CONTENTS №12-2019
3 Donnik I.M., Sereda S.V., Kovalenko E.V., Popov I.V., Popov I.V., Soboleva I.V., Ermakov A.M. Whether euthanasia with use of the drug Adilin-super and other peripheral muscle relaxants in the monomode is humane?
Currently, one of the most pressing problems in practical veterinary medicine of the Russian Federation is the question of humanity of the use of peripheral muscle relaxants (Ditilin, Adilin, Adilin-super) for euthanasia without any narcotic substances or other drugs that disable consciousness. The aim of this article is to substantiate the fallacy of this approach on the basis of fundamental knowledge about the pharmacological features of the drugs under discussion, their descriptions in relevant guidelines, comparison of the results of a series of experiments by different authors, as well as from the position of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Key words: muscle relaxants, euthanasia, curare, ditilin, adilin, adilin-super, animals.
8 Safiullin R.T., Shibitov S.K., Semenichev A.V., Zhurov E.G., Barishnikov S.A., Volkov A.V. Estimation effectiveness of Elivec at strongylatoses of the digestive tract of cattle
Authors studied the therapeutic efficacy of Elievec, a new pharmaceutical form of eprinomectin, at strongylatoses of the digestive tract of cattle. The drug was once applied to young animals on the skin at a dose of 0,1 ml/kg of body weight, and Ganamectin was inoculated subcutaneously to the animals of another group at a dose of 1 ml/50 kg of body weight. Both drugs showed high efficacy: EE and IE of Elievec were 96,7 and 98,86 %, and the corresponding values of Ganamectin were 95 and 98,04 %, respectively. Exceeding the dose of Elivec up to 5 times did not adversely affect on the clinical condition, locomotion and appetite of cattle. Key words: antiparasitic drugs, cattle, eprinomectin, heifers, strongilates, tolerability.
13 Varenikov M.V., Tashlanov V.V., Ivanov E.V., Butkeev M.N. Improvement of performance insemination of heifers in farms affected by urogenital mycoplasmosis
The studies were carried out in farms affected by urogenital mycoplasmosis in the Republic of Chuvashia, Moscow and Kaluga regions on heifers of Holstein cattle. The inoculation of antibacterial drugs Nitox 200, Baytril 5 %, Azitronit M and Pulmamag to the heifers of the experimental groups before insemination increased the insemination efficiency by 11,1 – 26,1 % compared with the control group that was not treated with antibiotics. The most effective drug was Pulmamag, which contained azithromycin and meloxicam. Key words: abortion, azithromycin, antibiotics, reproduction, cow, meloxicam, mycoplasmosis, insemination.
16 Shulyak A.F., Velichko G.N., Nosova M.V. Vaccination of breeding bulls as a risk factor for the spread of bovine infectious rhinotracheitis
Monitoring of artificial insemination centres been detected wide distribution of carriers between breeding bulls. Countries, zones, herds where animals are buying have different IBR epidemiology. The purposes are conservation of various breeds, selection, special demands of stockbreeders. Before trade breeding bulls are vaccinating against IBR in some cases, as in the some artificial insemination centres. Vaccination stimulates production of antibodies in as free from BHV-1 so as latent carrier ones. Thus the information value of serological tests for detection infected animals decreases. Vaccinated bulls are secreting BHV-1 with sperm more often than non vaccinated. Vaccination does not lead to elimination and prevention of viral reactivation, masks source of infection and than increase the risk of spread IBR. Key words: artificial insemination center, breeding bulls, infectious rhinotracheitis, BHV-1, latency, vaccination, sperm, transmission factor.
20 Green S.A., Matveeva I.N., Bogomolova O.A., Fedorov Yu.N., Popova V.M., Kryukova E.N., Litenkova I.Yu. Assessment of PCV2 circulation among pigs of different ages and antigenic activity of a vaccine against this infection
Investigated the blood serum of 88 pigs of different age groups of two pig-breeding complexes, the result demonstrated specific antibodies to swine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), evidence of virus circulation. The average titer of serum antibodies in piglets on rearing 40 days of life was 1:2020, pigs-suckers 20 days of life – 1:3120; at repair pigs 175 days of life – 1:5124; piglets fattening 180 days of life – 1:5300. In animals of the main herd (sow) the percentage of seroprevalence was 95 %. With the age of piglets, an increase in the titer of antibodies to PCV2 was revealed, which indicates infection of animals with the virus after a decrease in the level of colostral antibodies below the protective one. Real-time PCR was used for quantitative detection of the PCV2 genome in blood serum and pig tissue, which revealed a high viral load: more than >105 copies of virus/cm3 DNA in blood serum. Taking into account the period of viremia and clinical manifestation of circovirus infection in the range of 21– 40 well (days of life) of pigs, preventive immunization against this infection was recommended. Under experimental conditions, high antigenic activity of the experimental series of whole-virionous inactivated emulsified vaccine against circovirus infection was established: 3 weeks after vaccination, close comparable results were obtained for antibody titers from vaccinated animals of the same age group, the average titer of serum antibodies to PCV2 was 1:3079 in ELISA. The intensity of immunity with a single vaccination remained up to 4 months (follow-up period). Taking into account the correlation between the level of specific antibodies and resistance of pigs to PCV2 infection, there is reason to believe about the prospects of the use of domestic whole-virionous inactivated emulsified vaccine in the system of immunoprophylaxis of this infection. Key words: antibodies, vaccination, diagnosis, enzyme immunoassay, porcine circovirus of the second type, viremia, seroprevalence, real-time PCR.
27 Sukher M.M., Morgunov U.P., Zhivoderov S.P., Tsybanov S.Zh., Strizhakova O.M., Salnikov N.I. Study of the swine pox virus cultural and virulent properties, isolated from the Russian Federation
The article presents the results of the swinepox virus adaptation isolated in the Belgorod region (2013) to transplanted pig kidney cell culture (PK-15). In order to study the characteristics of the clinical course and dynamics of infectious process of the disease, experimental infection of susceptible animals was carried out by intracutaneous and contact infection. Experimental infection of pigs with a culture virus showed a decrease in its virulence as compared with the initial virus-containing material (suspension of scabs from the skin of sick pigs). Contact infected animals had no clinical signs. infection was confirmed by detecting the DNA of the swinepox virus by the PCR method from swabs of the oral cavity and by isolating the virus in the primary cell culture. Key words: swine pox virus, cell culture, infectious activity.
31 Ataev A.M., Zubairova M.M., Dzhambulatov Z.M., Karsakov N.T. The situation on piroplasmidoses of cattle on the south-east of the North Caucasus
Piroplasmidoses of cattle are widely distributed in the South-East of the North Caucasus. Piroplasmosis and franciellosis diagnosed in April – May, July – August and September – October. In spring in the area between rivers Terek and the Sulak, in the Caspian (Derbent) pass, mountains and plains of southern Dagestan franciellosis manifested in cattle earlier than piroplasmosis. Theileriosis found only in the lowland and foothill areas in July-August. It often strikes animals simultaneously with piroplasmosis or franciellosis. These mixed infestations have more severe symptoms than their monoinvasions. Seasonality in the incidence of piroplasmidoses caused by the activity of their vectors – ixodid ticks. The main vector of Piroplasma bigeminum, single-host tick Boophilus annulatus, formed 3 generations in the ecosystems of the region. Nymphs and imago of ticks from genus Hyalomma (H. detritum, H. anatolicum, H. scupense), involved in the distribution of Theileria annulata, massively developed in biotopes in July – August. Key words: ixodid ticks, imago, cattle, nymph, piroplasmidoses, piroplasmosis, theileriosis, franciellosis, ecosystem, North Caucasus.
34 Engashev S.V., Novak M.D., Aliev M.A., Filimonov D.N., Mironenko A.V. Ear tallies and preparations in form spot-on FLIBLOCK® and their efficiency for cattle
Decline of quantity of bloodsucking insect, zoophilous flies in a milk and meat farms is one of important vectors of the veterinary events sent to warning of economic damage and increase of efficiency production. Except the regulated pasture of animals taking into account seasonal, day's activity of the bloodsucking insects and zoophilous flies, a large value has application of modern environmentally sound insecticide preparations. Synthetic piretroids possessing the expressed insecticide and by properties of repellent, lipophilition, weak action of resorption, it is possible to apply in different medicinal forms: emulsions, spot on, impregnativeear tallies, foot and tail ribbons of polymeric materials. Duration of insecticide-repellent at the use of liquid forms of piretroids makes 4 – 6 weeks, and on the basis of tallies, ribbons – to 3,5 – 4,5 months. Results of scientific researches in Central region of the Russian Federation confirm high efficiency of synthetic piretroids FLYBLOCK® solution (cyflutrin) spot-on and ear tallies FLYBLOCK® against horseflys and zoophilous flies. Key words: horseflys, bloodsucking and licking flies, insecticide-repellent treatments, FLYBLOCK® (cyphlutrin) spot-on, ear tallies of FLYBLOCK®, coefficient of protective action (КPA), coefficient of frightening off action (KFA).
40 Kotsarev V.N., Gorohov N.A. Spread of gestosis and its complications in sows
In the conditions of a large pig-breeding enterprise, the studies were carried out to determine the degree of gestosis spread and its complications in sows. It was found that depending on the age of the animals gestosis has a different degree of spread. In sows with complication of pregnancy with gestosis pathology of parturition and the postpartum period was demonstrated more often, more underdeveloped, lifeless and dead piglets were born, mammal glands lesions with subclinical mastitis increased. Key words: sows, pregnancy, gestosis, spread, complications.
43 Aliev A.Y., Bulatkhanov B.B., Klimov N.T. Al-test indicator for diagnostics of subclinical mastitis in ewes
The efficacy of the application of Al-test indicator for the express diagnostics of mastitis in ewes was studied. In laboratory studies using a diagnosticum, the main criterion for the subclinical mastitis presence in animals was the formation of a well-formed jelly-like clot (from moderate to dense) in the milk samples, which was partially (+) or entirely (++) ejected from the plate well with stirring, the color was purple. On the plate, with a negative reaction (–), the mixture of milk and the indicator remained homogeneous, the color was pale raspberry, with a dubious (±) – it contained traces of jelly formation, the color was raspberry. Key words: ewes, mammary gland, subclinical mastitis, diagnostics, microflora.
46 Dorozhkin V.I., Prokopenko А.A., Morozov V.Yu., Kulitsa M.M. Use Abaldez® for aerosol disinfection of objects of veterinary surveillance
The article provides scientific evaluation of the use of funds Abaldez® for aerosol disinfection of objects of veterinary surveillance. As a result of research developed the technology for aerosol disinfection of objects of veterinary surveillance in livestock and poultry a new, environmentally safe means of Abaldez®. Conducted testing of the proposed effective modes in a production environment. Key words: Abaldez®, aerosol disinfection, test objects, a sealed chamber, protein protection.
50 Savojskaya S.L., Sanin A.V., Kozhevnikova T.N. Usage of the hemostimulant and detoxicant for treatment of anemia in dogs with chronic kidney disease
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in pets is often complicated by anemia caused by suppression of erythropoietin synthesis. Commercial erythropoietin-containing medicines specific for dogs and cats, have not yet been developed, while recombinant erythropoietins, in addition to high cost, have significant reactogenicity. In this regard, the aim of the work was to study the effectiveness of Gamavit inclusion in the treatment protocols of dogs with CKD. This complex medicine is widely used for the treatment of anemia in pets as well as for immunocorrection and detoxification purposes.
53 Chernousova V.A. Dynamics of hematological and biochemical blood composition of young rabbits when using stimulants metabolism
The article presents the results of comparative evaluation of the influence of some biostimulating drugs on hematological and biochemical composition of rabbit blood. It was established that all blood indices of rabbits after application of preparations Nucleopeptide and Catosal were within physiological norm, and also increase of live weight in experimental groups was established. The highest rate was achieved in the pilot group. Key words: rabbit, blood, live weight, red blood cells, leukocytes, total protein.
60 Index of articles, publishen in 2019