CONTENTS №3-2016

3       Orlyankin B.G. Innate antiviral immunity

The review is devoted to innate antiviral immunity and strategies by which viruses bypass it. Key words: viruses, innate immunity.


11        Gerasimov V.N., Lunicin A.V., Salnikov N.I., Gogin A.E., Eremeev N.A., Kolbasov D.V. Lumpy skin disease of cattle in the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania

Data on the first case detection and display of lumpy skin disease among cattle belonging to the citizens of villages and Kardzhin Darg - Koh Kirov district of North Ossetia-Alania. Described the spread of disease in the villages with the free content of cattle in autumn, adopted by the State Veterinary Service of the Republic of urgent measures for the localization of foci of infection. In North Ossetia-Alania and the Russian Federation there are currently no specific means of prevention and liquidation rules of lumpy skin disease of cattle. Data on the prevention of lumpy skin disease among cattle using sheep pox vaccine, production VNIIVViM. Key words: vaccination, quarantine, monitoring, lumpy skin disease of cattle.

14        Zhukova N.N. Overcoming microbial resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics in the treatment of cattle

The article describes the advantages of the integrated application of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in the form of Amoksigard drug to overcome bacterial resistance in the treatment of infectious diseases of cattle. Key words: Amoksigard, amoxicillin, clavulanic acid, resistance,

17        Shilova E.N., Vyalih I.V., Alekseev A.D. The efficacy of disinfectants DEO-CHLOR VET, DEO-BAKTER VET, DEO-STER VET in veterinary medicine

Disinfection is one of the most important parts in the overall program of prevention and control of infectious diseases in agriculture. Moreover, its effectiveness depends on development and use of disinfectants directed to the suppression of pathogenic micro-organisms in the environment. Modern disinfectants must comply with the following criteria: a wide range of bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal activity, low toxicity for animals and personnel, lack of corrosive properties, safety for the environment, and finally low cost and convenience in use. The quality of disinfection in the application of disinfectants DEO-CHLOR VET, DEO-BAKTER VET, DEO-STER VET tested in laboratory and premises for keeping animals is complies with the requirements. Кеу words: disinfectants, bactericidal action, fungicidal action, aerosol disinfection, toxicity, quaternary ammonium compounds, organochlorines, disinfection, cattle.  


19        Kosyachenko N.S., Grekhova N.V., Selyaninov Yu.O. The study of preservation capacity for some representatives  of genus Bacillus in water and/or soil at various pH and temperature levels 

23        Tynio Y.Y., Yarigina E.I., Prokhorova L.G., Morozova G.V., Novikova A.V.History and perspectives of development new adjuvants

The article describes the main types of adjuvants, their composition and properties, as well as the history of adjuvant vaccines, and main perspectives of this direction. The basic problems of production adjuvants: the need to achieve minimal toxicity at maximum efficiency and quality control. Key words: adjuvant, adjuvant vaccine, reactivity, saponin, toxicity.


28        Gluhareva E.V., Abramov V.E., Balyshev A.V., Kashkovskaya L.M. Cyflunit Flok – efficient means to combat wohlfahrtiosis in sheep

The article is devoted to combating infestations of sheep. It provides data on the use efficacy of the Cyflunit Flok drug in the treatment of sheep infected with wohlfahrtiosis. Particular attention is drawn to the therapeutic effect of the drug and the ease of its use. Key words: sheep, ectoparasites, myiasis, insecticides, wohlfahrtiosis, therapeutic efficacy, combating myiasis.

30        Masalkova Y.Y. The assessment of the destructive effects of chemical substances and preparations for eggs of dogs toxocara canis

There was tested in laboratory conditions the destructive action on T. canis eggs of some chemical agents (hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, sodium hydroxide, lactic acid, sodium hypochlorite) and disinfectants (Biopag-D, Megadez, Ecosan, Belizna). It was established the high ovocide effect of 10 % aqueous solution of Megadez and Ecosan at the time of exposure of at least 24 hours at room temperature. The other tested preparates does not demonstrated sufficient desinvasion activity. Key words: desinvasion, ovocide activity, T. canis.


34        Narizhnyi A.G., Dzhamaldinov A.Ch. Technological parameters for improving reproductive function in replacement gilts

The main technological parameters for breeding and rearing of replacement gilts have been analyzed. The most favorable feeding strategy is adjusted; in addition, the replacement gilt body weight and age at the first insemination are determined. Key words: replacement gilts, feeding, weight, age, insemination effectiveness.


37        Terletskiy V.P., Dementieva N.V., Tyshchenko V.I., Mitrofanova O.V., Krutikova A.A., Zozulya O.K., Beishova I.S. Prevalence of lethal recessive mutations in breeding cattle of Leningrad region

Use of foreign genetic material in dairy breeding industry accounts not only for raise of milk productivity but also for spread of harmful recessive gene alleles which in homozygous state cause mortality of embryos and calves at early stages of development. Veterinary treatment to combat phenotypic consequences is not effective. Identification of these alleles give the possibility to stop their spread by elimination of animal-carriers from breeding programs. The frequency of harmful recessive mutations in the large breeding farms of Leningrad region was determined. Key words: alleles, breeding animals, recessive mutations.

42        Satyukova L.P., Krasnova I.A., Marisyuk A.R., Barashkov G.K. Macro- and microelements distribution in an organism of males of a guinea pig Cavia porcellus

Remarkable differences in the ratio of microelements (MEs) have been revealed by employment of the optical & mass-spectrometric atomic emission method in the analysis of content of 31 MEs in 20 different organs and tissues of male guinea pig C. porcellus. Apparently, these differences may cause drug diseases that depend on the functional groups characteristics in medicinal drugs. The metal-ligand homeostasis (MLH) of different organs and tissues is affected by them in different ways. They can act as epigenetic factors (EF) in the differentiation of blastomeres as well. Key words: micro- and macroelements distribution in an organism of males of a guinea, the metall-ligand homeostasis, the differentiation of cells in ontogenesis and histogenesis, atomic emission analysis method.


47        Cherednichenko Y.V., Semenov E.I., Matrosova L.E., Tremasov M.Ja., Zhestkov N.N. Efficiency of use sorbent Fitosorb at chronic poisoning of animals by tetramethylthiuramdisulfide

The result of in vitro studies the ability of drug Fitosorb to absorb the tetramethylthiuram and preventive efficiency this sorbent at chronic toxicity rats and sheep induced by this carbamate pesticide. Key words: sheep, intoxication, sorbent, white rat, tetramethylthiuram.

50        Moiseev A.N., Baryshnikov P.I. The biological role of interferon gamma in the regulation of immune animals

The article describes the characteristics of endogenous interferon gamma - regulatory cytokine immune response, its immunoregulatory role. Showing producers of gamma interferon, and target cells with which it interacts, and regulates their functional activity. Interferon gamma have antiviral, antibacterial, immunomodulatory and antiproliferative effects. Key words: immunity, cytokines, interferon gamma, recoferon gamma, immunomodulator, antiviral, blood cells.


55        Shustova М.А., Pyatkina А.А., Khanyukova Ye.Yu., Kulakov  V.Yu. Dynamics of thermal inactivation of freeze-dried turkey herpesvirus 

Changes in infectious activity of freeze-dried turkey herpesvirus during storage at different temperatures were studied. On the basis of results of the preparation exposure at 37°C A model enabling the prediction for short time (14 days) of virus infectious titer decrease at temperature of 4°C over a period up to 360 days was developed. The suggested model can be used for accelerated mediated evaluation of changes in infectious activity of the given type of  biological drugs. Key words: turkey herpesvirus, stability, thermal inactivation.


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CONTENTS №3-2016