CONTENTS №10-2020

3 Bukova N.K., Sklyarov O.D., Babicheva О.V. Glanders: lookback study and vaccine’s creation current prospects

The article scrutinizes the history of attempts to work out vaccines against the causative agent of glanders, outlines the principal directions of scientific researches provided by Russian and foreign scientists. New approaches to the design of vaccines (subunit, dendritic, DNA vaccines) are thoroughly considered by the authors of the article. Key words: glanders, preventive measures, vaccines, immunogenicity, safety, reactogenicity.



9 Arakelyan P.K., Tregubov A.N., Vergun A.A., Ilin E.N., Yanchenko T.A., Dimova A.S., Borovoy V.N., Sklyarov O.D. Antiepizootic effectiveness of conjunctival immunization of cattle with a vaccine from the B. abortus 19 strain in brucellosis

In six herds unsuccessful for brucellosis after a single conjunctival immunization of cattle with a vaccine from B. abortus 19 strain at a dose of 8 billion m.c.), a group negative result of animal studies on brucellosis was obtained in 2 – 9 studies for 3,5 – 29 months . Conjunctival revaccination of animals against brucellosis with this vaccine is indicated in particularly difficult epizootic conditions. In one dysfunctional farm, it reduced the number of infected animals detected after the first immunization by 2,3 times, and in the other (after double revaccination), they received two group negative results within 5 months. Key words: brucellosis, cattle, anti-brucellosis vaccines, vaccine from strain 19, conjunctival immunization, diagnosis, manufacturability, antiepizootic efficacy.


13 Polyakov I.D., Ivanova L.G., Polyakova A.S., Polyakov I.I. Prophylactic efficacy of immunobiological medicine BINOVAC® IDD against cattle hoof diseases

Prevention cattle hoof diseases at the present time is quite laborious and cost consuming. It comes down to the repeated use of surface disinfectants such as copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, formalin (40% formaldehyde aqueous solution) solutions and topical antibiotics. All of these methods are not effective enough and are harmful to the environment and humans (formalin is a type 1b carcinogen). This publication presents the results of preventive activity BINOVAC® IDD against digital (DD), interdigital dermatitis (ID) and interdigital phlegmon (IP) in cattle’s clinical trials. BINOVAC® IDD is able to reduce the disease rate of DD, ID and IP cows in a herd when administered two to three times in a dose of 1,0 ml, for up to 150 days. Key words: prevention of digital, interdigital dermatitis and interdigital phlegmon in cattle, efficacy of BINOVAC® IDD.

17 Kryukova E.N., Litenkova I.Yu., Chumakova M.S., Bogomolova O.A., Matveeva I.N. An analytical review of the vaccine market for the prevention of swine circovirus in the Russian Federation

The article presents market analysis for domestic and imported vaccines for the prevention of circovirus of swine type II in the Russian Federation. The dynamics of import of the vaccines from 2016 to 2018 is shown and an increase in the number of swine in the Russian Federation is noted. Key words: swine, circovirus, vaccine, vaccine prevention, PCV2.



20 Shuliak A.F., Gorbatov A.V., Stafford V.V., Loschinin M.V., Velichko G.N., Sokolova N.A., Zhuravleva E.A., Ishkova T.A., Nosova M.V. Mixed infection among wild ruminants on hunting grounds

An outbreak of disease happened on hunting grounds among the wild ruminants with signs of pneumonia and, in many cases, diarrhea which occurred in a chronic, acute and subacute form. Morbidity and mortality were not high but increased with time. Autopsies revealed pneumonia, lung atelectasis, emphysema, and in some individuals; abscesses in the lungs were found. The pulmonary and mesenteric lymph nodes were enlarged. Histological studies indicated a multiple organ failure: pneumonia, alveolar destruction, bronchial obstruction, necrosis of the lung parenchyma and tracheal mucosa, enterocolitis, nephroso-nephritis, splenitis, perivascular proliferation of lymphocytes in parenchymal organs. At various stages of development Nematodes were in the lungs, respiratory tract, myocardium, intestinal wall and blood. Protozoa of unknown genus in the myocardium were found. Virological investigation had also shown the active circulation of rotavirus, its presence in the organs of many of the examined animals. Pasterellosis, respiratory syncytial infection and nodular dermatitis are excluded; Causative agents of parainfluenza-3, viral diarrhea-disease of the mucous membranes, infectious rhinotracheitis and coronavirus were present sporadically. Bacteriological investigation has shown growth of streptococcus and staphylococci, mainly multidrug-resistant Staph. aureus. Thus, the cause of the disease was a mixed infection (rotavirus, cocci) / invasion (nematodes, protozoa). Key words: wild ruminants, pneumonia, diarrhea, pathological lesions, etiology, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, protozoa.


25 Mukhamedzhanova А.G., Akhmadeev R.M., Miftakhov N.R., Nasyrov Sh.M., Aleeva Z.Z., Yarullina G.M., Arutyunjan G.S. Optimization of laboratory animals hyperimmunization schemes with a highly purified rabies virus antigen

The results of the assessment of the immunogenic properties of a highly purified rabies virus antigen (strain «Ovechiy» GNKI), obtained by the modified method are presented. The aim of this work was to optimize the laboratory animals hyperimmunization schemes with a rabid antigen with single major polypeptide weighing 67 kDa. The dynamics of antibody production in rabbits is shown in comparison with the control groups immunized with industrial vaccines. Obtained data can be used to produce high titer sera, which can be used as monomer raw materials for the production of diagnostic immunoglobulins for rapid test systems based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the method of fluorescent antibodies. Key words: rabies virus, antirabic immunoglobulins, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, rabbits.


30 Sizov D.A., Stebleva G.M., Sizov A.A., Donchenko N.A., Kiselev O.S. Comparative study of the effectiveness of modern methods for diagnosing leptospirosis in a rabbit model (with experimental infection)

The diagnostic efficacy of serological (reaction of microagglutination and ELISA) and genetic (PCR) methods for diagnosing rabbit leptospirosis in experimental infection has been studied. It has been shown that serological methods (reaction of microagglutination, ELISA) are more effective in routine monitoring studies or primary examinations of animals suspected of leptospirosis. At the same time, the analysis using PCR is more appropriate to use in postmortem studies of internal organs of animals, abortive fetuses, to confirm or exclude the diagnosis of leptospirosis. Key words: leptospirosis, diagnosis, ELISA, microagglutinationreaction, PCR.



34 Kabardiev S.Sh., Bittirov A.M. Helmintofauna of the jackals in the mountain classes of Kabardino-Balkaria

When faunal analysis of bio- and geohelminth have jackal in the mountain tracts of Kabardino-Balkaria Republic identified 15 specific types of widely – Metorchis xanthosomus Creplin, 184, Braun, 1902; Echinococcus granulosus Batsch, 1786; Rud., 1801; Taenia hydatigena Pallas, 1766; Taenia ovis Cobbold, 1869, Ransom, 1913; Taenia pisiformes Bloch, 1780, Gmelin, 1790; Multiceps multiceps Leske, 1780; Dipylidium caninum L., 1758; Mesocestoides lineatus Goeze, 1782; Toxocara canis Werner, 1782, Stilles, 1905; Toxascaris leoninae Linstow, 1902, Leiper, 1907; Toxocara mystax Seder, 1800; Trichinella spiralis Bessonov, 1972; Ancylostoma caninum Ercolani, 1859, Linstow, 1889; Uncinaria stenocephala Rail, 1884, Raileiet, 1885; Dioctophyme skrjabini Bogdoschow, 1949. In 3 isolated mountain tracts (Bezengi, Bashil, Haymasha) often have jackals found pathogens dangerous zoonoses (Toxocara canis; Trichinella spiralis; Ancylostoma caninum, Echinococcus granulosus, Dipylidium caninum), which indicates the dominant role jackal in the formation of natural foci in Mountain ecosystems. Key words: natural boundary, Bezengi, Bashil, Khaimash, jackal, fauna, class, trematode, cestode, nematode, extensiveness and intensity invasion.


37 Lukyanova G.A., Kovalchuk S.D. Epizootology of sarcoptosis of home carnivorous in the Republic of Crimea

Ticks of the family Sarcoptidae were found in 133 (6,15 %) cases, incl. Notoedres cati in 32 cats and Sarcoptes scabiei canis in 101 dogs, by microscopic examination of skin scrapings of 2164 dogs and cats from different regions of the Republic of Crimea received in 2015 – 2017 in the veterinary clinic Avva (Simferopol). The highest incidence of invasion was in large cities – Simferopol, Yalta and Sevastopol. Tomcats fell ill with notoedrosis approximately 2 times more often than cats; in dogs, the incidence of sex is not correlated with sex. Dogs more often fell ill by sarсoptosis in the age younger than 12 months. In cats the age predisposition to invasion of sarcoptoid ticks didn't manifested, but more often parasites were found in animals older than 3 years. Key words: cat, dog, ectoparasites, mite, notoedrosis, sarcoptosis, scabies.



40 Kotsarev V.N., Brigadirov Yu.N., Lobanov A.E. Device for the determination of vaginal pH in sows

There has been developed the method for the determination of vaginal pH in sows using a designed device that allows assessing accurately the acid-base balance of its environment in order to diagnose the inflammatory process in the reproductive organs. Key words: sows, genitals, inflammatory processes, vaginal pH, device.


43 Gryazneva T.N., Laskovets R.S. The use of probiotic Rastoline in the treatment of endometritis in dogs

The article presents research materials on the effect of Bacillus-based probiotic in the treatment of endometritis in dogs in addition to the main treatment protocol. Diseases of the reproductive organs of small domestic animals occur in 18 – 25 % of all diseases. In kennels of service dogs, where there is a breeding stock, such diseases cause significant material damage. Often, the low effectiveness of traditional methods of treatment and the need for surgery for ovariogisterectomy, entail the culling of expensive breeding bitches with high breeding value. In order to study the effect of the use of the Rastoline in the treatment of endometritis in dogs, an experiment was performed on service dogs with postpartum endometritis. Experience on large breed dogs has been shown to influence Rastolin for the treatment of catarrhal and purulent postpartum endometritis. The resulting data was revealed positive dynamics of the therapy endometritis of Rastolin in conjunction with antibiotic therapy. In groups of dogs, when using only antibiotics, an increase in the course of therapy was required to achieve recovery. Key words: probiotic Rastoline, endometritis, dogs, antibiotic therapy.



48 Melnik R.N. Prospects for the development of a new generation of disinfectants based on water-soluble paints and their advantages

According to the Doctrine of Food Security of Russia, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on January 30, 2010, the strategic goal of food security of the country is to reliably provide the population with agricultural products. Without modern disinfectants, it is impossible to provide the necessary veterinary and sanitary regime and reliable protection against infections in animal husbandry and poultry farming. The need to create new disinfectants that are highly effective with minimal consumption, low toxicity, a new method of their application that increase the productivity and working culture of veterinary specialists, is obvious. The biological threat to livestock is a massive outbreak of infectious diseases in Russia and neighboring countries. In the work, the possibility of using paint and varnish and finishing building materials (primers, paints, etc.) in a composition with a new generation of disinfectant Deskontain for coating surfaces of premises and equipment was studied. The advantage of the disinfectant paint is to create a dense coating layer of the paint and varnish material, reduce the rate of migration of the vapor of the main disinfectant and increase the protective ability of the disinfectant, prevent the surface of metal structures of corrosion, tetramethylene diethylenetetramine is a co-inhibitor of corrosion due to the presence of amine groups in the structure. In addition, special disinfecting installations are not required, the coatings are decorative, economical and aesthetic (primers and paints will be produced with colored pigments). Disinfectant Discontinent is included in the "List of disinfectants of foreign and domestic production, registered in the Russian Federation." As a result of the studies, it was found that the coating of paint-disinfectant extends the time period for its use, due to the low speed of sublimation from the inner layers of the paint coating than from an aqueous 1 – 6 % solution. The proposed disinfectant is characterized in that for the first time it is proposed to use paint and varnish and finishing building materials as a disinfectant for coating surfaces of premises and equipment with disinfecting properties. As a disinfectant, we use a new generation of disinfectants Deskonten. The provision of highly effective disinfecting paints and varnishes and building materials for veterinary surveillance facilities in Russia, the CIS countries and Central Asia is necessary for the veterinary and sanitary welfare of livestock. The main purpose of disinfection is to break the epizootic chain by acting on its most important link – the transmission factor of the pathogen from the source of infection to the susceptible body. Key words: disinfectants, biosafety, cattle, antimicrobial action, anti-epizootic measures, infectious diseases.


51 Semenov V.G., Tyurin V.G., Potyemkina N.N., Sakharov A.Yu., Vinogradov P.N., Silvestrova I.G. Veterinary and hygienic assessment of the polymer material Penoplex used in animal husbandry

The article presents data on veterinary-sanitary and hygienic assessment of the polymer material Penoplex. The above material is made of Styrofoam and is used in many areas of production, including reducing heat loss of livestock facilities. Cattle and pig manure was used as a contact medium with the material under study. The duration of contact with the material (exposure) was 30 days. To study the resistance of the material to disinfectants, we used: 10 % sodium alkali solution (80 0C); 5 % solution of soda ash (70 0C); clarified solution of bleach containing 3 % active chlorine; 40 % solution of formaldehyde; 2% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Studies of samples of the polymer material Penoplex for resistance to animal secretions and disinfectants have shown that the polymer material is resistant to them. During the experiment and after its completion, the Penoplex material had no visually visible changes on the outer layer. The used disinfectants and the model environment did not violate the structure of the polymer material Penoplex. A slight change in the color of the Penoplex was found on the 20th day of exposure to a 10 % solution of sodium alkali with a temperature of plus 70 0C. For sanitary and bacteriological evaluation of the polymer material Penoplex, the disk method was used. Of the test material was prepared disks with a diameter of 10 mm. as a control, used the discs from the tree. Studies have found that Penoplex does not affect sanitary-indicative microorganisms and is neutral in relation to their growth, which indicates that there is no release of substances from it into the environment that can delay or stimulate the growth of test cultures. The veterinary-sanitary and hygienic assessment of the polymer material Penoplex is the basis to recommend it for use in the construction of livestock buildings and inclusion as an addition to the current List of polymer materials and structures permitted for use in the construction and technological equipment of livestock facilities" in the prescribed manner. Key words: styrofoam, polymer materials, sanitary-indicative microorganisms, hygienic assessment, stability.



55 Melikidi V.Kh., Novikova N.I., Grudinina T.N., Gorfunkel E.P., Tyurina D.G. About the survival of probiotic bacteria Bacillus spp. and Enterococcus faeсium in vitro conditions imitating the gastrointestinal tract of animals

There are presented the investigation the properties of probiotic bacteria Bacillus sp. and Enterococcus faecium to survive in vitro conditions imitating the gastrointestinal tract of animals. These types of bacteria are part of a commercial probiotic used for feeding farm animals. Key words: imitating the gastrointestinal tract of animals, probiotics, Bacillus sp., Enterococcus faecium, survival.

57 Azarnova T.O., Korshunova A.A., Anshakov D.V. Transovarially used amino acid L-tryptophan effects on the organism of chicken embryos

Transovarial treatment of chicken eggs by the amino acid L-tryptophan has a stimulating effect on the intensity of protein and carbohydrate metabolism in day old chickens, which is manifested by an increase in their body weight. Key words: chickens, embryogenesis, metabolism, tryptophan.


61 Mineev A.K. Liver histopathology in roach (Rutilus rutilus) and bleak (Alburnus alburnus) from a polluted section of the Pozim river (Udmurt Republic)

An analysis of the histological state of the liver in two mass species of cyprinid fish: roach (Rutilus rutilus Linnaeus, 1758) and bleak (Alburnus alburnus Linnaeus, 1758) from the section of the Pozim river, located in the city limits of Izhevsk. In the conditions of the watercourse, fish show signs of chronic toxicosis, the severity of which corresponded to 2 – 4 points, according to the five-point system for assessing the ichthyotoxicological condition of animals. Six types of liver histopathology with different degrees of severity and severity were found, and the dynamics of their occurrence in both fish species was shown. The variety of histopathological changes found in the liver is a consequence of the influence of a wide range of organic and inorganic pollutants on hydrobionts. Key words: fish liver histopathology, Pozim river, anthropogenic influence, pollutants.


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CONTENTS №10-2020