CONTENTS №1-2016
3 Sereda A.D., Goghin A.E., Lunitsin A.V. Scenario of the event on prevention and elimination of African swine fever in the regions of Russian Federation
The key measures on the prevention and eradication of ASF – decrease the proportion of pig farms with low level of biosecurity and decrease the number of wild boar in nine regions of the Russian Federation have been assessed. The analysis was based on the ranking of activity. Five of nine possible scenarios assessed as effective. High level of compartmentalization achieved in Belgorodskaya oblast and Krasnodarskiy kray led to decrease of the number of ASF outbreaks. Inversely unfulfilled or delayed implementation of these measures in some of the regions resulted in complication of the situation on ASF. It is noted that action plans on prevention and control of ASF should be long-term. Key words: Аfrican swine fever, compartmentalization, reduction in the number of wild boar, pig breeding.
9 Redkozybova L.I. Control of clostridia is the systematic vaccination
Clostridium is spread among all types of animals that is the reason of cost-effectiveness decrease of production. Using Millenium vaccine you have an opportunity to solve the problem of 11 types of clostridium of swine and cattle. Key words: clostridiosis, animals, vaccine, Millenium.
12 Vozmilov A.G., Andreev L.N. Energy-efficient technologies microclimate in livestock
A number of problems are associated with high stocking density of animals in a limited space appeared in the conditions of industrial livestock complexes. They include firstly high consumption of energy to create an optimal climate, the growth of the risk spreading infections, increasing ecological pressures on the environment and the deterioration of working conditions of farm staff. One of the main ways of their solution is the use of effective methods ventilation of livestock buildings. It is proposed to use for this purpose a partial recirculation of the air with its high-performance simultaneous cleaning and disinfecting. Application of the wet electrostatic precipitator increases the effectiveness of air purification from dust, microorganisms and such harmful gases as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. Key words: ammonia, microclimate, microorganisms, air circulation, disinfection, dust particles, wet electrostatic precipitator, hydrogen sulfide.
18 Strizhackova O.M., Kurinnov V.V., Strizhackov A.A. Biological characteristics of an epizootic strain “Gubkinsky-94” of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus
We studied some biological characteristics of an epizootic strain “Gubkinsky-94” and determined that the virus accumulated at the highest levels in cell cultures PK-15, SPEV and/or PSGK at the multiplicity of infection of 0,01 TCID50/cell. The virus is highly pathogenic for suckling pigs, and the virus titer in 1- to 2-day old piglets was as much as 7,5 LD50/cm3. The organ where the TGE strain “Gubkinsky-94” virus basically accumulated was small intestine. The virus was excreted in fecal matter at high concentrations. The peak level of the virus shedding was observed 72 to 96 hours post infection. Key words: porcine transmissible gastroenteritis, infectious activity, biological characteristics.
22 Feodorova V.A., Polyanina T.I., Saltykov Yu.V., Zaytsev S.S., Laskavy V.N., Ulianova O.V., Motin V.L. Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in aborted ewes
For the first time, the Chlamydia trachomatis genovar E bacteria that were previously considered as the causative agent of urogenital chlamydial infections only in humans were found in clinical specimens derived from both urogenital tract and blood of asymptomatic aborted ewes. Comparison of sequences of gene omp1 from the C. trachomatis derived from the aborting ewe, with those from clinical isolates of C. trachomatis derived from patients with genital Chlamydial infection that were deposited at GenBank and annotated previously revealed their absolute homology and close phylogenetic relationship. The epidemic and epizootologic potential of this species of Chlamydia are discussed. Key words: Chlamydia trachomatis, omp1, Chlamydiacеae, genital Chlamydial infection, zoonotic Chlamydia infection, enzootic abortion of ewes, phylogenetic analysis.
26 Skorodumov D.I., Karabanov S.Y. Microflora associated with canine otitis
Staph. aureus, Staph. intermedius, Str. pyogenes and Malassezia spp. were the most frequently isolated microorganisms from ears affected otitis of 50 dogs. P. aeruginosa was detected in the cases of chronic otitis with prolonged antibiotic therapy. Many bacterial isolates form a biofilm which should be considered when the conduct antibiotic otitis in dogs. Key words: bacterium, biofilm, otitis, dog.
29 Kuznetsov Y.E., Smirnov A.A., Nikonova E.B. The effectiveness of the polar fox Eprimeka
The paper describes the course of the production test of the new antiparasitic Eprimek on arctic fox farm in the Leningrad region. The studies found that the drug has a high Eprimek antiparasitic efficacy against different types of worms, arahnozov and enthomosis identified on the farm in foxes. The effectiveness of this drug against toxocariasis, toksaskarioza and trihotsefalidoza foxes at a dose of 0,2 ml per 10 kg (200 mg per 1 kg of body weight of the animal on the RFE) intramuscularly, once, was 93,3 – 96,6 %. Efficacy Eprimek dose of 0,2 ml per 10 kg of body weight of the animal and against afanipteroza was 100 %. Key words: fur animals, arctic foxes, intestinal parasites, arachnoenthomosis, toksaskaridoz, toxocariasis, trichocephalosis, anthelmintic.
31 Korennik I.V., Titov V.A. The main aspects of the treatment of cow endometritis
Bareness cows causing great economic damage because this damage consists of non-payment and costs on the maintenance of infertile cows. Infertility and low output of calves contribute from many reasons such as poor feeding, poor maintenance, improper maintenance and use of animals. Infertility occurs in consequence of various diseases of the genital organs to which belongs and endometritis. Postpartum endometritis cause great economic losses, especially on dairy. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of puerperal endometritis should paid particular attention to. Key words: endometritis, Ceftiofur, Norokarp, Karprofen, Oligovit, vitamins, Metriciklin, Chlortetracycline.
36 Tyurin V.G., Biryukov K.N., Myisova G.N., Polevoy A.I., Korhgevenko G.N. Environmentally safe way to burn manure
The data show that the use of fireworks filtration combustion for the combustion of manure in case of especially dangerous infections. Keywords: manure, burning, pyrotechnics, test-culture.
39 Shiriev V.M., Aminova A.L., Yakhin F.F., Ardashirov S.S., Rameev T.V., Pankratova A.V. The use of vitamin-aminoacid drug Witham for dyspepsia of calves
Therapeutic and preventive effect of vitamin and amino acid preparation Witham was studied in calves early period of postnatal development. Keywords: aminoacids, calves, dyspepsia, prevention, vitamins.
41 Berezina Yu.A., Koshurnikova M.A., Domski I.A., Bespyatykh O.Yu. Seasonal and sexual characteristics of hematological parameters at the adult blue fox
The values of hematological parameters at the adult blue fox dependence from the season of the year. The values of red blood cells were maximum in winter and the minimum in summer; the values of white blood cells were maximum in spring and the minimum in winter. Sex of the animals does not affect hematological parameters. Key words: hematology, blue fox, blood, seasonal and sex characteristics.
44 Nikolayev V.M., Semyonova K.E., Naumova Y.I., Vladimirov L.N., Golderova A.S., Kuzmina S.S., Fyodorova S.A. Functional activity of white blood cells and non-specific adaptive response of rats to the cold
Adaptation to the cold, as to the environmental stress factor, produces weakening of cell-mediated immunity and change of non-specific adaptive response in rats. The level of these effects depends from the time of exposure to the cold. Key words: adaptation, cell-mediated immunity, cold, non-specific adaptive response, stress.
47 Shabunin S.V., Belyaev V.I., Efanova L.I., Alekhin Yu.N. Biological toxicants of alimentary origin
The study evaluated the level of contamination of feeds for farm animals with pathogenic microflora, microfungi and mycotoxines (MTX). From 2006 to 2012, 3620 samples of 16 feed types from 175 farms from various regions of the RF were subject to quality analysis. Samples were taken and investigated with the use of bacteriological, mycological and mycotoxicological methods in accordance with generally accepted regulatory documents and GOSTs (State Standards). During the period under study pathogenic microflora has been detected in 572 (20,1 %) samples. 36,3 % grain mix samples, 17,1 % barley samples, 26,7 % meat and bone meal samples, 5,6 % maize samples, 14,1 % pig compound feed samples and 12,3 % poultry compound feed samples did not meet microbiological safety requirements. The mycological analysis of feeding grain (barley, wheat, maize, oat and pea) has detected epidermal spore contamination in 100 % samples and sub-epidermal spore contamination in 84,5 % samples. The total fungi number (TFN) in 42,6 % samples exceeded the value 5х104 d/g (diaspore/gram), in the remaining samples 57,4 % the index was below 5х104 d/g. In granulated and non-granulated pig compound feed in 40,7 % samples no microfungi (MF) have been detected, in 48,7 % the TFN was lower than 5х104 d/g, in 10,6 % the TFN exceeded 5х104 d/g; in poultry compound feed the percentage was 6,9 %, 86,2 and 6,9 %, respectively. The MF have been isolated from grains in 100 % samples, for pig compound feed and poultry compound feed the percentage was respectively 59,3 % and 83,1 %. The analysis of 3620 samples of various feed types has shown a high level of contamination (C) with mycotoxines (MTX). The predominant contaminants were metabolites of Fusarium microfungi: DON (93,3 %), Т-2-toxin (59,8 %), zearalenon (53,2 %), less abundant were ochratoxin А1 (17,6 %) and aflatoxin В1 (1,5 %). MTX content in samples of various feed types in 9,6 % cases exceeded the maximum permissible concentration of one of the above MTX and in 76,8 % cases from 2 to 4 MTXs have been detected, what is dangerous to animal health. With reference to the obtained data and the adopted Principles of the Government of the RF, the authors recommend to carry out a regular monitoring of feeds, a microbiological, mycological, mycotoxicological control of vegetable feeds and compound feeds for preventing diseases and death of animals because of feeds contaminated with pathogenic microflora etc. For feed detoxification enterosorbents on different basis (aluminosilicates, active carbon, toxin biotransformers) and complex formulations such as Fungistat K, ecofiltrum, Lactur probiotic etc. should be used. For feed decontamination from pathogenic microflora heat treatment, irradiation, treatment with chemicals (formic, acetic, propionic acid, neutral anolyte) should be used. Table 1. Bibl. 9. Key words: feeds, animals, contamination, pathogenic microflora, microscopic fungi, micotoxicants, prophylaxis, monitoring, detoxication.
51 Tolmachev A. N., Kulakova T.M., Malinin R.V., Larichev O.V., Maslovskiy K.S., Garbuzov A.V. New enzyme drugs for animals
There are presented data about growth-stimulating activity, prevented and therapeutic effectivity of enzyme drugs GastroVet-2 and GastroVet forte at productive animal’s gastro-intestinal diseases. Results of researches show the effectiveness, safety, absent of adverse reactions and negative side effects during their prolonged use. Key words: therapy, prophylaxis, calves, enzymes.
54 Gerasimova N.N., Tsybanov S.G., Kolbasov D.V. Development of Real Time RT-PCR test-system to identify of equine infectious anemia virus
An original system «oligonucleotide primers – DNA-probe» has been designed as a basis for Real Time RT-PCR for detection of equine infectious anemia virus. Data on the assessment of analytical sensitivity and specificity of the method are represented. Key words: Equine infectious anemia, Real Time RT-PCR, specificity, sensitivity of the method.