CONTENTS №5-2018

Lozovoy D.A., Scherbakov A.V., Zakharov V.M., Fomina S.N.  Phylogenetic characteristics of the isolates of the virus type O, taked in Russian Federation

Russian Federation is not FMD endemic. FMD type O outbreaks in 1995 – 2017 were caused by the infections introduced from neighboring countries. It is demonstrated that different virus topotypes and genetic lineages/strains were introduced at different time periods and suggest intensive evolution of this FMDV type in nature. That necessitates immediate studying of the virus antigenic and genetic characteristics in order to prepare new production strains for diagnostic and vaccine preparations in a timely manner in case of emergency. Key words: foot and mouth disease in the Russian Federation, foot and mouth disease virus, phylogenetic analysis.


Lavrukhina O.I. The aspects of control veterinary drug residue in meat and meat products

Main aspects of the animal product safety regulation in the Russian Federation, China, EU, USA and Brazil are described in the paper. Noncompliance to and/or lack of maximum residue levels of veterinary drug in meat and meat products indicate the necessity for the further harmonization of the relevant regulatory documents between countries. Key words: safety, meat, veterinary drugs, control, regulatory documents.

16 Kashcheeva M.A., Vasilevich F.I., Stafford V.V.  Histological features of chickens vaccinated against coccidiosis

The article highlights the results of pathomorphological alterations in small and large intestine of chickens, vaccinated against avian coccidiosis with live attenuated vaccine "Evalon" (Hipra Lab., Spain). Post-vaccination reactions and efficacy of immune response were assessed by histological research and OPG monitoring. Key words: immunoprophylaxis of avian coccidiosis, vaccines against coccidiosis, Evalon, post-vaccination reactions, histological study.


22 Stafford V.V., Drozdova E.I. The use of the immuno-histological technique for diagnostics of PCV-2 and PRRS infection

Losses of farms from infection of porcine circovirus type 2 and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome are caused by their negative impact on the productivity and reproduction of animals, as well as by the costs of treatment. The similarity of clinical manifestations and pathomorphological changes dictates the necessity of using specific methods for their differential diagnosis. To solve such a problem we used a complex histological method including the detection of histological changes and antigens of pathogens in the sections of target organs. Direct and indirect variants of immunohistochemical analysis were used respectively to detect porcine circovirus type 2 and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in tissues. Localization antigens of these pathogens in mononuclear cells of lungs and lymph nodes was established. The time taken to conduct the test (including time for preparing sections) was 2 days. Key words: immunohystochemestry, monoclonal antibodies, pathomorphology, PCV-2, PRRSV, polyclonal antibodies, sections, swine.

25 Sanin A.V., Annikov V.V., Rasstrigin A.E., Zaripova T.E., Narovlyansky A.N., Pronin A.V., Sanina V.Yu., Kozhevnikova T.N.  Clinical efficacy of Gamapren in the treatment of feline calicivirus infection: a controlled study

Feline calicivirus infection is an acute infectious disease characterized by lesions of the respiratory tract, clinically manifested by formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth and rarely on the skin in the back of the nose. The causative agent is a non-enveloped RNA-containing virus from the Caliciviridae family. Under observation there were 15 kittens with caliciviruses infection, which were divided into 3 groups of 5 animals in each. The control group was treated only by etiotropic therapy, which included intramuscular injections of ceftriaxone once a day during 5 days (for the suppression of secondary bacterial infections) and sanation of the oral mucosa with chlorhexidine. The experimental groups I and II were additionally treated with Gamaprene – 2 times a day at the recommended dose for 5 days, subcutaneously or orally, respectively. All animals received commercial moist food. The use of gamaprene shortened the periods of clinical recovery, contributed to a significant increase in the level of globulins and total protein in comparison with the control, reduced the acute inflammatory reaction and restored the normal level of transferases. This immunomodulator showed a similar therapeutic efficacy in both administration protocols. Key words: calicivirosis, cat, gamapren, immunomodulators, infections, phosphorylated polyprenols, therapy, viruses.

32 Akulova A.P., Kazarinov N.P., Donchenko N.A. Experimental intralung inoculation of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis to outbred mice

An attempt was made to reproduce paratuberculosis in non-linear laboratory mice by intrapulmonary inoculation of 0,1 mg of culture Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis. The experimental disease progressed during 72 days (observation period). There were found in the lungs of mice pathological changes characteristic for bilateral large-focal bronchopneumonia and acid-fast mycobacteria and in the small intestine – hyperemia and edema of the mucous membrane. Key words: Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, bronchopneumonia, mouse, paratuberculosis,  pathomorphology,  experimental infection.


37 Safiullin R.T., Kotkov A.V.  Esophagostomosis of pigs in conditions of specialized industrial farms

Among intestinal nematodes of pigs in conditions of specialized industrial farms, the most common is esophagostomosis, whose infection in sows and fattening pigs is 40-70% or more. Young pigs become infected with esophagostome from the first days of life when ingestion of invasive larvae through contaminated nipples of queens, with food and water in places of detention. In farms where esophagostomosis is established, treatment and prophylactic measures are carried out based on a real epizootic situation, taking into account the technology of keeping pigs and the direction of the farm. Schemes of dehelminthization of pigs of different ages with the use of drugs are suggested: fenbendazol, albendazol, tetramizol, ivermectin. Key words: pigs, industrial type farms, esophagostomosis, schemes of dehelminthization of pigs of different ages, effective preparations.

43 Belkin E.A. Deltanil – modern mean for control of ectoparasites in cattle

Diseases caused by different ectoparasites (tics, lice, gadflies, etc.) are ubiubiquitous in beef and dairy cattle. To prevent the decline in performance and economic losses in livestock, it is necessary to use insectoacaricides, which are allowed for veterinary use. The most commonly used drugs are deltamethrin-based. This article presents the experience of using Deltanil (VIRBAC, France) in the prevention of ectoparasitic diseases in cattle, where its effectiveness, economy and performance was proved. Key words: ectoparasites, cattle, insectoacaricides, choriosis, deltamethrin, Deltanil.


46 Filatov  A.V., Shemuranova N.A., Sapozhnikov A.F. Influence of Azoxivet immune status of pregnant cows on their offspring

The article presents the results of the study the effectiveness of the drug Azoxivet for treatment pregnant cows. It was established that this immunomodulator has a positive effect on the organism of cows and activates the production of colostrum, as well as increases the productive performance and viability of calves due to mediated immunocorrection. Key word: Azoxivet, immunomodulator, cows, calves, blood, colostrum, productivity.

50 Kotsarev V.N., Brigadirov Yu.N., Shaposhnikov I.T., Lobanov A.E., Volkova I.V.  Hormonal status of sows with the reproductive system pathology of an inflammatory nature

In the experiment on 20 sows clinically healthy and with the risk of development of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs the study with the purpose of establishing the contents of progesterone, estradiol-17β and cortisol on 23 – 25, 72 – 74, 110 – 112 days of gestation on the 3 – 4th day of lactation and before weaning was provided. Different values of their content in different periods of the research which can be used for forecasting the risk of development and diagnostics of inflammatory processes in reproductive organs of sows are established. Key words: sows, pregnancy, lactation, reproductive organs, inflammatory processes, blood, steroid hormones.


54 Berkovskiy A.L., Sergeeva E.V., Suvorov A.V. Diagnosis of hemostasis disorders in animals

Data on the hemostatic system, its diagnostic significance for various pathologies in animals, methods for laboratory testing of primary and secondary hemostasis, algorithm of diagnosis their derangements are presented. The need for standardization of determining hemostasis parameters in animals according to existing requirements is indicated and appropriate recommendations are given. Key words: hemostasis, veterinary practice, diagnostics, laboratory methods.

58 Soboleva N.A., Kolesnichenko I.S., Kurmakaeva T.V. The safety of GrowLife® bio-complexe for broiler-chickens

Biocomplex GrouLife® is a food supplement for chickens. It demonstrates an anti-stress effect and stabilizes metabolic processes by enriching the diet with vitamins and minerals. Dynamics of broiler weight gain during the experiment showed its growth-stimulating effect. The results of the veterinary and sanitary expertise showed that the poultry meat that received this food supplement during first 2 weeks of life is benign and has no restrictions for the implementation. The undesirable side effects of inclusion of the GroauLife® biocomplex in the ration of chickens were not recorded. Key words: broilers, veterinary sanitary examination,   hematologic indices, infusoria, average daily weight gain, food supplement, Tetrachimena piriformis.



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CONTENTS №5-2018