CONTENTS №1-2017

3          Makarov V.V. Anthrax in the early 21st century

The most common bioecological elements of the anthrax infectious cycle determining epizootic appearance are considered. The features of the global and RF nosological area in the early 21st century are presented. Key words: anthrax,  Bacillus  anthracis, infection, worldwide.


9          Biryukova N.P., Rusakov S.V. Safety monitoring of veterinary medicines as the basis of their rational use

The article describes the national system of pharmacovigilance, ensuring the safety of veterinary medicines. Recommendations for the prevention of their side effects and information to be contained in the messages in the event of adverse reactions in the animals have been given. Key words: adverse reaction, drug, monitoring, pharmacovigilance.

13      Smolensky V.I.Kiselev A.L.  Evaluation of the effectiveness of combined use of live and inactivated vaccines against Newcastle disease in growing broiler chickens

The article presents the data about including new vaccines against  Newcastle disease in the plan of veterinary measures of closed cycle broiler’s  poultry farm of Moscow region.  Inactivated vaccine VIR 121 and live vaccine VIR 116 manufactured by Biovac company (Israel) allowed to maintain a high level of protection of  broiler chickens  against  Newcastle disease. Key words: Newcastle disease, broilers, vaccine, immunity, poultry industry.

15        Pereslegina I.O., Sanin A.V., Pronin A.V.,  Narovljansky A.N., Sanina A.A. The effectiveness of Gamavit in the treatment of feline haemobartonellosis (hemoplasmosis)

Two clinical cases of haemobartonellosis in cats are described. The diagnosis was confirmed with blood smears, stained by Romanovsky-Giemsa, and according to clinical blood analysis. As a specific means of therapy doxycycline was used. In one cat additionally Gamavit was applied, widely used for correction of anemia in piroplasmosis. Gamavit was injected subcutaneously beginning from Day 1 at a dose of 1.5 ml, twice a day for 5 days, then once every 3 days at a dose of 2 ml. It was shown that Gamavit induced faster recovering of blood count, and normalized indicators of erythropoiesis: the average contents and average hemoglobin concentration in erythrocyte, level of hemoglobin and number of erythrocytes. Thus, Gamavit  can be recommended for correction of anemia in cats with haemobartonellosis. Key words: feline haemobartonellosis, anemia, Gamavit, hemoplasma.


19        Morozova D.Yu.Nogina I.V., Gavrilov C.E., Sereda A.D.  Canine distemper in pigs

Canine distemper virus (CDV) has a wide host range in both natural and experimental conditions. Most of terrestrial carnivores belonging to the families like Canidae (dogs, foxes, coyotes, wolves and jackals), Mustelidae (weasels, ferrets, minks, skunks, badgers, stoats, martens and otters), Procyonidea (raccoons, panda, cat ferrets and kinkajous), Ursidae (mongooses), Hyaenidae, Ailuridae or Viverridae die or manifest clinical signs of the disease when infected with CDV. Furthemore, the members of  Felidae (cats, lions, tigers and leopards) and Suidae (domestic pigs) families were also found to be susceptible to CDV infection, though the clinical signs are not manifested generally. This work is aimed at studying the special characteristics of an inapparent CDV infection in pigs. An intranasal challenge with a virulent CDV strain Snyder Hill showed that compared to the initial level, the blood leukocyte concentrations on days 4 and 7 decreased by 2,8 and 3,1 times, and the proliferative response of lymphocytes to T-mitogen decreased by 27,7 and 15,8 times and to B-mitogen by 37,4 and 24,9 times, respectively. The leukocyte concentrations in blood and the functional activity levels of T- and B-lymphocytes were restored only on days 21 to 35. Using a passive hemagglutination  assay, CDV antigens in saliva samples were detected in the period from day 5 up to days 12 – 15 post infection. The highest CDV antigen concentrations in saliva  were reached by day 7 or 8, with the CDV infectivity titers in swine saliva samples amounting 2,5 to 3,0 lg TCID50/cm3.  Key words: canine distemper virus, pigs, immunosuppression, viral shedding.

23  Anoyatbekova A.M., Alexeyenkova S.V., Yurov K.P.  Molecular-evolutionary genetic analysis of the Border disease virus detected in sheep in Tajikistan

In the Republic of Tajikistan has been detected Border disease virus (BDV) in sheep with the pathology of the respiratory and reproductive system. The virus genome is similar to that of the BDV strain "297" from Slovakia, isolated from the sheep in 2013, and the strain «AH12-02 5 'UTR» of BDV isolated from goats in 2012 in China. The homology is 91%. The virus supposedly belongs to genotype 3, but forms a separate cluster and is significantly different from the strains of the group assigned to the genotype 3 previously. Key words: sheep, border disease, RT-PCR, phylogenetic analysis, genotype, Tajikistan, Agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID).

26        Rudenko P.A. Antagonism probiotic microflora against purulent-septic diseases of cats

The article presents the results of the determination of antagonistic activity of probiotic microflora in relation to the agents of purulent-septic diseases of cats. It is shown that strains L. plantarum Victoria 22, L. rhamnosus   26 and L. acidophilus 24 had the most pronounced antagonistic properties compare with another lacto- and bifidobacteria. Key words: bacterial antagonism, bifidobacteria, cat, lactobacteria, purulent-septic infection.


32       Varlamova A.I.  Anthelmintic efficacy of supramolecular fenbendazole complex against nematodosis of younger cattle

Anthelmintic efficacy of supramolecular fenbendazole complex against the main nematodosis of younger cattle was studied. The drug were produced by mechanochemical technology with Drug Delivery System. Complex in a doses of 3, 2 and 1 mg/kg of active substance was shown respectively 100; 96,0 and 79,7 % efficacy against gastrointestinal strongylate, 100; 96,7 and 85,0 % efficacy against Dictyocaulus viviparus. Efficacy of complex in a dose of 3 mg/kg was against Strongyloides sp. 100 %, Trichocephalus sp. 97,4 %. Key words: younger cattle, nematodes, supramolecular complex, fenbendazole, efficacy.

35        Belomitceva E.S., Safiullin R.T. The active ingredients included in the composition of modern drugs against blood protozoan infestations transmitted by Ixodes ticks

The active ingredients included in the composition of modern drugs against blood protozoan infestations transmitted by Ixodes ticks (review and analysis). For every veterinarian the treatment of diseases transmitted by ticks, starts with the selection of the principal antiprotozoal drugs  – analysis of active ingredient and possible side effects. Key words: active substance, antiprotozoal drugs, mutant gene, collie.


38        Skorikov     V.N.,  Nezdanov A.G., Mikhalev     V.I. Obstetric аnd gynecologic pathology in fresh cows of simmental breed under various ages of beginning reproduction

The article represents the evaluation of heifers’ functional state at the final stage of gestation under various ages of beginning reproduction (14 – 15, 16 – 18, 20 and more months). The differences in metabolic rates, endocrine status and functional activity of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, vaginal microbiota were detected. The complications of labor and postpartum period in heifers inseminated at the age of 14 – 15 and 20 months were registered 1,9 – 2,4 times more often than in animals inseminated at the age of 16 – 18 months. Key words: heifers, fresh cows, metabolism, postnatal and disease pathology. 


42        Tashbulatov A.A. A new effective combat against flies in poultry farms

With the help of insecticide adultitcide Alfa Vet (10 % alfatсipermetrin and 1,5 % tetramethrin), FLY CLEAN (azamethiphos 10 %, pheromone, bitrex) and larvicide LARVA CLEAN (50 % cyromazine) it’s possible to more effectively destroy the population of flies (adults and larvae) in poultry farms. FLY CLEAN and LARVA CLEAN can be used both in free and busy bird premises. Key words: adulticide, disinfestation, flies, larvicide, poultry.


45       Degtarev V.P., Fedotov S.V., Udalov G.M. Рrophylaxis of acute gastrointestinal diseases of newborn calves

When conducting a 5-year monitoring on large dairy farms it was noted that the incidence of neonatal calves with acute gastrointestinal diseases has been on a steady upward trend. Based on the analysis of these studies calves received from dairy cows kept on the farms of the Altai territory, the Moscow and Kaluga regions, the interrelation between the anatomical and physiological conditions of the digestive system of newborns and conditions of keeping and feeding animals heavily pregnant with the subsequent occurrence of acute gastrointestinal diseases of young animals. Key words: neonatal calves, cows down-calving, anatomo-physiological features of digestive system, prevention and therapy of acute gastrointestinal diseases.

50     Omarov M.O., Slesareva O.A., Osmanova S.O. Effect of amino acid imbalance in the ration on the morphology of animal liver

The article considers the impact of various forms of amino acid imbalance in the diet on morphological changes in the liver of laboratory animals. Key words: laboratory animals, amino acids, histology, infiltration, liver, lysine, methionine, pathology, threonine, tryptophan.

53      Svintsov R.A., Abramova E.G., Generalov S.V., Zhulidov I.M., Nikiforov A.K. Concerning anemia in horses – producers of anti-rabies  serum

Described are the indicators of anemia development in serum-horses over the course of production usage. Evaluated is red blood cells count and the content of hemoglobin in blood. Anemia profile has been identified by means of color index (hemoglobin value). Put forward is a simplified method for its assessment with quotient evaluation for both, the horses and other animal species. It is revealed that post-hemorrhagic anemia in horse-producers assumes a hypoplastic character with prolongation of useful lifecycle. The data obtained provide for accurate treatment-and-preventive operations and for the extension of terms of effective animal use. Key words: horse-producer, anemia, red blood cells, hemoglobin, color index.


57    Smirnova I.R., Shopinskaya M.I., Satyukova L.P.  Impact of functional poultry feather keratin on the nutritional value of chicken meat

Chicken meat contains all the substances essential for wholesome human nutrition; it is the prime source of basic dietary ingredients like proteins, fats, macro- and microelements, and vitamins. The ingredients are in optimum qualitative and quantitative proportions and are readily assimilated in the human body. The meat has excellent dietary value and taste. Successful poultry farming requires fodder supplies to compensate for the deficit of animal-derived protein feed. Functional feather keratin (FFK) is one feed used for this purpose. The main advantage of this hydrolysate is its high biological value, which depends on a high content of protein (up to 90 %) and essential amino acids. Testing of poultry fed with FFK-based fodder for meat dietary value included the chemical composition of chest and femoral muscles in chickens and the biological value of muscle tissue. Key words: poultry, nutritional value, chemical formulation, lean tissue, functional keratin of poultry feather.


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CONTENTS №1-2017