CONTENTS №1-2019
3 Glotov A.G., Glotova T.I., Semenova O.V., Nikonova A.A. Duration and intensity of the passive and adaptive immunity against respiratory viruses in calves in large dairy farms
A serological examination of calves at the age from 10 days to 16 months was carried out in 4 dairy complexes unfavorable for respiratory diseases. The calves were not vaccinated. It was established that the intensity and duration of passive and acquired immunity to BHV-1, BVDV, PIV-3 and BRSV depends on the presence of colostral antibodies. In first farm colostrum was not boiled to calves, in the second farm it was boiled only to calves born in the daytime and in the remaining two farms - to all newborn animals. The duration and intensity of passive and adaptive immunity to viruses on farms was different and depends on the presence of colostral antibodies. In the first farm antibodies to viruses were not detected in calves and the initial signs of respiratory diseases were manifested in them at the age of 10 – 60 days. The second peak of the respiratory diseases was recorded at 2 – 3 months, and by the age of 6 months pneumonia become chronic. The nature of diseases manifestations was similar as in the first farm. In other two farms the titers of the colostral antibodies were higher and remained on such level until 2 – 3 months age. The signs of viral infections were registered, cases of bacterial pneumonia were rarely recorded. Identification of specific reduction of colostral antibodies in cattle is important to determine the time of primary immunization and control of dynamics adaptive immunity to determine the timing revaccination to enhance population immunity. Vaccination schemes against viral infections of cattle can not be universal for all farms. Key words: calves, colostral immunity, adaptive immunity, viruses, antibodies, bovine viral diarrhea, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, parainfluenza-3, respiratory diseases, respiratory syncytial virus, seroconversion, vaccination.
10 Khlopitsky V.P., Filatov A.V., Ushakova L.M., Azamov M.A. Antimicrobic and uterotonic activity of a complex drug Мetramag®-15 at postnatal and gynecologic diseases at sows
The presence in the microflora of sow’s uterus with postpartum diseases Arcanobacterium pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Еscherichia coli and Proteus vulgaris was established. In the case of chronic endometritis the association of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli prevailed. The results of determining the antimicrobial susceptibility of the mentioned above bacteria have shown suitability the drugs Cipromag®, Amoximag®, Enromag®, Мetramag®-15, Acilomag®, Ceftimag®for the prevention and treatment of postpartum and gynecological diseases of sows. It is recommended to use for the treatment of acute forms of this group pathologies Metramag®-15, which, in addition to the bacteriostatic and bactericidal action, exhibits an uterotonic effect. Key words: reproduction pathology, veterinary actions, treatment, preventive maintenance, endometritis, a syndrome «ММА», Мetramag®-15.
16 Azarnova T.O., Kochish I.I., Bogdanova D.L., Naydenskiy M.S., Antipov A.A. Treatment incubation eggs by the drug Selenium-Active for improving the reactivity of chicken immune system
It was established the stimulating effect of treatment the incubation eggs by the drug Selen-Active on the functional state of chicken immune system and the morphology of their cloacal bursa. Key words: adaptation, antioxidant, vitamin C, immune status, cloacal bursa, incubation egg, selenium.
22 Makarov V.V., Yamtitina M.N., Shabeykin A.A., Gulyukin A.M., Gulyukin M.I. Hyper-sporadics of anthrax incidents
Are considered the largest epizootic incidents of anthrax in the world morbidity which are defined as hypersporadia. In detail interpreted the well researched and known situations in various climatic and geographical conditions of the three continents (USA and Canada, Australia, some African countries) with the involvement of two ecological categories of animals (domestic and wild) with respect to the reasons substantiating the hyper-sporadic phenomenon that can serve as stereotypes. The greatest probability of the critical role of climatic cofactors (season of the year, precipitations, unusually high ambient temperature, aridity) in the emergence of hyper-sporadics of anthrax is summarized. Key words: anthrax, epizootology, hypersporadic, critical risk factors.
28 Sklyarov O.D., Klimanov A.I., Kalyadin D.V., Schunaeva N.A., Bukova N.K. Improvement of the test for differential diagnosis of animal’s brucellosis
The article presents the results of studies aimed at assessing and standardizing diagnostic test systems for detecting brucella antibodies in agar gel immunodiffusion. It was proposed to include in the regulatory documentation a mandatory section on controlling the activity of OPS antigen, which is part of diagnostic kits, using standard serum, as well as to increase the method’s sensitivity due to the use of the reaction scheme used in international practice. Key words: standardization, brucellosis, agar gel immunodiffusion.
32 Bittirov A.M., Begievа S.A., Chilayev A.S., Bittirovа A.A., Uyanaeva F.B., Bittirov I.A. Hematological and biochemical indices of calves of Kalmyk breeds with mixed invasion of Fasciola hepatica and Dicrocoelium lanceatum
In imported calves of the Kalmyk breed in the new habitat conditions in Kabardino-Balkaria, on the background of intensive mixed invasion of fascioliasis and dicroceliosis, Erythropenia (minus 1,23×1012/l), hypohemoglobinemia (minus 21,2 g/l), leukocytosis (plus 4,2±109/l), the imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in serum compared with non-invasive trematodes bulls, which must be considered when assessing the feasibility of zoning the Kalmyk breed in the region. Key words: cow, age, breed, blood, trematode, erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin, calcium, phosphorus, reserve alkalinity, invasion.
34 Shibitov S.K., Safiullin R.T., Bazhibina E.B. Prevalence of toxoplasmosis of sheep in Central Russia
In the period from April to September of 2017 conducted serological studies of blood from 84 sheeps 3 goats from farms in the Moscow and Kaluga regions for the presence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii method ELISA. The results of studies identified seropositive livestock of small cattle in the Moscow region 41,3 % and in the Kaluga region of 18 %. Key words: Toxoplasmosis, sheep, goats Toxoplasma gondii, ELISA.
38 Raitskaya V.I., Sevakstyanova V.M. Efficiency of the preparation of Niacid K to at horse helminthes
The purpose of this work is to determine the effectiveness of the drug Niacid K with helminthiases. The experiments were carried out in the farm "Ukhvarin" Ust-Abakan district of the Republic of Khakassia on horseback at the age of three years. Infections of animals with helminths were assessed according to the data of helminthic and endoscopy of feces samples before and 10 days after deworming. Individuals of the first group were treated with Niacid K at a dose of 1 drop (29,7 μl) per 100 kg of body weight; the second - intramuscularly injected with 1% Ivermek solution (1 ml contains 10 mg of ivermectin and 40 mg of vitamin E) at the rate of 1 ml of the drug per 50 kg of body weight; animals of the control group were left without treatment. Among the worms, nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract of the Strongylata suborder were the most common (up to 60 %). Niacid K on the 10th day after treatment of horses showed 100% therapeutic efficacy, and Ivermek – 80 %. However, they did not adversely affect the hematological and biochemical blood parameters and their general condition. Key words: horse, preparation Niacid K, 1% Ivermek solution, hematological and biochemical parameters, blood, parasitic diseases.
41 Slesarenko N.A., Shirokova E.O., Kashkovskaya L.M. Chronic endometritis in cows: new approach in treatment
The drug Mitrek in chronic endometritis in cows has shown the effectiveness 93%, what is 33% higher compared to the treatment regimen of animal, traditionally used in farms. At the same time significantly reduced the service-period, increased fertility of animals. Key words: chronic endometritis, cattle, сefapirin, Mitrek, treatment.
46 Pereslegina I.O. Correction of anemia in a dog with gastroenterocolitis caused by chronic poisoning: a clinical case
Poisoning is not only one of the most pressing problems that have been facing dog owners, but one of the most enigmatic pathologies as well, because the cause often remains the mystery. In our practice we often use Gamavit in the complex therapy of acute and chronic poisoning in pets, including cases where the toxic agent has not been elucidated. Presented here is the clinical case of chronic poisoning of a dog which actively picked up food in the street. Ultrasonic analysis revealed a picture of chronic hepatitis, cholangitis, and gastroenterocolitis. Analysis of feces revealed also signs of enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas. Blood analysis showed anemia accompanied by an increase in the average volume of red blood cells. Biochemical study of blood revealed increased activity of hepatic enzymes. The diagnosis was made-chronic poisoning, chronic hepatitis, cholangitis, gastroenterocolitis, and enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas. In order to correct anemia and intoxication, gamavit was included in the complex therapy. Full clinical recovery occurred in 6 – 7 weeks, the blood counts recovered as well. Also levels of AST, ALT, and AP were normalized. So, inclusion of Gamavit in the protocol of chronic poisoning therapy in a dog accelerates clinical recovery and normalization of the blood formula. Key words: dog, poisoning, gastroenterocolitis, anemia, Gamavit.
49 Reshetnikova T.I. Study the chronic toxicity of antiviral drug Triazavirin
The 30-days effect of the antiviral drug Triazavirin on hematological, biochemical, and histological indicators of outbred white mice were studied. The drug was dissolved in physiological solution and administered intragastrically through a probe at a dose of 1 mg. Chronic intoxication was accompanied by increase in blood the concentration of leukocytes, platelets, creatinine, urea, total protein and globulins, as well as a decrease in the activity of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase. There were found in experimental animals morphological changes in the liver, kidneys, spleen, intestine, pancreas, intestine and lymph nodes. Based on such observations it can be stated that chronic poisoning with antiviral drug Triazavirin causes pathological changes in the internal organs and disturbance of the compensatory-adaptive mechanisms of the body. Key words: mice, chemotherapeutic agent, hematological, biochemical blood parameters, chronic toxicity.
52 Voronov I.V., Belolyubskaya D.S., Egorova A.I., Semenov I.P. Morphofunctional evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of extract Atriplex patula L. in experimental toxic hepatitis
The possibility of using an aqueous solution of the lyophilized extract of Atriplex patula L. as a hepatoprotector was established in male mice with experimental toxic liver damage. The antioxidant effect of the extract provided a decrease in the level of lipid peroxidation estimated by accumulation of malonic dialdehyde in liver homogenates of mice, the severity of morphological changes hepatocytes and the area of destructive liver changes compared to the control group of mice that did not receive this hepatoprotector. Key words: Atriplex patula L., dihydroquercetin, hepatoprotector, lyophilized extract, mouse, rutin, toxic hepatitis.