CONTENTS №2-2021

3 Safiullin R.T., Pruglo V.V. Coccidioses in industrial type swine farms

Studies conducted in different regions of the country showed that from 10 to 60% of piglets are infected with isospores in the first month of life with an invasion intensity of 2 – 50 oocystis in one field of microscope. The average extensiveness of invasion in pigs in the country was 25,2 %, with fluctuations of this indicator in different Federal districts from 10,5 to 35,2 %. Toltrazuril and Diclazuril proved to be effective in controlling the endogenous stages of development of coccidia, Kenokoks and Aymeriotsid – with exogenous. Key words: disinfestation, coccidioses, antiparasitic drugs, prophylaxy, pig.



9 Afonyushkin V.N., Cherepushkina V.S., Harin A.V., Preobrashenskyj G.D., Alikina T.Yu., Mishukova O.V. The influence of flavomycin on lactobacillus in the composition of the cecal microbiota of chicken-broilers

Flavophospholipol is a phosphorus-containing glycolipid antibiotic widely used in poultry and pig production. The aim of the study was to observe the effect of flavomycin on the taxonomic composition of the representatives of this family Lactobacillaceae of intestinal microbiota of broiler chickens. We studied the effect of flavophospholipol on the microbiota of the intestines of broiler chickens in a broiler poultry farm. To the chicks of the experimental group, flavomycin was administered with a feed in a dosage of 80 kg/ton. A comparative microbiological study of the large intestine microbiota and 16 S microbiome analysis was performed. A statistically significant increase in the concentration of lactobacilli in the blind intestines of 20-day-old chickens of broilers was detected, under the influence of flavophospholipol. In broiler chickens that received flavofosfolipol with food, there were more lactobacilli, in comparison with the chickens of the control group (an average of 37,15 times). Microbiologically, Lactobacillus taiwanensis, L.reuteri, L.johnsonii were found in the gastrointestinal tract of the birds under study. Also, in a smaller number, there are representatives of the genus Enterococcus In the bird receiving flavophospholipol, operating taxonomic units (OTU) L. johnsonii, L. salivarius were more frequently represented and were less represented by OTU L. crispatus in comparison with the control group. Studies have shown that the mechanism of action of flavofosfolipol on the microbiota of the intestines of broiler chickens is characterized, in particular, by prebiotic effects. Key words: flavofosfolipol, broilers, lactic acid bacteria, Biodiversity, Lactobacillus reuteri.


14 Tjurin E.A., Chekan L.V. Conditions of compliance with biological safety requirements in the work with microorganisms II – IV pathogenic groups in veterinary laboratories

The article considers the issue of biological safety in veterinary laboratories working with microorganisms II – IV groups of pathogenicity (danger). A set of biological safety requirements has been defined, the implementation of which allows optimizing the working conditions with microorganisms, to ensure the safe operation of engineering equipment, to comply with measures to protect the health of employees. The identified violations of biological safety requirements have been described and measures to improve its condition in laboratories have been proposed. Key words: biosafety, veterinary laboratory, set of requirements.



20 Zaitsev S.S., Khizhnyakova M.A., Feodorova V.A. Detection of causative agent of infectious abortion in cattle by the Third Generation Sequencing Technique (Oxford Nanopore Technology)

The article presents the results of whole-genome sequencing of DNA isolated from biomaterial of the cattle with clinical manifestations of inflammation of the reproductive system and anamnestic abortions. For this purpose, the third generation sequencing method based on Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) was successfully used. Presence the DNA of some pathogens known as the causative agents for abortogenic infection in livestock (Salmonella spp. and Escherichia spp.) was revealed by following metagenomic and bioinformatic data analysis within a few hours after the start of sequencing procedure. The de novo method was used to assembly the whole genome with a dominant position (90,35 %) and demonstrating a high homology (97,63 %) with the genomes of bacteria from the genus Enterobacter hormaechei. Prospects for introducing ONT into the diagnostic veterinary system are discussed. It especially actual when requires rapid and high-precision diagnostics of infectious diseases, including infections with a high epidemic potential, common to animals and humans, novel and mixed infections as well for which there are no commercial PCR test systems. Key words: Enterobacter, Salmonella, Escherichia, Oxford Nanopore, whole genome sequencing, diagnosis of infectious diseases.


26 Abakin S.S., Orobets V.A., Prokulevich V.A. Diagnostics and immune status of calves received from cows infected with leukosis virus

One of the most urgent problems facing practical veterinary medicine in the Russian Federation is cattle leukemia. The article discusses the effectiveness of preventive and recreational measures of cattle leukemia. The analysis of determining the possibility of nonspecific anti-infection protection of newborn calves with the preparation Biferon-B from the cattle leukemia virus is presented. A set of measures aimed at breaking the epizootic chain is proposed. Key words: bovine leukosis, antibodies, genotyping, epizootic, infection, hematology, interferon.



31 Engashev S.V., Novak M.D., Engasheva E.S., Solopov P.A. Study of effectiveness of drugs DIRONET® spot-on and DIRONET® suspension in experimental and spontaneous toxocariasis of dogs

Toxocariasis is a widespread dangerous zoonosis, accompanied in humans by larva migrans syndrome in the visceral and ocular forms. Toxocaracanis larvae can cross the pulmonary barrier and enter the central nervous system, causing brain damage. Seroepidemiological monitoring using ELISA test systems in different regions of the Russian Federation shows positive results for antibodies to Toxocara canis. Sexually mature of Toxocara canis predominantly infect puppies between the ages of one and four months, and they are also the source of the pathogen for humans, susceptible animals, including paratenic hosts (synanthropic mouse rodents and birds). Based on the results of serological (ELISA) and coprooscopic studies of deworming puppies experimentally infected with Toxocara canis, the efficacy of DIRONET® spot-on and DIRONET® suspension used in doses of 0,1 ml/kg, respectively (2 mg/kg of ivermectin and 8,5 mg/kg praziquantel) and 1 ml/kg. The study of the therapeutic properties of the above combined antiparasitic preparations showed their 100 % effectiveness against larval and mature Toxocara canis nematodes. On the seventh day after deworming with the above anthelmintic preparations, no Toxocara canis eggs were found in the feces of animals of experimental groups. When analyzing the dynamics of specific antibodies in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in puppies experimentally and spontaneously infected with Toxocara canis invasive eggs and deworming on day 14 after infection with DIRONET® spot-on drugs, DIRONET® suspension, a decrease in specific antibody titers was found after 28 – 30 days, which due to the death of the migrating larval stages of the Toxocara canis and in spontaneously invasive, mature nematodes and the elimination of their antigens from tissues and organs. The data obtained confirm the effectiveness of the antiparasitic drugs DIRONET® spot-on and DIRONET® suspension in dogs with larval and imaginal Toxocariasis and the prospect of using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to diagnose and control the effectiveness of deworming. Key words: toxocariasis, zoonosis, larva migrans syndrome, toxocaras, Toxocara canis, larvae, humans, carnivores, dogs, puppies, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), antibody titers, DIRONET® spot-on and DIRONET® suspension, efficacy.



36 Tarnuev A.S., Abidueva E.Yu., Tarnuev Yu.A. Electrogastrography and the fractional research of gastric contents at yaks and their hybrids

For the first time in veterinary practice electrogastrography from a body surface in combination with fractional research of contents of a stomach of yak is applied. Such a comprehensive study reveals digestive disorders before they manifest clinically. The developed method of electrogastrography allows to registrate the motor activity of the stomach both in animals with the normal process of digestion and during non-communicable diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Key words: electrogastrography, stomach, yak.


40 Lemeshchenko V.V., Filonova I.A. Dynamics of morphology of myocardium in neonatal lambs

The morphology of the heart of lambs 1-, 5-, 10-day age was established with complex of morphological techniques used. It was determined that in one day`s lambs, the transverse severity of cardiomyocytes visualized, and the relative area of cardiomyocytes is greatest in the interventricular septum. With age, the largest number of cardiomyocytes in the interventricular septum is maintained, and the relative area of loose fibrous connective tissue and blood vessels of the microcirculatory channel, the core elongation index, change not evenly. Key words: morphology, myocardium, heart, dynamics, newborn lambs.


47 Mineev A.K. Poikilocytosis in commercial fish species of the Saratov reservoir

The parameters of occurrence of various types of red blood cell deformations in mass fish species of the Saratov reservoir, including two commercial fish: bream (Abramis brama Linnaeus, 1758) and pike (Ezox lucius Linnaeus, 1758). Six types of cellular pathologies: poikilocytes, fusiform deformity, dacryocytes, echinocytes, acanthocytes and schistocytes, were found, characterized by excess of the norms for the content of such red blood cells in the bloodstream in all six fish species, which can be considered one of the signs of trouble in the examined populations in the environmental conditions of the reservoir. The number of individuals with poikilocytosis – the most common erythrocyte disorder, formed the basis of populations in roach (Rutilus runilus Linnaeus, 1758), gust (Blicca bjoerkna Linnaeus, 1758), bleak (Alburnus alburnus Linnaeus, 1758) and bream. The number of such specimens was also significant in the populations of pike and perch (Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758). The variety of detected varieties of poikilocytosis and the mass character of these pathologies in fish is a possible consequence of the impact of anthropogenic factors. Key words: Saratov reservoir, commercial fish species, red blood cell pathology, poikilocytosis.



51 Kochish I.I., Kapitonova E.A. State of metabolic processes of broiler chickens body when using the additive-sorbent MeKaSorb on the basis of tripoli

The article presents the results of the biochemical composition of the experimental broiler chickens blood whose diet was introduced by the developed and patented feed additive-sorbent MeKaSorb based on tripoli in various norms input. Based on our research we found that the additional introduction of the sorbent based on tripoli optimized the state of metabolic processes in the broiler chickens body which helped to normalize the level of total protein and triglycerides in the blood serum increasing them to optimal indices, and also helped to prevent the deposition of urates and reduce the level of uric acid and cholesterol. In the blood serum of experimental chickens indices of vitamins A and E as well as indices of macro- and microelements have significantly increased. Based on the totality of the obtained results as well as the biochemical study of the blood from the experimental poultry we recommend the use of the feed additive-sorbent MeKaSorb based on tripoli for the introduction into the diets of broiler chickens at optimal norm input – 1,0 %. Key words: broiler chickens, additive-sorbent, hematological indices, blood serum.


56 Nikolaenko V.P., Khramtsov A.G., Eremina A.I., Dykalo N.Ya., Shkola S.S. Prebiotic lactulose for the prevention of infectious diseases in animals

The issue of the use of new bactericidal agents instead of antibiotics is considered in order to destroy pathogens and prevent infectious diseases. It is shown that the combined use of lactulose and bromide salt of tetra-substituted ammonium improves the basic indicators of livestock production while increasing the resistance of animals to internal and external infectious factors. Key words: lactulose, antibiotics combined use, pathogens, poultry farming, broilers, weight gain, safety.


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CONTENTS №2-2021