CONTENTS №2-2019

3 Vinnikov М.G., Melnik R.N., Green S.A., Samuylenko А.Y., Melnik N.V., Klyukina V.I., Svyatenko M.S., Fedorova N.V. Current status and development trends of cattle breeding in Moscow region

The characteristic of the current state of cattle breeding in the Moscow region and the prospects for its further development is given. There are shown the results of the implementation in this region the State program for the development of agriculture to further increase the productivity and economic efficiency of cattle farming in 2016 – 2020. Key words: cattle, Moscow region, agricultural products.



9 Khlopitsky V.P., Skorikov V.N. Application of interferon for the purpose of preventive maintenance embryonic death rates and increases fertility at highly productive dairy cows

In article materials by efficiency recombinant α-interferon Mixoferon® for increase fertility and decrease embryonic are presented death rate at dairy cows. High preventive efficiency and expediency of application of the given preparation is established. The best result is received at its complex use with gonadolberinamy and progestin. Key words: cows, fertility, embryonic, death rate, chronic virus infections, Mixoferon®, Surfagon, Progestamag®.

13 Tyrin V.G.,  Mysova G.A., Biryukov K.N., Potemkina N.N., Kocsis O.I., Volchkova L.A. Ecological and hygienic assessment heat treatment of organic waste in a vacuum

The sanitary-bacteriological state of organic fertilizer on the basis of litter, obtained during heat treatment in a vacuum of poultry waste is estimated. The concentrations of harmful substances contained in the air of the room during the operation of the thermal vacuum installation are given. Key words: vacuum, organic waste, heat treatment, litter, fertilizer.


16 Polunochkina T.V. Treatment of hens of parental flocks with haemophilosis

In industrial poultry farming, haemophilosis causes significant economic damage by reducing egg production and egg fertility as well as increasing the poultry culling and mortality. After the diagnosis of haemophilosis and the determination of the Avibacterium (Haemophilus) paragallinarum sensitivity to sulfonamides and macrolides, Sultteram® oral solution and Tilmipul were used to treat the birds, and a positive result was obtained. These drugs can be recommended for the treatment of hens of parent flocks from hemophilosis.   Key words: haemophilosis, Avibacterium (Haemophilus) paragallinarum bacterium, parent flock, production indicators, sulfonamides and macrolides.


19 Romantseva Y.N. The seroprevalences to the parainfluenza-3 virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus and bovine viral diarrhea virus in the maral population

There was carried out a serological examination of 90 clinically healthy marals aged 4 – 6 years from 3 farms in the Altai Territory. Antibodies to the PI-3 virus were detected in 14,4 %, to BHV – in 2,9 % and to the BVDV – in 14,3 % tested animals. The mean titres of them were 1:4096; 1: 8 and 1: 8 respectively. The presence of PI-3 virus in one of the farms was confirmed by the detection the agent by the reaction of immunofluorescence in smears from lung of 4 from 5 marals. The obtained results suggest that the above-mentioned viral agents circulate in the maral population of the Altai Territory. Key words: maral stags, blood serum, PIV-3, BVDV, IBR, antibodies.


21 Saktaganov N.T., Klivleyeva N.G., Glebova Т.I., Kalkozhayeva M.K.,  Lukmanova G.V., Ongarbayeva N.S., Baiseiit S.B., Baimukhametova A.M., Shamenova M.G. Characteristics of biological properties of swine influenza A/H1N1 viruses isolated  in Aktobe  oblast in 2014 

The paper presents the results of studying antigenic relationships and biological properties of influenza A (H1N1) virus strains isolated from swine in the Aktobe oblast  in 2014. It has been shown that  the Kazakhstan isolates of influenza A/H1N1 virus exhibit the antigenic commonality  between themselves and with the reference strain A/New Jersey/8/76 and do not differ significantly in a number of biological properties. Key words: influenza virus, strains, isolate, antigen, hemagglutinin, infectivity.


25 Sachivkina N.P., Lenchenko E.M. Effective ways to identify yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida

The effective ways of identification of yeast-like fungi of the speciesCandidaalbicans, C. africana, C. tropicalis are describedin the present work on the basis of their morphology, a number of biochemical and physiological features. Key words: MALDI-TOF, chromogenic medium HiCrome Candida Agar, germ tubes, Candida albicans, Candida africana, Candida tropicalis.



29 Kazarnikova A.V., Strigakova T.V., Bojko N.E., Bortnikov E.S., Bygaev L.A.,   Beraldo P., Byadgi O., Galeotti M. About invasion of grey mullet by myxosporidia Myxobolus episquamalis at Kerchenskyi preglass  of the Black sea

Myxosporea infections can cause severe damage to mullets. Here, we report about disease caused by myxosporean parasite Myxobolus episquamalis found in grey mullet, Mugil cephalus, which is the object of commercial and coastal fishery at Russia. The cases of fish mortality were not detected. 15 clinically health and 15 sick fish were taken for parasite analyses. Cysts from infected scales carefully removed and studied by compression method under microscope for detection of myxosporidia spores. Spores were 8,2±0,03 µm in length × 5,9±0,23 µm in width, 4,4±0,17 µm in thickness. The polar capsules were 4±0,07 µm in length × 1,5±0,24 µm in width. Molecular – genetic characterization using 18s ribosomal DNA revealed that investigated parasite closely related to  M. episquamalis (100 %), Myxobolus sp. (99 %), M. bizerti (99 %), M. ichkeulensis (99 %)  and M. spinacurvata (99 %) detected in mullets. 24 fish were taken for physiological analyses. The most acute myxobolesis was detected among grey mullet at spring, at summer the functional indexes of infected fish were satisfactory, at autumn – were within standards. Key words: Myxobolus episquamalis, infection, grey mullet, Mugil cephalus.



36 Avdeenko V.S., Kalyuzhny I.I., Tresnitsky S.N. Metabolic stress in dry cows and nets in development of subclinical ketosis

The experimental group of dead cows and deep-stalked heifers with symptoms of subclinical ketosis consisted of animals with a content of ketone bodies in the urine above 0,5 mmol/l. It was found that when the level of ketone bodies is raised above physiological limits by 2,3 times and their fractions – AcAc and HH, respectively, 5,9 times and 1,5 times, the reduction of buffer bases to 18,41±1,53 mmol/l, glucose concentration up to 2,25±0,16 mmol/l, as well as the BH/AcAc ratio up to 1,53±0,28 indicates a violation of metabolic exchange of heifer’s characteristic of ketosis. The ratio of the fractions of ketonic bodies of ß-hydroxybutyric acid (BH) to acetone with acetoacetic acid (AcAc) is lower than 1,87:1, should be considered as a non-specific marker of fatty liver dystrophy regardless of the level of OCT in the blood. Metabolic processes in patients bring about a malfunction of the functional activity of the fetoplacental complex and lead to activation of the metabolic process, the synthesis of testosterone and estradiol, and an increase in their content in the blood of cows with a complete symptom complex of subclinical ketosis to the level of clinically healthy animals. The index of the ratio of progesterone to estradiol in heifers with pregnancy pathology was lower than animals with a physiological course of 1,8 – 2,2 times. The content of manolaldialdehyde in subclinical ketosis is 1,44±0,04 μmol/l. Consequently, the metabolic parameters that are traditionally used in the diagnostic algorithm in animals with subclinical ketosis in a number of cases are less sensitive and specific than those of the system "lipid peroxidation – antioxidant protection." In the long term, the material obtained in this work should be taken into account when studying the problem of subclinical and clinical ketosis, deep stems and dry cows, as a concept of the development of a malfunction of the "antioxidant syndrome" system in this metabolic pathology. Key words: deep-seeded heifers, cows, blood, the "antioxidant syndrome" system, subclinical ketosis, metabolic processes.



42 Nikolaenko V.P., Shestakov I.N., Kononov A.N., Ojeredova N.A., Mihaylova A.V., Marchenko V.V. Preparation Nikosan-aroma for disinfection in the hatching house

The article presents the experiment results on decontamination of salmonella, colibacillosis and staphylococcus pathogens of bacterial infection after disinfection of hatching eggs. The data on the use of Nikosan-aroma different concentrations are presented. Bacteriological studies have established a sustained bactericidal effect of the preparation. Key words: incubation, Nikosan-aroma preparation, bactericidal effect, disinfection, hatching eggs.



45 Deltsov A.A., Maksimov V.I., Balakirev N.A., Kozlov S.A., Ippolitova T.V. Physiological influence of iron-hydroxide polymaltosis complex on development of sexual function in white rats

Presents a study on the physiological effect of iron-hydroxide polymaltose complex on sexual function in rats, by determining embryotoxicity and determining the effect of the drug on the postnatal development of offspring. As a result of the research it was found that the administration of the drug in therapeutic and fivefold dose to pregnant rats at different periods of pregnancy does not adversely affect the physiological processes in the developing organism in antenatal ontogeny and does not affect the postnatal development of the resulting offspring in a negative way. Key words: iron, microelementoses, iron deficiency anemia, toxicity, rats, drug.



51 Kudriashov A.A., Stekolnikov A.A., Balabanova V.I. Determination causes of sudden death of piglets in fattening period by the autopsy

Post-mortem examination of 117 piglets of fattening groups, include 42 cases of sudden death, was carried out on pig farms in a number of regions of the European part of the Russian Federation in 2016 – 2018. According to the results of the autopsy and additional laboratory studies it was established that streptococcosis, mycotoxicosis, gastric ulcer, torsion of the intestinal mesentery, ulcerous urocystitis were the causes of the sudden death of piglets. Key words: torsion of the intestine mesentery, mycotoxicosis, streptococcosis, gastric ulcer, ulcerative urocystitis, autopsy, piglets.



55 Zybina Т.N., Pyatkina А.А., Kulakov V.Yu., Moroz N.V., Kopot О.Yu.  Determination of threshold titre of transovarian antibodies for Gumboromix virus vaccine application 

Chickens were tested for humoral immunity before and after inoculation with GUMBORO virus vaccine. Only paired serum samples were tested and titres of passive (Т0) and active (Т1) antibodies were determined. Transovarial immunity level was assessed as antibody titre deviation (d) from cut-off value determined for the diagnostic kit (“Synbiotiсs” (Zoetis), USA). It was found that chronological regression of passive immunity can be calculated using the following equation: ”d = (–1,030)Day+1,348, where: ”d –expected titre deviation corresponding to predetermined value for Day; Day=lg(days). Effect of passive antibodies on postvaccinal immune development in chickens was examined. Sustained increase in active antibody titres indicating that GUMBOROMIX virus vaccine had “broken through” transovarial immunity in chickens was found to be in the following range of mean values: 3,015≤lg”T0≤3,218 or 1036≤”T0≤1650. Key words: infectious bursal disease, humoral immunity (transovarial and postvaccinal), antibodies, virus vaccine.


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CONTENTS №2-2019