CONTENTS №11-2016


3  NaimanovA.H., TolstenkoN.G., VangeliE.P., KalmykovV.M., BukovaN.K. Features of veterinary measures for control pig mycobacteriosis

The article listed the pathogens of tuberculosis and other mycobacterial species that can cause similar to tuberculosis pathological changes in pigs. The features of diagnostics, health measures and veterinary-sanitary examination of carcasses and internal organs of pigs with mycobacteriosis are analyzed. Key words: mycobacteria, M  avium-intracellulare, M. bovis, M. tuberculosis, PCR, simultaneous test, tuberculin, tuberculosis.


7 Shulyak A.F., Velichko G.N. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis of the breeding bulls in the artificial insemination centre

The latent form of IBR is the dominating form in bulls-donors of semen in artificial insemination centre. Infectious animals secrete BHV-1 episodically, not constantly. The serologic profile of infectious bulls has a wave shaped creature. There is no correlation between antibody levels and presence of BHV-1 in their ejaculates. According with it the exploitation especially valuable infectious bulls is possible in case keeping physically apart from other animals, subjecting their every ejaculate to a virus isolation or PCR and wiping contaminated pulls. Vaccination do not prevent production of contaminating semen. More of this vaccinated infectious bulls oftener secret BHV-1 in comparison with unvaccinated ones. The spontaneous elimination BHV-1 is possible but taken a rather long time.  Key words: IBR, latency, breeding bulls, artificial insemination, antibodies, elimination of causative agent, biosafety.

12 Yakui Li, Xiangshu Piao, G.D. Preobrazhenskiy  Effects of Flavomycin®80 and Flavomycin®40 on growth performance, faeces and tissues microbial for grower-finishing pigs

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of drugs Flavomycin®80 and Flavomycin®40 (B-Act+® RS № 100-3-1.15-2494, № PVI-3-1.15 / 04 470) on growth performance, faeces and tissues microbial of growing and finishing pigs. A total of 108 growing pigs (Duroc×Landrace×Yorkshire) of an average initial body weight of 44,51±5,59 kg were allocated on the basis of weight to three treatments in a randomized complete block design. The treatments were control treatment, F80 treatment and F40 treatment. The results showed that during the whole trial period, compared to the control, the F80 treatment and F40 treatment significantly increased the average daily gain (P<0,05), while the average daily feed intake (ADFI) and feed efficiency (F/G) were not significant difference. In the faeces, F40 treatment reduced the counts of Escherichia coli (P<0,05), while F80 and F40 treatment enriched the Lactobacillus (P<0,05) relative to control treatment, and the Salmonella in all treatment was not detected. In tissues, the Escherichia coli were detected only one case in ileocecal lymph node, and the Salmonella also has not been detected. Overall results showed that F80 and F40 can improve growth performance and intestinal health of growing-finishing pigs. Key words: F80; F40; growing-finishing pigs; growth performance; intestinal microflora.

15 Moukhamedshina A.R.  Сannibalism prevention in poultry industry: modern approach

Thearticle observes key reasons and major consequences of cannibalism in poultry, efficiency of debeaking is proved. Consequences of low-quality beak trimming and key factors for successful beak trimming are brought into limelight, the equipment is presented. Key words: pecking, сannibalism, debeaking (beak trimming), efficiency, debeakers.




21 Yusupov O.Y.,  Kabardiev S.Sh.,  Gazimagomedov M.G., Halikov A.A., Devrishov D.A.,  Skliarov O.D., Klimanov A.I.  Prophylaxis brucellosis of sheep and goats with the use of vaccine from strain B. melitensis  Rev-1

The article adduces data showing high efficacy vaccine from a strain Rev-1 B.melitensis and the feasibility of it practical use in the system of control brucellosis (particularly in the areas of transhumance sheep breeding and regions with complex epizootic situation by this infection). Key words: brucellosis, vaccine, immunity, goat, sheep.

24 Kashirin V.V. Restoration and biological isolation pathogenic strains of P. multocida  from birds to the moment of use

The conditions of restoration capsula and virulence strains P. multocida are determined. There were investigated morphology of colonies and pathogenic of microorganisms strains P. multocida before and after storage in anaerobiosis and anabiosis   in pure water and liquid nutritious environment. The determining role of the temperature factor in preservation restored strains to the moment of use is established. Key words: pasteurellosis of birds, P. multocida, strains, capsule, form colonies, pathogenic, condition of restoration, biological isolation. 




30 Akbaev R.M., Vasilevich F.I. About the problems of struggle against mite Dermanyssus gallinae in poultry industry

At inspection of poultry farms in the territory of Non-Black Earth Region, Krasnodar Krai and the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic noticed that the most widespread ectoparasites in industrial poultry farming is the red chicken tick of Dermanyssus gallinae. In hens and other species of an agricultural bird (turkeys, geese, quails, ducks) it causes dermanyssis. The article provides brief recommendations for the disacaridisation poultry and poultry premises. Key words: acaricides,bird, chicken, synthetic pyrethroids, ectoparasites, Dermanyssus gallinae.




34 Brigadirov Yu.N., Kotsarev V.N., Shaposhnikov I.T., Mikhaylov E.V., Boldyrev I.A. Disorders of immune status under the development of preclinical latent endometritis in sows

The article represents the results of studies on determination of immune status in sows with latent inflammatory process in genitals. It is stated that the changes of immune status during gestation in sows predisposed to latent endometritis declare themselves by the decrease of immunological reactivity of T-cell link, bactericidal and lysozyme blood serum activity, phagocytic activity of leukocytes, absorbing and phagocytic capacity of neutrophils. During sexual arousal phase the changes declare themselves by the activation of T-cell and humoral immunity, increase of CIC under the decrease of absorbing and phagocytic capacity of neutrophils. Key words: sows, latent endometritis, blood, cellular, humoral immunity.

38 Filatov A.V., Ushakova L.M., Khlopitsky V.P. New complex drug Metramag®-15 for preventive maintenance of a postnatal pathology at sows and increase of viability of pigs

For the first time application of a complex drug Metramag®-15 in the course of a reproduction of pigs is experimentally proved. Metramag®-15 prevents development of inflammatory reproductive diseases (postnatal endometritis and syndrome MMA), positively influences on the viability and productive qualities of piglets, reduces the unproductive period and raises results of insemination. It’s recommended to apply a drug to sows intramuscularly, in a dose of 10 ml two times: in the day of farrow and 48 hours later. Key words: postnatal diseases, Metramag®-15, reproduction, pig.

41 Oleynik A.V. The approaches to reproduction on the dairy farm

Description of 4 approaches in reproduction of dairy cows with different efficiency with or without hormones.  Key words: reproduction, cows, protocols of synchronization, hormones, heat, artificial insemination




44 Balyshev V.M. , Balysheva V.I., Zhivoderov S.P., Bolgova M.V., Selyaninov Y.O. Inactivating effect aerosols of some disinfectants on African swine fever virus

The article reviews the results of the study of an inactivating effect of disinfectants belonging to various chemical classes (quaternary ammonium compounds, alcohols, aldehydes, tertiary amines, surface active agents, haloids) on African swine fever virus at their spray application. Thus only 5% Teotropin & Chloramine B solutions were active against agent when using by this disinfection method and inactivated ASF virus present on both absorbent and non-absorbent contaminated surfaces at the exposure time at least 6 hours. Key words: African swine fever, spray, virus, disinfectants, cell culture, swine.

47 PetrovaO.G., BaraskinM.I., MilsteinI.M. Detergent is a modern disinfectant for use in poultry

Increased volume of production of poultry products and the need to improve methods and means of disinfection put forward the task of searching for new effective disinfectants and optimization of their use. In the system of veterinary and sanitary activities aimed at prevention of infectious diseases of poultry, and in case of their occurrence and elimination, disinfection is one of the important places. The main purpose of disinfection is to break the epidemic chain by affecting its most important component factor in the transmission of the pathogen from the source of infection to the receptive organism. Detergent has an antimicrobial effect and aerosol disinfection with its use is an effective method of air decontamination for application in the poultry industry. Key words: disinfectants, Detergent, industrial poultry, microbial contamination.




49 Filippova O.B., Frolov A.I., Zazulya A.N. The metabolic status of heifers and primiparus cows feeding by the concentrated forage with use of a proteinaceous-vitamin-mineral complex

The main indicators of metabolism of heifers and primiparus cows when feeding by the concentrated forage were studied. Use of the proteinaceous and vitamin and mineral complex has allowed lowering the share of the concentrated forages in the ration of the experimental group by 11 %. Results of blood test and milk test during the different periods of the physiological cycle are presented. 50 days after calving the concentration of glucose in the blood of cows of experimental and control groups was below the reference value by 0,28 – 0,55 mmol/L. The level of total lipids of all the animals exceeded physiologically safe level by 0,25 – 1,48 g/L. Key words: biochemical indicators of blood, concentrated forages, heifers, metabolism, primiparus cows.


54  Krapivina E.V., Zhuk D.S., Albulov A.I., Fedorov Yu.N., Frolova M.A., Bogomolova O.A. Influence of probiotic feed additive Em-Vita on the immune status and productivity of calves


The article presents results of estimated the influence of different doses of probiotic feed additive Em-Vita on immune status and weight gain of calves. A dose-dependent immunomodulating effect of this preparation was established. The drinking of promotes stimulation of humoral factors of immunity and weight gain. Key words: probiotic feed additive, calves, immune status, lymphocytes, immunoglobulins, live weight.




58 Zakutsky N.I., Tsybanov S.Zh., Lunitsin A.V.,  Jurkov S.G.  A rapid method of control the completeness inactivation DNA-containing viruses during the manufacture of killed vaccines

The effectiveness of biophysical method of express control the completeness of inactivation bovine IRT, Aujeszky's disease and African swine fewer viruses in the killed vaccines and antigen materials prepared using copper sulfate as the inactivator was studied. It was found that copper sulfate, in contrast to other inactivators (teotropin, ethyleneimine dimer, formaldehyde) destroys DNA of these viruses to low molecular weight (50 – 100 nucleotides) non-infectivity fragments. This phenomenon enables determination of the completeness of virus inactivation with cuprous sulphate within 2 to 4 days applying a biophysical method based on electrophoretic and restriction analyses. The offered method can also serve as a test system for rapid control of the completeness of some antigen-containing materials inactivation in the course of vaccine preparation manufacture from DNA viruses, which significantly reduces the time required for the vaccine evaluation for this parameter. Key words: African swine fever virus, Aujeszky's disease virus, copper sulphate, DNA, electrophoresis inactivators, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, restriction analysis, vaccines.




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CONTENTS №11-2016