About the journal

It began in May 1924. Since the publication of the name of the journal changed: in 1924 the «practice veterinary medicine and breeding», in 1928 - 32 «Practice veterinary medicine», in 1932 – 40 – «Sovetskaya veterinary medicine», from 1941 – «veterinary». The main task – lighting scientific achievements and pioneer experience in prevention and treatment of diseases of agricultural and industrial animals,  zoohygiena, veterinary-sanitary examination of products of animal origin, the organization of veterinary services and veterinary supplies. The journal's editorial Board comprised of individuals representing a variety of specialty veterinary medicine. Under the log it consisted of prominent representatives of science and practical health.

«Veterinary medicine» has the following headings: practice: experience, problems, prospects; infectious diseases, parasitic diseases, obstetrics, gynecology; zoohygiena, sanitation, ecology; non-communicable diseases; pharmacology and toxicology; veterinary-sanitary examination; laboratory practice; diseases of small domestic animals; training; abroad; from the history of veterinary medicine; criticism; information.

Thematic content of the log changes depending on the current problems of science and practice.

In 1974 for the promotion of the achievements of science and the best practices of the magazine was awarded the order «Sign of Honour».

Organization of the magazine «veterinary medicine» (1924) coincided with the period of restoration of the economy of the country after a devastating civil war, when on its territory were distributed devastating plague epizootics cattle, glanders horses, anthrax, mass blood parasite of diseases of animals, the elimination of which the major role played by the printed word magazine.

Of great importance the activity log in the years of the great Patriotic war and after war period, mobilising not only veterinary specialists, but also all workers of agriculture for overcoming the difficulties caused by the war and its aftermath.

During all the years of its existence, the journal carries out the active work on improvement of veterinary Affairs, organization of anti-epidemic and sanitary and veterinary measures. Published on its pages articles of scholars, practitioners, workers of veterinary institutions are of great importance for exchange of experience, ensuring sustainable veterinary well-being of receipt of the livestock products of high quality public health. Among the materials of the journal worthy and permanent place occupy article academicians and corresponding members of Russian Academy of agricultural Sciences, staff and graduate students research institutions, which covers the latest recommendations of scientists.

Journal appears 12 times a year.

Index of subscription in a catalogue 70130.

ISSN 0042-4846

109316 Volgogradsky prospect, bld. 2, Moscow, Russia.

autonomous noncommercial organization «Editorial office of J. Veterinariya».

Tel./fax (495)730-37-99

E-mail: anovet 24@gmail.com


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About the journal