prevention of the corresponding diseases are discussed. Key words: porcine pathogenic viruses, taxonomy, geographical distribution, vaccination strategy.



9 Chysyma R.B.,  Fedorov Yu.N.,  Kuular G.D., Bayan-ool N.N. Adaptation features of the Altai-Sayan marals in the conditions of the Republic of Tyva

The article presents the hematological and biochemical parameters of the Altai-Sayan breed marals acclimatized in the conditions of the Turan maral breeding farm of the Republic of Tuva. There was identified in their blood the decrease number of eosinophils by 86,17 %  (P<0,001) and band neutrophils by 45, 5 % (p<0,001) compared with Altai marals. But the concentration of rod neutrophils did not go beyond the lower limits of the physiological norm. The number of segmented neutrophils and lymphocytes was increased by 9,1 % and 11,9 % (P<0,05), respectively, in relation to the native marals. The number of monocytes increased by 18,6 times and exceeded the upper limit of the physiological norm by 24,7 %. The established character of redistribution of white blood cells is the result of adaption marals to new environmental conditions. There was noted in the serum of the marals brought to Tuva a higher concentration of total protein, glucose, calcium and phosphorus than that of the Altai marals. The established changes are the result of adaptation of deers to new environmental conditions, including changes in their diet. Key words: adaptation, blood, hematological parameters, maral.


13 Kuznetsova E.V. Control measures for diseases of fishes grown in cage farms in the European part of Russian Federation

The author describes the main measures to combat infectious and parasitic diseases of fish which have the greatest danger to the farms of the European part of Russia. Key words: cage farms, control measures, fish diseases.


16 Popova I.A., Vatnikov Yu.A. Dynamics of development anemia in dogs with liver diseases

As a result of studies normochromic macrocytic anemia was revealed in dogs with liver diseases, as well as moderate anisocytosis with the appearance of pathologically altered forms of red blood cells in the blood. On this basis authors came to the conclusion that the assessment of hematological parameters, as well as the morphological characteristics of red blood cells, not only has diagnostic value, but allows assessing the severity of the clinical condition of the patient. Key words: anysocytosis, blood, dog, hepatopathy, liver, red blood cells, erythrogram.



21 Badmaeva O.B., Darmaev А.D., Tsydypov V.Ts., Bayanjargal B. Ecological and epizootic aspects of rabies in the Baikal region

Natural foci of rabies, confined to the environmental conditions of the border with Mongolia and the Trans-Baikal region areas, formed on the territory of the Baikal region. In 2011 – 2012 the causative agent of rabies was detected in 8,7 %, in 2017 – 2018 in 45,7 % of samples of pathological material. The main role in the dynamics of the epizootic process belonged to the wild fox. The largest share in the structure of the disease is occupied by wild carnivores – 47,2 %, farm animals – 50,4 %. Rabies was recorded in 2010 – 2011 in Mongolia in 15 of the 22 aimag, in 2011 the infection was observed in the neighboring Huvsgel, Bulgan and Henti aimags. Studies to assess the true density of wild predators, their migration routes are the basis for determining the vector of rabies spread in the Baikal region, planning vaccination of animals and measures to regulate the number of wild carnivores. Key words:  rabies, wild carnivores, unfavorable point, farm animals, threatened zone, еpizootic process.


25 Lenchenko E.M., Blumenkrants D.A. Study of biofilms of enterobacteria appeared in animals with alimentary diseases

The morphological, densitometric indices, biofilms of reference strains and isolates of enterobacteria isolated from the pathological material in diseases the digestive organs animals were studied. A direct correlative dependence the optical density biofilms and the degree adhesiveness enterobacteria has been established. With the excessive growth enterobacteria in the small intestine of animals were detected, multicellular biofilms bacteria located on the apical poles the villi epithelial cells and crypts of the section terminal ileal. With the dissemination of bacteria into the tissues and organs animals, revealed multiple bacterial embolism of the blood vessels, tissues and organs, pronounced neutrophilic infiltration and congestive hyperemia the lymph nodes and spleen, with abscesses in the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys. Key words: adhesiveness, bacteria, biofilm, microscopy, optical density, enterobacteria.



30 Kryazhev A.L., Novikov A.S., Nikitin V.F. Episootological situation of cryptosporidiosis in industrial pig farms of Vologda region

There are present the results of studying the epizootiology of swine cryptosporidiosis in the Vologda region. It was established that cryptosporidiosis manifests in piglets by diarrhea, anorexia, dehydration, decreased weight gain and can have a lethal outcome. The increase of disease incidence was recorded in the autumn and spring. Suckling pigs in the first 2 weeks of life were the most susceptible to invasion. It often occurs in the associations with other intestinal protozoa. Key words: cryptosporidiosis, oocysts, piglets, epizootology.


34 Van N.T.H., Ponomarev S.V., Fedorovyh Yu.V., Dordgiev B.U. Hematological changes of river perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in nematodes

There were caught 50 perch in the river Big Bolda (Astrakhan region): in 38 of them found nematodes Anisakis schupakow, Eustrongylides excises and Camallanus lacustris. Hematological analysis showed that the infection of these helminthes is accompanied by inhibition of erythropoiesis, leading to a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the peripheral blood, as well as leukocytosis, characterized by an increase in the leukocyte formula proportion of neutrophils, monocytes and lymphoblasts. Key words: blood, helminths, leukocyte formula, leukocytes, lymphoblasts, monocytes, neutrophils, nematodes, river perch, erythrocytes.



38 Chabaev M.G., Nekrasov R.V., Tsis E.Yu., Nikanova D.A., Zelenchenkova A.A., Tulunay Çh. Metabolism and productivity of young cattle when fed clinoptilolite

28 calves of black-and-white breed were selected for scientific experience in the conditions of the breeding plant of JSC «Rumyantsevskoye» D-Konstantinovsky district of Nizhny Novgorod region, which were distributed on the principle of analogues in three groups of 9 – 10 heads each. The calves of the control group received the basic diet, while the young of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups in addition to the diet different, depending on the age and group, the amount of clinoptilolite (the first 30 days of experience: 2nd group – 25,0; 3rd group – 50 g/goal/day; in the following days of experience: 50,0 and 100,0 g/goal/day, respectively, Nat-Min 9000 micronized, Gordes Zeolit). Calves were kept in individual houses for up to two months, and later they were transferred to groups. The age of calves at experiment on the average on groups was 30 days. Duration of scientific and economic experience – 85 days. Biochemical, morphological, immunological parameters of blood of young cattle were within physiologically reasonable reference values. In the blood serum of calves of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups, the lysozyme content was higher by 0,01 – 0,03 µg/ml, and the lysis % and protein activity were higher by 1,25 – 2,51% and 0,06 – 0,13 units a/mg of protein, respectively, in the control group, which collectively indicates an increase in the level of nonspecific resistance in experimental animals under the influence of clinoptilolite feeding. Indicators of phagocytic activity, phagocytic number were higher in animals of experimental groups, by 4,87 (p<0,05) and 4,43 %; 0,04 and 0,20 (p<0,05) units, respectively, compared with the control. It was found that calves of experimental groups on live weight and average daily growth in General for experience surpassed their peers from the control group respectively 4,92 and 3,14 kg; 7,31 and 4,67 %, while reducing the cost of energy feed units and digestible protein by 6,8 and 4,4%. Additional profit obtained from the use of natural mineral component in the amount of 25 – 50 g/head/day in the diets of young cattle (2-experimental group), amounted to 4,56 rubles/head/day. Key words: zeolite, clinoptilolite, calves, biochemical, morphological, immunological parameters of blood, resistance, live weight, average daily growth, economic efficiency.


43 Gaponov N.V.,  Chuguev Yu.P., Chugueva I.I. Metabolism and hematological indices of rhesus monkeys when using deuterium-depleted water

Results of biochemical blood tests show that change the drinking water by water with reduced content of deuterium leads to an improvement the digestion of proteins and assimilation mineral ingredients of diet, especially Ca and P. Also the depleted water stimulated hemopoiesis. Key words: water, deuterium, nutrition,   blood, Macaca mulatta, primates.



48 Parkhomenko S.A., Zeynalov O.A. Safety of recombinant dog interferon alpha-1 intramuscularly in healthy dogs

The safety of a drug based on dog interferon alpha-1 has been studied when used on outbred dogs in therapeutic and elevated doses for 21 days. Clinical and instrumental examination of dogs did not reveal anomalies for the entire period of the experiment. The use of dog interferon alpha-1 does not cause any clinically significant changes in the parameters of the general analysis of blood dogs. The use of dog interferon alpha-1 causes an increase in the level of alkaline phosphatase, not associated with changes in the level of other liver enzymes. An experimental drug based on interferon dog alpha-1 is safe when used in therapeutic and high doses. Key words: dog interferon alpha-1, safety, side effects.


51 Сhadaeva А.А., Povolyaeva O.S., Yurkov S.G. Primary cell culture in virology

The article presents a review of materials on the current state of the method of primary cell cultures and their use in virology. The search and obtaining of new cellular substrates that are permissive to viruses of various taxonomic groups is an urgent problem of virology because of the need to control the epizootic situation, including especially dangerous, quarantine and poorly researched places diseases, by monitoring the evolutionary variability of pathogens. An analysis of the literature has showed that this type of cell culture continues to occupy a leading position in the primary isolation and study of viral pathogens. Key words: primary cell cultures, viruses, especially dangerous infections.


55 Sorokin A.V., Komarov A.A. Detection of triphenylmethane dyes in aquatic organisms

The negative effects of triphenylmethane dyes on living organisms are described. Data onits technical regulation and monitoring in the EU and RF are given. Key words: aquaculture, quantitative analysis, monitoring, triphenylmethane dyes.


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CONTENTS №1-2020