About editorial board
ANO «Veterinary Medicine Journal»
Autonomous non-commercial organization «Veterinary Medicine Journal» contributes to the broadening of knowledge and awareness, as well as improvement in professional skills of veterinarians across the country. It also promotes closer dialogue and cooperation between veterinarians in different regions of Russian and abroad.
ANO «Veterinary Medicine Journal» was established to perform all services required for the publication of monthly journal “Veterinaria”, which covers issues related to the antiepioozotic, antiparasitic, veterinary-sanitory actions as well as findings and accomplishments of Russian and foreign scientists. The journal publishes articles written by practitioners and veterinarians, various advertisements of new products, medicine, vaccines, diagnosticums, equipment and instruments. All these materials carry significant value of the exchange of practical experience, sustainable veterinary environment and production of cattle products of highest sanitary quality.
ANO «Veterinary Medicine Journal» is responsible for publication and distribution of journal, marketing and advertising as well as participation in exhibitions and presentations.