CONTENTS №12-2024

3 Loschinin M.N., Alexeyenkova S.V.  Diagnosis of piroplasmidosis of horses

The article presents data on the causative agents of equine piroplasmosis, which are the parasitic protozoa Theileria equi and Babesia caballi. The diagnosis of piroplasmosis is made in a comprehensive manner, based on epizootological data, clinical and pathological picture, as well as laboratory tests. The World Organization for Animal Health has approved cELISA for Th. equi and B. caballi as a recommended test for international transportation of horses, based on the use of recombinant protein, as well as the IFAT test for differential diagnosis of Th. equi and B. caballi. Molecular genetic methods for interspecies identification are mainly based on comparison of 18S rRNA genes, while intraspecies diversity and genotyping are based on genes: ema-1 for Th. equi and rap-1 for B. caballi. The complement fixation test (CFT), which was the mainstay for many years, is now ancillary and only identifies affected horses in the acute phase at an early stage. Key words: piroplasmidoses, Theileria equi, Babesia caballi, PCR, 18S rRNA, CFT, IFAT, cELISA, ema-1, rap-1.



11 Pankratov S.V., Ukrainskaya O.A., Kasimov D.Kh., Klimanovich I.V. Specific prophylaxis of infectious diseases of turkeys 

Turkey breeding in Russia is a relatively young branch of poultry farming, but it is no less promising. In recent decades, there has been an active growth in demand for the products of this sector, which entails a commensurate increase in the share of enterprises specializing in turkey breeding. One of the key problems significantly hindering the development of this industry in Russia is outbreaks of infectious and parasitic diseases of birds. Regular vaccine prophylaxis is the main veterinary control measure that limits or completely stops the dissemination of infections between farms. This work highlights the most dangerous and widespread diseases of turkeys of infectious and parasitic nature, as well as methods of their specific prophylaxis. Key words: turkey breeding, vaccine prophylaxis, viral, bacterial and parasitic avian diseases.



17 Mustafayev A.R., Baratov M.O., Ivashev E.A. The spread of bovine leukemia, taking into account the impact of radionuclides on environmental objects in the Republic of Dagestan

The article provides retrospective data on the spread of bovine leukemia and radioactive substances (90Sr, 137Cs), total β-activity in environmental objects (samples) throughout the Republic of Dagestan. It was revealed that during the years of the accidental the nuclear power plant (Chernobyl, etc.) and after man-made accidents, the number of animals infected with BLV and cattle leukemia increased in parallel. The reasons that led to such a spread of bovine leukemia could be the following: decrease in the immunological status of cattle under the influence of radioactive isotopes (along with other factors), the absence at that time of health and preventive measures against this disease. Keywords: radioisotopes90Sr, 137Cs, total β-activity, radioactivity of substances, bovine leukemia, dynamics of the spread of BLV, Republic of Dagestan.


22 Shabeykin A.A., Gulyukin A.M., Patrikeyev V.V., Anoyatbekov M., Gulamadshoeva L.G. Modern peculiarities of rabies epizootic process on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan

The nosoareal of rabies in Tajikistan is divided by mountain ranges into two clusters: northern and southern. The northern rabies cluster belongs to the Ferghana Valley, the southern cluster falls on the Alai Valley and the Vakhsh River basin. Both clusters are characterized by a stable epizootic process of rabies, which is confirmed by monitoring data over the past two decades. All recorded outbreaks of rabies tend to river valleys and human settlements. Mountainous areas are predominantly rabies-free. The analysis of the features of the spatial location of epizootic rabies clusters on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan allows us to draw conclusions about the geographical isolation of clusters from each other and about the possibility of cross-border movement of field strains of rabies virus between the disadvantaged territories of Tajikistan and neighboring countries of the Central Asian region. Based on data of the species of sicked animals for 2005 – 2022, it can be concluded that during this time, the epizootic process of the canine ecotype was constantly recorded on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan. The identified spatial, temporal and population patterns of the epizootic process of rabies allow us to develop scientifically based recommendations for improving the strategy of antiepizootic measures. Key words:  Rabies, area of disease, incidence, Tajikistan, monitoring, spatial analysis, geoinformation technologies.


28 Nikonova A.E., Evgrafova E.A., Zaykova O.N., Losich M.A., Grebennikova T.V., Shmarov M.M., Bolatchiev K.H. Evaluation of the efficacy of an anti-rabies vector vaccine based on the human adenovirus

Rabies is a highly dangerous zoonotic disease that causes damage to the central nervous system and can lead to encephalomyelitis and paralysis, with an inevitable fatal outcome. The World Health Organization (WHO) and World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) recommends that domestic carnivore animals be vaccinated annually to prevent the spread of the disease. In recent years, there has been an increase in successful trials of vector-based vaccines for small carnivores using adenoviruses from various serotypes. One of the main advantages of these vaccines is that they do not require the use of live pathogens during production. A recombinant human adenovirus 5th serotype carrying the glycoprotein G gene from the rabies virus strain RV-97 induces the production of neutralizing antibodies against the rabies virus in laboratory mice at a level significantly exceeding the recommended threshold of 0.5 IU/mL by the WHO. This vaccine also provides 100% survival after an experimental infection at a dose of 1x106 PFU per head. In ferrets, the antibody levels after a single immunization with Ad5-RV97 were similar to those achieved after two doses of the inactivated vaccine using the standard schedule. Key words: rabies, human adenovirus 5th serotype, anti-rabies virus neutralizing antibodies.


33 Zulkarneev E.R., Aleshkin A.V., Laishevcev A.I., Eleev E.L., Pimenov N.V. Bacteriophage Ah1 for the prevention of aeromonosis in carp

The high morbidity and mortality rates, economic losses and global spread of aeromonosis represent a significant problem for the aquaculture industry. The use of antibacterial drugs at high doses for extended periods of time has resulted in the loss of effectiveness of traditional antibiotics against aeromonosis. Phage therapy represents a promising approach, selectively targeting Aeromonas bacteria without adversely affecting the beneficial microbiota. The objective of the present study was to assess the acute toxicity of Aeromonas phage Ah1 on white mice and its protective efficacy against Aeromonas hydrophila-induced disease in carp. The results of experimental studies on the acute toxicity of bacteriophage Ah1 administered intragastrically and intraperitoneally to mice demonstrated the absence of any significant signs of toxicity. The protective effect of the Ah1 bacteriophage was assessed at 10 days post-infection. In the control group, mortality due to infection with A. hydrophila reached 85 % on day 10. In the experimental group treated with bacteriophage, the survival rate was 70 % on day 10. The majority of surviving fish in the experimental group exhibited no clinical indications of infection. Key words: aeromonosis, bacteriophage, Aeromonas hydrophila, toxicity, safety.



39 Mashnin D.V., Yakob D.A., Zhernosenko А.А., Telenkov V.N., Mashnin A.V. On the issue of treatment of acute purulent-catarrhal postpartum endometritis in cows

The relationship between the composition of Penbex and its therapeutic activity in comparison with an analog containing only antibiotics of the beta-lactam (various penicillin salts) and aminoglycoside (dihydrostreptomycin sulfate) series is shown, using the example of the treatment of acute purulent-catarrhal postpartum endometritis in cows. It was found that the use of Penbex in combination with Galapan contributed to a reduction in the number of cows with uterine discharge by 50,0 % on 2 days and the complete absence of such for 3 days after starting treatment. Results of gynecological examination and ultrasound on the 5th day after using Penbex, clinical recovery of animals from endometritis is confirmed, while in 16,67 % of cows with a similar pathology, when using an incomplete analogue of Penbex (the comparison drug contains antibiotics of the beta-lactam and aminoglycoside series), residual signs of endometritis were noted in the uterine horns. Key words: cows, acute purulent-catarrhal postpartum endometritis, Penbex, beta-lactam antibiotics, aminoglycoside antibiotics, Galapan.



44 Yaderets V.V., Karpova N.V., Dzhavakhiya V.V., Glagoleva E.V. The influence of feed protein-carotene probiotic additive on hemato-biochemical parameters and intestinal biocenosis of fattening piglet

The article presents the biochemical, morphological and immunological parameters of the blood of piglets when a protein-carotene probiotic additive is included in the diet. The study was carried out on 12 crossbred boars (F1: Duroc ×-Landrace) for fattening. We formed 2 groups according to the principle of analogues, 6 animals each, initial live weight – 20 – 25 kg. The duration of the experiment was 30 days. A tendency towards an increase in the content of protein fractions in the blood serum of animals receiving the supplement was revealed. Phagocytic activity, phagocytic index and phagocytic number in piglets whose diet included the feed additive were higher by 4,8 %, 15,8 and 14,4 %, respectively. There was a significant decrease in salmonella and enterococci in animals of the experimental group. Key words: feed additive, piglets, biochemical blood parameters, indicators of nonspecific immunity.


49 Vertiprakhov V.G., Polina S.I., Sergeenkova N.A., Sedletskaya E.S., Alyoshkina A.V. Blood parameters of rabbits after intramuscular injection of enzyme preparation

We conducted experiments on 4-6-month-old rabbits of Soviet Shin-Shilla breed to study two preparations - crystalline trypsin and lyophilizate from broiler pancreas tissue. In 60 minutes after injection in the group with crystalline trypsin no changes in blood pressure in rabbits were observed, in animals injected with lyophilizate, a decrease in blood pressure by 6.4% was observed, which is associated with the effect on the parasympathetic nervous system. This was confirmed by blood biochemical parameters, after injection of lyophilizate trypsin activity in the blood of rabbits decreased by 23,7 % (p<0,05), alkaline phosphatase – by 55,0 %, triglycerides content – by 70,0 %, phosphorus – by 48,2 % in comparison with the first control group. Key words: rabbits, blood pressure, crystalline trypsin, lyophilizate, trypsin activity in blood.


53 Engashev S.V., Komarov A.A., Mironenko A.V., Goncharova E.N., Gabidullina D.E. Bioequivalence of medical products PIMOCARDIN® and Vetmedin®S when administered orally to dogs

The article describes the study of bioequivalence of Pimocardin – the investigational drug (developed by AVZ LLC, Russia) and Vetmedin®S – the reference drug (developed by "Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH", Germany) when administered orally to dogs. The preparations are available in the form of tablets, which contain as an active substance pimobendan – 1,25 mg; 5 mg; 10 mg and auxiliary substances. The study was conducted on tablets with a dosage of 10 mg of pimobendan. Bioequivalence study of the preparations was carried out on mongrel dogs. A cross-sectional design was used for the experiment. During the study, the concentrations of the active substance of the preparations in the blood plasma of dogs were monitored. The obtained data were used to calculate pharmacokinetic parameters and to assess the bioequivalence of the drugs. After oral administration of the drug to dogs, pimobendan was detected in plasma as early as 10 – 60 min after administration; Tmax averaged 2 h for the study drug and 2,1 h for the reference drug. Cmax was 50,5±20,6 ng/ml for the study drug and 47,7±19,5 ng/ml for the reference drug. Based on the results of the study the following conclusion was formed: 90% confidence interval of the ratio of maximum concentrations of pimobendan of the investigational and reference preparations CmaxT/CmaxR are within 94,8/110,7. 90% confidence interval of the ratio of areas under pharmacokinetic curves of pimobendan of the investigational and reference preparations AUC0-tT/AUC0-tR are within 94,6/105,7. The drugs Pimocardin and Vetmedin®S are bioequivalent. Key words: Pimocardin, Vetmedin®S, pimobendan, bioequivalence, pharmacokinetics, dogs.


60 Index of articles, published in 2024



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CONTENTS №12-2024