CONTENTS №1-2025
3 Rudenko P.A., Vatnikov Yu.A., Novichevskaya O.A., Vlasova E.I., Rudenko V.B. Аlternative to antibiotics: perspective for the use of bacteriolytic enzymes in veterinary sectority
This information message contains publicly available information about bacteriolytic enzymes and bacteria that produce such enzymes, their use in biomedicine, as well as prospects for the use of bacteriolytic enzymes in clinical veterinary medicine in the control and prevention of diseases in animals, the major pathogens of which are gram-positive coccal microorganisms, including multiple -resistant to antibiotics. There are prospects for further study of bacteriolytic enzymes for the creation of drugs effective against infections in veterinary medicine, the causative agents of which are multi-antibiotic-resistant microflora. Such research will help to significantly expand the therapeutic range of veterinary specialists in the fight against factor infections, minimize the risks of empirical use of antibiotics, increase animal welfare, and make a significant contribution to ensuring food security in our country. Key words: antibiotic resistance, resistance, biotopes, staphylococcus, bacteriolytic enzymes, animals.
10 Mikhalishin D.V., Elkina Yu.S., Gochmuradov Yk.M., Doronin M.I., Guseva M.N. An effective way to eliminate foot-and-mouth disease
The article presents the results of using monovalent foot-and-mouth disease vaccines in different years during outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease caused by the introduction of a virus that had antigenic differences from vaccine strains. The analysis of foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks in different years and in different regions of the country showed high efficiency of using sorbed or emulsion monovalent vaccines made from closely related virus strains to stop outbreaks. The use of a monovalent emulsion foot-and-mouth disease vaccine for emergency use, as well as subsequent routine revaccination with a trivalent sorbed foot-and-mouth disease vaccine, did not have a negative impact on the animal organism or the level of immune response. Key words: foot-and-mouth disease virus, monovalent vaccines, virus-neutralizing antibodies, protective dose.
16 Gordienko L.N., Kulikova E.V., Novikov A.N. Manifestation of reactogenicity of anti-brucellosis vaccine in intact and previously immunized animals
The data of comparative manifestation of reactogenic properties of anti-brucellosis vaccine in animals with different immune status are presented. When assessing the physiological state of cows of the main herd in the post-vaccination period, it was found that in the organism of animals previously vaccinated against brucellosis, the vaccine strain exhibits reactogenic properties 2 times weaker than after primary vaccination of adult intact animals. The dynamics of fetal rejection in vaccinated animals with different immune status is similar from the first to the sixth month after immunization. Key words: animals, brucellosis, anti-brucellosis vaccine, vaccination, reactogenic properties.
20 Plotnikova E.M., Pankova E.V. Radioresistance of brucella strains of the B. abortus species
A comparative study of the radioresistance of various strains of Brucella species B. abortus to gamma rays of 60Co was carried out. It has been established that the degree of inactivation of Brucella strains depends on the dose used, the concentration of microbes in the irradiated suspension, and on the presence of protein protection in the composition of the irradiated object. To completely inactivate Brucella, doses of 8,0 kGy must be used. Thus, when producing anti-brucellosis radiovaccines, it is necessary to take into account the degree of density of the irradiated vaccine, since the concentration in vaccines ranges from 1×109 to 20×109 mc/cm3. Key words: brucellosis, radioresistance of Brucella mutants, irradiation of culture, gamma rays.
23 Khatib Y., Rudenko P.A. Spread of avian influenza in the Middle East
Avian influenza has the most negative consequences for the economy of enterprises. Analyzing the spread of avian influenza in the Middle Eastern countries over the last decade is of great scientific importance. The article reveals the main aspects of the most frequent and endemic strains of avian influenza virus in most countries of the Middle East region – low-pathogenic H9N2 and highly pathogenic H5N1 and H5N8. Key words: avian influenza virus, Middle East, H5N1, H5N8, H9N2, outbreak.
29 Dashinimaev B.Ts., Boyarova L.I., Dashinimaev S.M. Infection of sheep and contamination of litter with Strongylata and Rhabditata larvae in winter in the Trans-Baikal Territory
In the conditions of the steppe zone of the Trans-Baikal Territory, the participation of katons and koshar in the preservation and maintenance of helminthiasis in winter was studied. It was found that the infection of sheep with helminths of the genera Trichostrongylus, Ostertagia, Bunostomum, Nematodirus, Strongyloides increases in winter and early spring. Invasive larvae of the genera Ostertagia, Nematodirus, Bunostomum, Strongyloides and Trichostrongylus were found and identified in manure samples taken during the winter from different depths of the litter. This proves that in winter in the koshars and katons of the Trans-Baikal Territory, in the upper layer of well-loosened manure (5-10 cm), favorable conditions are created for the preservation and development of larvae of the Strongylata and Rhabditata suborders. Larvae of the genera Bunostomum and Strongyloides were found in sheep skin samples of the breast and belly area. Key words: sheep, caton, sheepfold, extensiveness of invasion, helminths, nematodes, parasitoses.
35 Sherbakova G.Sh., Рoрov N.I. Antimicrobial activity of a new drug for the rehabilitation of veterinary control facilities
The article is devoted to the research of antibacterial properties of a drug based on tertiary amines. Its effectiveness is shown in laboratory conditions on test surfaces simulating the surfaces of veterinary check facilities using reference strains of microorganisms of groups I-III of resistance to chemical disinfectants, as well as in production conditions on surfaces naturally contaminated with sanitary-indicative microorganisms. Key words: tertiary amine, Mycobacterium, Staphylococcus aureus, desolution, exposure, test object.
41 Mishina N.N., Sagdeeva Z.H., Valiev A.R., Yusupova K.V., Semenov E.I. Use of therapeutic serum in mycotoxicosis of broiler chickens
This paper presents the results of a study of therapy based on therapeutic serums for T-2 toxicosis of broiler chickens. The following were used in the experiment: a patented therapeutic serum against mycotoxicosis and serum from intact birds. The antitoxic effect of serums was studied in two doses and with different methods of administration (intranasally and intramuscularly). It was found that the use of therapeutic serum against avian mycotoxicosis contributed to a faster recovery of body weight and hematology in the experimental groups compared with toxic control. The therapeutic effect was manifested with intramuscular administration already at a dose of 0,3 ml/kg and increased with a dose of 0,5 ml/kg. Serum from intact birds was ineffective. Key words: mycotoxicosis, therapeutic serum, broiler chickens, hematological parameters.
46 Solodkova K.V., Kashkovskaya L.M., Safarova M.I. Bioquivalence of two medicinal products for veterinary use based on meloxicam
Pain syndrome is widespread and accompanies many diseases in companion animals. This is primarily due to the pathogenesis of inflammation, an effective remedy for which is the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam. A comparative study of the pharmacokinetic parameters of the drug Vemelcam Solutab (developer organization «NITA-PHARM» LLC) and the reference drug containing meloxicam as the active substance confirmed their bioequivalence. Key words: meloxicam, Vemelcam Solutab, Petcam, dogs, companion animals, bioequivalence.
51 Rasumovskaya V.V., Lunyova N.A., Kronevald O.V. About the results of meat safety control in Altai region
The results of safety control of meat obtained from different species of animals in the Altai Territory were analyzed. For the period from 2020 to 2023, the laboratories of the region identified 332 samples of meat that did not meet the established requirements for safety indicators. Pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, parasites as well as residues (metabolites) of drugs were detected in the meat samples from different species of animals. The largest number of discrepancies was found in beef, pork and poultry meat. The greatest deviations from the norm were revealed when testing meat samples for microbiological indicators. Key words: control, safety, meat, veterinary sanitary examination, chemical and microbiological pollutants, Altai Territory.