CONTENTS №3-2019
3 Glotov A.G., Glotova T.I., Nefedchenko A.V., Koteneva S.V., Semenova O.V. An outbreak of disease caused by BVDV2 in cattle on the big dairy farm
The results of a study of the outbreak of a disease caused by BVDV2 in cattle on the big dairy farm lasting six months are presented. Entering into dairy herd safe from reproductive pathology and diseases of calves heifers from the USA led to abortions of the breeding stock as well as to calves' diseases manifested as a systemic infection, gastrointestinal and respiratory pathology in two peaks: from birth to 30 days, from three to six months. The virus was detected in samples of biomaterial from abortions, blood or its serum of cows, heifers and calves, and also in lymphoid organs, digestive organs and lungs of calves. Intrauterine infection and reproduction of the virus in the lymphoid organs and tissues led to the activation and enhancement of the pathogenetic action of opportunistic bacteria. In 1 – 2 % of the calves pathological changes were observed, typical to "mucosal disease": hemorrhagic inflammation and banded erosion of 0,5 – 1 cm in the small intestine and rectum. In 3 – 6-month-old calves of local origin, signs of acute respiratory diseases of mixed nature were recorded. The incidence was 60 – 80% and mortality reached 50 %. Phylogenetic analysis of allocated virus T19/17 showed a high degree of homology of its nucleotide sequences with the reference strain 890 BVDV2a. In some cases BVDV1b and BVDV2a were detected simultaneously in the calves. Circulation of BVDV2a occurred during the use of a vaccine containing BVDV1. When planning control programs it is necessary to carry out investigations for BVDV2 and to use vaccines containing its antigen. Key words: cattle, import, bovine viral diarrhea virus 2, mixed gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections, abortions, animal mortality, polymerase chain reaction, bacteriological investigations, genome, nucleotide sequencing, phylogenetic analysis.
9 Khlopitsky V.P., Filatov A.V., Ushakova L.M., Azamov M.A. Antimicrobic efficiency mono-and complex preparations at syndrome ММА, sharp postnatal and chronic endometritis
It is established, that the nonspecific inflammatory diseases of sows proceeding in the form of sharp postnatal endometritis, a syndrome ММА and chronic endometritis, arise against activization of is conditional-pathogenic microorganisms, with participation simultaneously several various activators in the form of associations, and also changing specific structure at separately taken illnesses and forms (sharp, chronic). Taking into account the established sensitivity of the allocated activators, effective medical products are defined. For treatment of sharp postnatal illnesses at sows, optimum medical products are complex preparations Metramag® or Metramag®-15. For preventive maintenance sharp and treatments of chronic forms, the basic preparations of a choice are Amoximag®, Enromag® and Acilomag®. Key words: Activators of postnatal diseases, is conditional-pathogenic microflora, reproduction pathology, veterinary actions, treatment, preventive maintenance, sharp and chronic endometritis, a syndrome ММА.
16 Savenkov K.A. Regulation of dog population
Currently the population of dogs in the Russian Federation reaches approximately 50 million. Special attention of the veterinary service to this animal species is associated with the role that it plays in the epizootic diseases common to animals and people, primarily rabies. The strongest danger in this regard poses a stray dog. The veterinary service is obliged to take an active part in controlling their numbers, coordinating its activities with other public organizations which have competence in this field. Key words: dog, reproduction, stray animals, veterinary service.
20 Pogrebnaya N.A., Pleshakova V.I., Mashnin A.V., Mashnin D.V. Unpretentiousness to the quality of the used water for the “field” ELISA kit Oxiline Blue Eyes rapid visual pregnancy test
The article presents data on the use of water of various origins for the preparation of a wash buffer when setting up an ELISA for diagnosing pregnancy using the Oxiline Blue Eyes kit. The possibility of successful replacement of distilled water to bottled is shown. Key words: pregnancy diagnosis, ELISA, Oxiline Blue Eyes, distilled water, bottled water.
22 Simanova I.N., Makarova V.N., Badeeva O.B., Korukina M.V., Mnikova L.A., Ishkova T.A., Sokolova N.A., Gorbatov A.V., Yurov K.P. Specific prevention of rota-, coronavirus infections and colienteritis of young cattle
The article presents data on the study of the immune status of cows vaccinated with three-component viral-bacterial vaccine. It was found that the introduction of a three-component viral-bacterial vaccine induces the formation of antiviral antibodies in the blood of deep-seated animals in high titers. Key words: vaccination, stele cows, colostrum, antibody titers, immunity.
24 Berdnikov M.L. A simple and efficient solution of the problem of streptococcosis in industrial pig breeding
Infectious diseases of pigs of bacterial etiology are widespread and cause great economic damage. Streptococcus suis is one of the most significant infectious agents in countries with developed pig breeding. In this regard the methods and means of its treatment and prevention are extremely relevant to veterinary specialists. Key words: antibiotic, bacteria, streptococcosis, pig, therapy, Сlavuxicin, Amoksiprem, Zitrex.
27 Kontrimavichus L.M., Velichko G.N. Validation of control measures and diagnostic method of goose viral enteritis
Epidemiologic, clinic, pathologic findings indicate of receptivity goslings to viral enteritis within not only first days of their lives, but in groups of older ones. The illness in this group of gooslings reveal depression, lowering of appetite, lag behind in growth and developing, but latter they recovered. The experiments proved that the infection was passed by the staff. The diagnostics of viral enteritis includes the isolation of goose embryo or in culture of goose embryonal cells, identification of virus in the neutralization test in cell culture or PCR. The negative result of infection of chicken embryo comfirms the diagnosis. Using the convalescent serum is an effective means of reducing losses. To include the repeated outbreak of illness it is necessary to change the parent. In problem farms vaccination parent birds with vaccine LIv-22 is an effective means that prevent breaks of disease on whole growing season. Key words: parvovirus, viral enteritis, geese, diagnostic, cell culture, PCR, goose embryos, prophylactic, sera, convalescent geese, virus vaccine.
31 Kashkovskaya L.M., Balyshev A.V., Abramov V.E., Zubarev V.N. A modern approach to fighting the eimeriosis of broilers
Installed high efficacy of the drug Decvycox in the fighting broiler chickens eimeriosis. The drug contributes to the safety of poultry stock, provides poultry resistance to disease and maintains productivity. The results of the experiment allow us to recommend Decvycox for effective fight against eimeriosis. Key words: anticoccidial drugs, decocvinat, eimeriosis, broiler chickens.
34 Engashev S.V., Aliev M.A., Engasheva E.S., Koshkina N.A., Kolesnikov V.I. Efficiency of the insecticidal-repellent preparation Flyblock® against two-wing insects
The protective effect of the Flyblock® drug against blood-sucking two-winged insects begins 3 hours after treatment and lasts 3 and 4 weeks when using the drug to horses in doses of 0,3 and 0,4 ml/10 kg of animal body weight, respectively. Key words: dipterous insects, insecticidal-repellent action, horse.
38 Brigadirov Y.N., Kotsarev V.N., Shaposhnikov I.T., Chusova G.G., Lobanov A.E., Falkova Y.O., Likhacheva I.L. Laboratory and clinical parameters of sows at the prevention of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs
The aim of the work is to study the effect of complex application of probiotic preparation with the means of antioxidant, total and immune-stimulating action on some indicators of the metabolic status of sows and their effectiveness for the prevention of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs. The experiments were carried out in the pig farm of the Voronezh region on 133 sows of a cross between a large white breed and a Landrace of 2 – 5 farrowing, which were divided into five groups on the 98 – 100 day of gestation. The sows of the first group were not prescribed drugs and they served as a control, the second one – for 14 days before farrowing and 14 days before weaning of the pigs in a mixture with feed was given a probiotic drug Bioplus 2B at a dose of 0,4 g/kg of feed, for the third group Bioplus 2B was fed according to the above mentioned scheme and during 14 days before farrowing, selenium containing the drug dimethyldipyrazolylselenide (DMDPS) was injected intramuscularly at a dose of 2 ml per 100 kg of the body weight, the fourth group was prescribed Bioplus 2B according to a similar scheme and during 2 – 3 days before farrowing they were intramuscularly injected with the drug "Placenta denatured emulsified" (PDE) at a dose of 5 ml /100 kg of the body weight twice with an interval of 48 hours, for the fifth one Bioplus 2B was used according to the previously mentioned scheme and for 2 – 3 days before farrowing the immune-correcting drug Biferon-C was injected intramuscularly at a dose of 10 ml per animal three times with an interval of 24 hours. It is established that complex application of sows probiotic preparation with mass antioxidant, tonic and immunomodulatory actions contributes to the activation of haematosis, the increase of natural resistance of the animal organism and the content of vitamins A, E and C, to improve the functional state of the liver, the stabilization of the LPO-AOD system, reduction of endogenous intoxication and the realization of their reproductive potential. Key words: sows, endometritis, prevention, probiotic, dimethyldipyrazolylselenide (DMDPS), EAP, Biferon-C, blood, piglets.
43 Leshchenko T.R., Mikhailova I.I., Finogeev E.Y., Kaleeva M.D., Mikhailova O.N. A new method of castration of male pets
Pig breeding is a branch of animal husbandry, which can provide the population with meat relatively quickly, but in boars it has an unpleasant specific smell, which negatively affects its quality. To improve the taste of the products in our country is carried out castration of boars from five days of age and older. Mass castrations of boars-a laborious process and to facilitate the work of veterinary professionals need a way to ensure rapid surgery with the least possible complications. It is possible to avoid some of them by operating animals in the way offered by us. At the same time, after dissection of the scrotum and the common vaginal tunic, the testes are removed and twisted together until the seminal cord is completely severed, after which the stump of each seminal cord returns to its half of the scrotum. This makes it possible to prevent not only the occurrence of bleeding from the stump of hay rope and breakage of the internal seminal nerve, but also to optimize the work of veterinary professionals. We have proposed a method of castration of males (bulls, rams, boars), which has no analogues in domestic and foreign practice. In the course of scientific and industrial experiments the effectiveness of the new method of castration of male domestic animals was confirmed. Key words: castration of males on an open, twisting the spermatic cord, the septum of the scrotum, prevention of complications.
46 Slesarenko N.A., Koliadina N.I., Obukhov I.L. Echographic characteristics of female dogs’ ovaries at different stages of the sexual cycle
There are determined the ultrasonic characteristics of bitche’s ovaries in anestrus, proestrus, estrus and metestrus. Methods and techniques of folliculometry at ovulation predicting are described. Key words: anestrus, estrus, follicles, follicles measurement, metestrus, ovulation, proestrus.
50 Vasilyeva E.V., Stekolnikov A.A. Progressive retinal atrophy in Russian Toy Terriers
Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a hereditary pathology, which determines the gradual death of photoreceptors [5, 6]. This pathology is described nn many breeds of dogs: miniature poodle, dachshund, golden retriever, Tibetan terrier, cocker spaniel and others [6, 7]. This article describes clinical and instrumental findings in 9 toy-terriers, whose owners turned to the clinic due to visual impairment and the presence of opacity of the lens. Complete ophthalmic examination was performed in every case in order to detect other causes of visual impairment, in addition to cataracts, because evaluation of the retinal function is important for patient selection for phacoemulsification of cataract [5]. In majority of cases ophthalmoscopy was possible only partially because of a cataract, while received data were characteristic for PRA: attenuation of the retinal vessels, tapetal hyperreflectivity, depigmentation of the nonapetal area. In all cases deviations in the chromatic pupillary light reflex to red light of the Iris-Vet were noticed and decreased retinal activity was detected electroretinographycally. There are no data on the occurrence of PRA among toy terriers, a genetic test for this breed has not been developed, there is only a mention of the occurrence of PRA and its autosomal recessive nature on the website of the British Toy-Terrier Club, but without specifying authors and references to research [8]. The aim of the study was to describe changes in the ocular fundus, chromatic pupillary reactions and the electrophysiological activity of the retina found in Russian Toy terriers with clinical manifestations of PRA. Key words: progressive retinal atrophy, electroretinography, chromatic pupillary light reflexes, Russian toy terrier, diagnostics.
53 Borisevich M.N. Diagnostic significance of temperature in small animals
The quantitative estimates of the diagnostic significance of four temperature intervals (the first – less than 38,6 0C, the second – 38,6 – 38,9 0C, the third – 39,0 – 39,2 0C, the fourth – is more than 39,3 0C) selected with doctors of veterinary medicine in case of inflammation of a pericardium at small-sized animals are given (puppies of a standard dachshund at the age of 1 – 6 months). Research objective – on the basis of probable mathematical approach to clarify what of the provided intervals are most significant in case of diagnosis and what – less to estimate this distinction quantitatively (at least approximately); in case of what values of temperature it is possible to speak about a fibrinozny pericarditis and in case of what – about ekssudativny; to provide to the doctor of veterinary medicine an easy and reliable way of the quantitative assessment of the diagnostic significance of signs not only for a pericarditis, but also for other diseases of animals and their types. The executed researches allow drawing the following conclusions. An output the first – temperature intervals are differently significant in case of a disease of puppies of inflammation of a pericardium. So, for example, normal and under temperatures have insignificant diagnostic value (at the level of 0,005 – 0,008), and the increased temperature, on the contrary, causes rather high values of the diagnostic significance (at the level of a mark 0,055 – 0,58). Therefore, temperature increase can single-digit testify in favor of a disease. The output of the second – temperature increase at a sick animal testifies rather to a dry pericarditis, than about ekssudativny since for the first diagnosis the diagnostic value of temperature is almost twice less, than for the second. The output the third – the offered technique relies on a probable entity, it is simple in understanding and is quite available to the doctor of veterinary medicine who can use it for other estimates, other diseases of animal and other their types. Key words: temperature, diagnostics, significance, small-sized animals, puppies of small breeds.
57 Sorokin A.V., Nesterenko I.S., Komarov A.A. The method of quantitative estimation the residual content of triphenylmethane dyes in aquaculture products
Nature of triphenylmethane dyes, their practical application and methods of analytical determination in aquaculture products are described. Particular attention is given to problems of regulating the dyes residual content in food products. The development of the recommended analytical method for their quantitative determination within the concentration range from 0,5 to 6,0 μg/kg is considered. Key words: aquaculture, quantitative analysis, triphenylmethane dyes, mass-spectrometry.