CONTENTS №12-2018
3 Zhuravleva E.A. Nosoarea of bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection
Respiratory diseases caused by viruses hold a significant position in the infectious pathology of cattle. They give huge losses in the livestock industry. Bovine orthopneumovirus (respiratory syncytial virus) infection remains one of such illnesses. This infection has never been included in international surveillance databases and its registry is not necessary. Consequently reports on the distribution of this infection are presented mainly in scientific articles. Due to increase import of cattle and the occurrence of outbreaks of respiratory diseases an interest to this infection was relaunched in Russia. This article was taken to clarify the spread of bovine orthopneumovirus in certain countries using dates of scientific articles, surveillance reports and own studies. Key words: bovine respiratory syncytial virus, nosoarea, spread.
9 Iskandarova S.S., Fedorov A.I., Iskandarov M.I., Albertyan M.P. The drug based on rare earth elements for preventing mastitis in cows
Until recently, mastitis has been treated primarily with antibiotic therapy in accordance with the microbial etiology. However, when antibiotics get into milk, they reduce its consumer properties, making it unsuitable for direct consumption and industrial processing. Research has been made on the development and testing of lanthanide-based agents for the prevention of mastitis in dairy animals. The preparations based on lanthanide salts were found out to possess protective and preventive properties against mammary glands diseases of various, including traumatic, etiology complicated by pyogenic infection. Unlike antibiotics, lanthanide-based agents do not affect the quality of milk and dairy products, therefore, they can be used without special restrictions as hygienic agents which promote prevention and control of mastitis. Key words: cow, lanthanoids, treatment, mastitis, prevention.
12 Dubrovin A.V., Laptev G.Yu., Ilina L.A., Filippova V.A., Yildirym E.A., Kochish I.I., Novikova O.B. Influence of feed supplement based on essential oils on chick health and performance
The company "Biotroph+" with the All-Russian Scientific Research Veterinary Institute of Poultry conducted an experiment on growing birds using the feed additive Intebio® based on the mixture of essential oils. Laboratory studies were conducted in the molecular-genetic laboratory "Biotroph +". Their results revealed a positive effect of the feed additive on weight gain, intestinal microflora and the immune status of chickens. Key words: essential oils, broiler chicks, microflora, gene expression, T-RFLP, real-time PCR.
17 Budulov N.R., Shapiev M.Sh., Ozdemirov R.A. Nosological profile of infectious pathology of cattle in Dagestan Republic
Data on the incidence of cattle infectious diseases in the Republic of Dagestan for the last 5 years are presented. The first place in their nosological profile takes brucellosis (51,12 %), the second – nodular dermatitis (30,88 %), followed by viral diarrhea – mucosal disease (9, 20 %), virus leukosis (3, 98 %) and pasteurellosis (2, 21 %). Thanks to the preventive measures cases of nodular dermatitis and viral diarrhea of cattle were not registered during last year. In addition to the above infections sporadic cases of colibacillosis, rabies, emphysematous carbuncle, tuberculosis, salmonellosis, malignant edema, necrobacteriosis, infectious enterotoxemia, paratuberculosis and streptococcosis are diagnosed, but they do not represent a significant epizootic hazard. Key words: Dagestan Republic, cattle, epizootological monitoring, nosological profile, infectious diseases, analysis.
23 Aliev A.S., Grudinin M.P., Komissarov A.B., Zabrodskaya Y.A., Shaldzhyan A.A., Emelyanova S.A., Zhuk D.L. Antigenic activity of the recombinant VP1 virus of the infectious anemia virus of chickens
The article presents data on the antigenicity of the emulsion vaccine based on the infectious anemia chickens virus VP1 recombinant protein, depending on the protein concentration and the volume of the drug administered. It was shown by ELISA that the highest level of antibodies both in outbred mice and in chickens was observed at a protein concentration of 100 μg/ml in a volume of 0,3 and 0,5 ml respectively. Key words: infectious anemia virus, recombinant protein VP1, antigenicity, outbred mice, chickens, ELISA.
29 Arisov M.V., Stepanova I.A., Semenova N.V., Arisova G.B. The efficacy of the preparation Neoterica Protecto 4 in the fight against entomoses of dogs and cats
This article presents the results of the study of the effectiveness of the use of the complex insectoacacaricidal preparation Neoterica Protecto 4 (imidacloprid, pyriproxyfen, ethofenprox) in the fight against entomoses of dogs and cats, including for the protection of animals against attack of Dipteran bloodsucking insects and the prevention of vector-borne diseases (babesiosis, borreliosis, dirofilariasis). A high therapeutic efficacy of the preparation was established for animal entomoses, and there were no repeated infections of animals with fleas, lice and withers for 60 days. The preparation showed an active protective (repellent) effect against the attack of Dipteran bloodsucking insects, which confirms the preventive efficacy of the preparation against vector-borne diseases. Key words: preparation, drops, spot-on, imidacloprid, pyriproxyfen, ethofenprox, cats, dogs, efficacy, entomoses.
33 Akbaev R.M., Kroshkina I.A. Insecticidal efficacy of the powder amorphus silica against Trichodectes canis
It was determined that powdered amorphous silica exhibits in vitro insecticidal activity against Trichodectes canis – the causative agent of dog trichodectosis. The method used to evaluate the insecticidal effectiveness of antiparasitic agents is simple and is available for use. Key words: Trichodectes canis, dog, ectoparasites, entomoses, insecticides, silica.
36Skorikov V.N., Nezhdanov A.G., Mihalev V.I., Volkova I.V., Kopytina K.O. Interleukin-2, tumor necrosis factor and sex steroids in the blood of pregnant cows
The article presents materials on the study of the mechanisms of interaction of cytokines and steroid hormones in the regulation of pregnancy in cows. Close interrelation of cytokine secretion with concentration of sex steroids in their blood is established. During the period of pregnancy formation at the stage of embryo formation and placentation in animals with physiological pregnancy, the concentration of TNF-α was higher, and the IL-2 indicators were at the basal level. At the initial stage of fetal development, a decrease in the concentration of TNF-α was established with an increase in IL-2, which may indicate the activation of the immune response, its cellular and humoral link. On the pregnancy of 4 – 7 months stabilization of these indicators is noted. At the final stage of pregnancy, the concentration of TNF-α increased again, and IL-2 decreased. In cows with physiological course of pregnancy during the first 4 months the concentration of progesterone was by 1,52 – 1,32 times higher (p<0,05), at the final stage of pregnancy, on the contrary, in animals with complicated pregnancy there was an increased production of progesterone, with reduced estradiol. Key words: cows, pregnancy, blood, fetoplacental insufficiency, cytokines, IL-2, TNF-α.
40 Kovac M., Aliev R.U., Ivanatov Е.Y., Novikova S.B. Diagnosis and treatment equine small intestinal herniation through the epiploic foramen
The work was carried out on 28 horses with intestine herniation through the epiploic foramen in 2008 – 2017. The incidence of this disease was 1,74 % of the total number of gastrointestinal tract disease of horses entered in the veterinary clinic "New Century". There was no established influence on intestine herniation breed, sex and age of the animals. The main clinical signs of this pathology was a severe pain (colic), associated with increase of heart rate and the presence of the small intestine of loops in the caudal part of the abdominal cavity. A positive correlation was found between the duration of colic and the onset of gastric reflux, the degree of blood changes, and the severity of damage to the small intestine. The surgical treatment was performed in all cases. It was necessary to resect small intestine with the formation of an anastomosis to 9 horses. The intestinal entrapment in the epiploic foramen has a good prognosis if a diagnosis was made in time and the operative intervention was urgently performed. Key words: colic, epiploic foramen, horse, small intestine, treatment.
45 Kuzmina J.V., Timoshenko O.P., Vatnikov Y.A., Kulikov E.V. Lipid metabolism and activity of serum enzymes in dogs with mammary adenocarcinoma on the stage IV
It was registered in bitches with mammary adenocarcinoma on the stage IV an increase in serum total cholesterol, high-density and low-density lipoproteins in1,47; 1,31 and 2,6 times, respectively, as well as the activity of lactate dehydrogenase in 2,0, alkaline phosphatase in 3,2, alanine aminotransferase in 4,4, aspartate aminotransferase in 5,5 and total creatine kinase in 44,4 times. 14 days after radical mastectomy the above parameters did not change significantly, but 1,5 months later the concentration of total cholesterol decreased compared to the initial level by 27,2 % due to the fraction of high-density lipoproteins. The activity of the above-mentioned enzymes in this period decreased, but exceeded the reference levels. However 6 months after surgical treatment on the background of deterioration the general condition of the animals and the recurrence of tumor growth the lipid profile and enzyme activity increased again to the initial level. These observations give grounds to consider the lipid profile and the activity of serum enzymes as indicators of malignant tumors of the mammary gland of dogs, which make it possible to judge the course of the oncological process and the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. Key words: biochemical parameters, breast cancer, diagnosis, dog, treatment.
51 Vertiprakhov V.G., Grozina A.A. The estimation of pancreatic functionality in chicken using tryptic activity in blood serum
The most effective diagnostic criteria for acute pancreatitis in human are the activities of trypsin in blood serum and other body fluids. However, this test is still found a limited application in animals due to the absence of the specific test kits for semi-automated and automated biochemical analyzers, as well as to the lack of knowledge related to the alterations in circulatory tryptic activity induced by different normal and pathological changes in pancreatic functionality. In the study presented the activities of pancreatic proteases in pancreatic juice (obtained by chronic fistulation of pancreatic ducts) and blood serum in chicken were determined using different substrates: casein as a substrate for tryptic proteolytic activity vs. bensoyl-DL-arginine-4-nitroanilide hydrochloride (BAPNA) as a substrate for tryptic esterase activity. The possibility of determination of tryptic activity in blood serum using semi-automated analyzer and BAPNA as a synthetic substrate is defined; this parameter can serve as a criterion of pancreatic functionality. Key words: exocrine pancreatic function, activity of pancreatic proteases, activities of digestive enzymes in blood serum, trypsin, chicken.
61 Index of articles, publishen in 2018