CONTENTS №12-2016

3 Arkhipov I.A., Engacheva Е.S., Khalikov S.S., Dushkin A.V. Innovative technology for preparing anthelmintic drugs

The article is devoted to mechano-chemical technology of preparing anthelmintic drugs for animals based on the joint processing of known substances and water-soluble polymers in the chopper-controlled energy input. It were formed supramolecular complexes with modified properties under such conditions. They differ from the starting substances by increase solubility, bioavailability and biological activity, which can reduce the dosage of active substance several times. Their high antihelmintic effectiveness is confirmed in the experimentally infected laboratory animals and in sheep naturally infected by helminthes. Key words: anthelmintics, efficiency, helminthes, innovative technologies, mechano-chemistry, polysaccharides, solubility, supramolecular complexes.


11 Yuzhakov A.G., Grebennikova T.V., Hametova K.M., Musienko M.I., Verkhovsky O.A., Aliper T.I.,  Zaberezhnyj A.D., Guljukin M.I. The study of protective properties of experimental inactivated vaccine against the Schmallenberg disease

Disease of ruminant caused by a Schmallenberg virus (SBV), registered in the European countries, including neighboring Russia. Vaccination against the Schmallenberg disease (SD) is a reliable tool for controlling the spread of disease, to date, three commercial preparation of inactivated vaccine registered in the world. The purpose of the present study was the development and evaluation of national protective vaccine against SD.
In our work we used SBV strain “MU-2013”.Serum samples were analyzed with Ingezim Schmallenberg, a commercially available SBV antibody ELISA kit manufactured by Ingenasa (Spain). To detect viral RNA in the serum of blood and organ samples using a reverse transcription real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) assay developed by us earlier. During the optimal culture method we used strain SBV in cell cultures was chosen to achieve maximum viral titer. In the first experiment in lambs were studied protective properties of experimental inactivated vaccine against the Schmallenberg disease. In a second experiment was performed comparing the experimental immunogenic properties of inactivated vaccine against SD depending on different adjuvant used. Viral RNA in the serum samples was detected during 1 – 3 days post infection (dpi), virus specific antibodies were founded on the 5 – 6 dpi then their level was increased and was maximum on the 42 and 44 dpi of the first and second experiment respectively. Viral RNA was founded on the spleen, lymph nodes and liver samples of all challenged animals after slaughtered. During the experimental infections was no difference in the course of infection in sheep and cattle. The data show that two-time vaccination effectively prevents infection and virus replication in vaccinated animals. Nevertheless the vaccine based on Montanide ISA 61 adjuvant is more immunogenic and provided 100 % of seroconversion even after single dosing. Il. 3. Ref. 10. Key words: Schmallenberg virus, vaccine, experimental infection.

17 Simonov P.G., Aschenbrenner A.I., Violin B.V., Fedotov S.V., Malyshev A.A., Krutyakov Yu.A. Effect of intrauterine Argumistin® on reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows diagnosed with purulent vaginal discharge

The objectives of the study were to assess effectiveness of a new antibacterial nanosilver-based veterinary drug Argumistin® (10 or 50 ppm of silver nanoparticles, 100 ppm of benzyldimethyl[3-(myristoylamino)propyl]ammonium chloride monohydrate) in treatment of cows with purulent vaginal discharge (PVD) when administered intrauterine. One experimental and two control groups in total included 114 Holstein cows (average milk yield per cow per year 7000-7200 liters) with PVD from Komsomolskaya Dairy Farm (Altai region, Russia). The reference drugs used in two control groups contained benzethonium chloride and 8-hydroxyquinoline as active components. Therapeutic efficacy of Argumistin® at PVD was 89,5%; the duration of treatment was reduced to 4,1 days (P<0,001), with an increase in fertilization effectiveness up to 9,5% and reduced service interval to 7,7 days (P<0,01), when compared with the therapeutic efficacy of reference drugs. Key words: purulent vaginal discharge, silver nanoparticles, colloidal silver, miramistin, Argumistin, infertility, nonspecific resistance.

21 Parkhomenko S.A., Zeynalov O.A. Feliferon® efficacy for cats with mixed FPV and  FCV infection were studied

There were confirmed effectiveness and safety of the first Russian recombinant feline interferon for complex therapy of cats with mixed FPV and FCV. It is possible to shorten the duration of fever and catarrhal syndrome, reduce the severity of intoxication and stomatitis, accelerate the recovery of the animals with it drug. Key words: calicivirus, cat, interferon, panleukopenia, parvovirus.


24 Gulyukin M.I., Albertyan M.P., Iskandarov M.I., Fedorov A.I., Iskandarova S.S. Effectiveness of measures against bovine brucellosis in the Russian Federation

Among vaccines for prevention of brucellosis in all farm animals. vaccine from strain 19 B. abortus  got the most widespread using in different countries. Recently vaccine from SR-form of strain of 82 B. abortus is widely use in the Russian Federation. Developers of this vaccine suggested to pre-immunize animals with antigen from strain R-1096 in order to prevent abortions induced by strain 82. Many researchers and practical veterinary workers noted the negative effects of the vaccine from strain 82. It’s necessary decrease the use of live vaccines due to environmental considerations. Key words: brucellosis, specific prevention, vaccine.       

29 Zakutskiy N.I., Balyshev V.M., Guzalova A.G., Jurkov S.G., Anisimova L.I.,

Neverovskaya N.S., Zhivodeorov S.P., Bobrovskaya N.K., Lunitsin A.V.  The efficacy of an associated and inactivated AHO-saponin vaccine against IBR and bovine PI-3 prepared from new vaccine strains

The paper discusses some investigations into the efficacy of an associated & inactivated aluminium hydroxide (AHO) saponin vaccine against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and bovine parainfluenza-3 (PI-3) developed using some vaccine strains. By means of cloning and selection, from an IBR virus vaccine strain TK-A and an attenuated bovine PI-3 virus (the original virus had been isolated from an affected calf), respectively, some virus variants of high immunobiological potency levels were obtained. Both of the variants (i.e., the IBR and bovine PI-3 viruses) were shown to alter their infectious and antigenic (i.e., immunogenic) characteristics at passages 6 to 20 (7,5 to 8,0 lg TCID50/cm3; VN antibody titers 1:16 to 1:32 for IBR and 1:64 to 1:128 for PI-3). At passage 6 (IBR virus variant) and 7 (PI-3 virus variant) the viruses were freeze-dried at the potency levels of 6,5 to 7,0 lg TCID50/cm3, characterized in accordance with OIE recommendations for vaccine strains, certified and put into storage in a microorganism collection of The All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Veterinary Drugs and Feed (VGNKI) as vaccine strains TK-A/K  (IBR virus) and PG/K-2002 (bovine PI-3 virus). Using the above strains, an efficacious associated & inactivated AHO-saponin vaccine that provides animal protection from homologous virulent viruses for 12 months was developed. The preparation triggered VN antibody induction against IBR and bovine PI-3 viruses at high titers of 1:16 to 1:32 and 1:64-1:128, respectively, in calves after their double immunization at a 14-day interval. The vaccine has passed interdepartmental tests, and the regulatory technical documentation for its production and use was approved in accordance with the standard procedure. Commercial series of associated & inactivated AHO-saponin vaccine IBR and PG-3 cattle were used with positive results in various regions of the Russian Federation. On the vaccine strains TK-A/K and PG/K-2002 as well as on the associated and inactivated AHO-saponin vaccine, patents for invention № 2279474, № 2279473 and № 2288007 have been taken out. Both of the strains are stable at long-term storage. The highly concentrated culture materials prepared from these strains kept their original infectious and antigenic (i.e., immunogenic) characteristics for 3 years when stored at – 40 0C.   Key words: IBT and bovine PI-3 viruses, strains TK-A/K and PG/K-2002; infectious, antigenic and immunogenic activity, stability, associated & inactivated AHO-saponin vaccine.


35 Radyuk E.V., Vasilevitch F.I., Volgina N.S., Chernomoretz S.A. Prevalence of Anaplasmosis in Dogs in Novosibirsk

A total of 100 dogs from Novosibirsk were tested to study a prevalence of anaplasmosis in this region; ELISA and PCR methods were used. The DNA of pathogens in the whole blood by PCR was not detected. The antibodies against Anaplasma phagocytophilum were in 7 (7%) dogs detected. The specific clinical signs of anaplasmosis were absent in this dogs. One dog had babesiosis at the time of study; 4 dogs had babesiosis in anamnesis. Key words: anaplasmosis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, antibodies, ELISA, PCR, dogs.


39 Lozovaya E.G. Oxidativestressasapathophysiologicalfactorinembryonicmortalityincows

The evaluation of the functional state of the LPO – AOD system in dairy cows with physiological formation of the embryo, delayed development and death was provided. It is shown that the most important factor of pathogenetically violation of embryonic development and death of the embryo is the imbalance in the system LPO – AOP and developing against this background, the oxidative stress and failure of hormonesensitive of gonadal function. Key words: cows, blood, oxidative metabolism, disorders in embryonic development.


43 Nikolaenko V.P., Shestakov I.N., Mihaylova A.V. Effective drug for hatchery facilities disinfection

The studies were devoted to native complex ecologically safe drug for disinfection of hatching eggs and veterinary inspection facilities of hatchery. A prolong bactericidal action of this drug in 0,05 – 0,2 % concentrations is established. Key words: bactericidal effect, disinfection, eggs, hatching, incubation, antibacterial complex preparation, sanitation.


46 Kolosov V.V. Emergency bilateral fixation of rostral mandibular fracture in dogs of small and medium breeds

It was proposed a new method fixation of bone fragments with bilateral mandibular fractures in dogs of small and medium breeds. The Indications for its use and the results of surgical treatment are defined.  Key words: bilateral fracture of the mandibular, fixation of bone fragments, surgery, dogs.


49 Engashev S.V., Filimonov D.N., Neminushchaja L.A., Dorozhkin V.I. Preclinical and clinical trials of the drug Ciproventor – new complex antibiotic for veterinary

During the developing and registration new the drugs one of the major stages is carrying out preclinical and clinical trials, and also studying of its stability. The article presents the results of the preclinical and clinical studies of the drug Ciproventor – a new integrated antibiotic for veterinary use. By results of these trials it is shown that the developed drug is characterized by high rates of quality on safety and specific activity. After successful passing of procedure of registration for drug the registration certificate is received. Key words: antibacterial preparation, development and registration new drugs, preclinical and clinical trials, safety, efficiency, stability, registration certificate.


52 Pirumova L.N., Ilyina L.V., Kurchenko G.A., Bulgakova N.F. Abstract journal “Veterinary Science” and abstract information of the CSAL

There is considered the history of the creation, destination, structure, principles of selection for the abstract journal “Veterinary Science” with which the creation and development of the abstract information in the FSBSI CSAL started. The role of the abstract information in the information resources of the Library and in providing scientists and experts with the latest, live and good information on the problems of the Agro-Industrial Complex is analyzed. The principles of preparing an abstract have been considered, it is stated that the knowledge of subject is a requirement for writing an abstract compliant with the standards. The information resources and information products of the CSAL are summarized. Key words: information resources; databases; abstract information; abstract publications; AIC; veterinary science; CSAL.

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CONTENTS №12-2016