CONTENTS №3-2024
3 Domatskiy V.N., Sivkova E.I. Distribution and seasonal dynamics dictyoculosis of ruminants in the Russian Federation (review)
Dictyocaulosis of cattle and sheep is one of the most common invasions, found in many regions of the country. The incidence of animal diseases ranges from 0,2 to 82,4 % depending on the region. The highest indicators of the extent of invasion are recorded in the farms of the Vologda region, and the minimum – in the Kursk region. The duration of parasitism of sexually mature helminths in the body of animals ranges from 1,5 to 12 months, which depends on feeding conditions, maintenance and physiological state. Animals are infested with Dictyocaulus throughout the year. However, the peak of invasion occurs in late spring and autumn. The greatest infection of animals is observed at the age of 1 – 2 years, and calves at the age of 11 – 12 months are more susceptible to infection. Key words: dictyocaulosis, cattle, sheep, pathogenesis, distribution, extent and intensity of invasion.
9 Kvasovsky А.А. Pulmamag® for treatment mycoplasmosis in cattle
This article presents a number of production experiments on the effective use of the drug Pulmamag® in mycoplasma pathology in cattle, which causes embryonic mortality and reduces fertility. In production experiments, the high and stable effectiveness of this drug has been established. The greatest positive effect was obtained when combined with interferon alpha 2b (Mixoferon®) and a complex fat-soluble vitamin Aquitin®. Key words: accidental heifers, calves, embryonic mortality, Mycoplasma bovis, mycoplasmosis, Pulmamag®, Mixoferon®, Aquitin®.
13 Arseneva L.V., Popov P.A., Komolova O.S. Feed additive Biorostacidum® in the diets of fattening pigs
The article presents the results of the application of the feed additive Biorostacidum® in mixed diets for fattening large white pigs. The experiment was conducted on three groups of pigs with 50 heads each. Pigs of the first control group received the basic diet (RR); the second – the feed additive Biorostacidum® was added to the RR at a dose of 0,5 kg/t of feed; pigs of the third group – together with the RR received Biorostacidum® at the rate of 1,0 kg/t of feed. The growth rate of the experimental animals was estimated by body weight and average daily growth. At the end of the experiment, a control slaughter of 5 pigs from each group was carried out and meat productivity was studied (slaughter weight, mass of paired carcass, slaughter yield, carcass yield). The positive effect of the Biorost acidum® additive on the safety, body weight of animals and meat qualities of carcasses has been established. Keywords: fattening pigs, average daily gain, gross gain, slaughter yield, feed additive. Key words: fattening pigs, average daily gain, gross gain, slaughter yield, feed additive.
19 Naimanov A.Kh., Myasoedov Yu.M., Vangeli E.P., Tolstenko N.G., Iskandarov M.I., Fedorov A.I., Iskandarova S.S., Gulyukin A.M. Biological reproduction of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) in guinea pigs for the differentiation of M. avium subsp. paratu-berculosis from various types of mycobacteria
The article presents the results of studies on the possibility of enhancing the sensitizing properties of various types of mycobacteria with subsequent assessment of the immunological reactivity of the body of guinea pigs and the intensity of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to various allergens in order to differentiate M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) from other types of mycobacteria. Strengthening and prolongation of the sensitizing properties of mycobacteria is achieved by subcutaneous injection of mycobacterial cultures into 4 points of the back of guinea pigs at a dose of 5 mg as part of an adjuvant (15 parts of lanolin and 85 parts of petroleum jelly) per animal. Differentiation of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis is carried out by simultaneous intradermal injection into the abdominal area of sensitized guinea pigs of PPD for mammals, PPD for birds and the complex allergen Paraavium (CAP). The research results are assessed based on the intensity of HRT manifestations to different allergens. Key words: paratuberculosis, guinea pigs, sensitization, adjuvant, delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), PPD for mammals, PPD for birds, complex allergen of atypical mycobacteria (CAM), complex allergen Paraavium (CAP), non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTMB), M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP).
25 Shurakhova Yu.N., Barsukov Yu.I., Vitkova O.N. Salmonellosis – laboratory diagnosis, prevalence, antimicrobial resistance
The analysis of laboratory tests for animal salmonellosis is based on laboratory data conducted in state veterinary laboratories. The article provides data on the prevalence of salmonellosis among animals, and identifies the dominant serotypes of salmonella. The etiological structure of salmonellosis pathogens is dominated by S. enteritidis. The results of studies of feed and food products for the presence of salmonella, where S. enteritidis also prevails, are reflected. The analysis of the results of determining the sensitivity of isolated salmonella cultures to antibiotics was carried out. Key words: Salmonella, animal salmonellosis, antibiotic sensitivity, prevalence of salmonellosis, feed.
30 Marinin L.I., Shishkova N.A., Mokrievich A.N., Tyurin E.A., Lebedkova A.A., Dyatlov I.A. Basic requirements for the Bacillus anthracis reference test strain
Microbiological and genetic engineering studies of the anthrax pathogen are impossible without the B. Anthracis reference test. It is used to determine the quality of nutrients, the effectiveness of research, confirmation of the correctness of laboratory methods, reliable results and other work that requires standardization. However, there are no criteria for an anthrax control test-strain reflecting the typical properties of the pathogen. The authors published literature data and experimental data during a long study and developed the basic requirements for the reference control test strain of Bacillus anthracis. Key words: criteria, traits, reference strain, B. anthracis.
34 Borkholeeva A.V., Budaeva A.B., Dolganova S.G., Ochirova L.A., Badluev E.B. Impact of ozonized milk on Staphylococcus aureus
A comprehensive study of the influence of ozonized milk with other bubbling modes on the ultrastructural, morphofunctional and morphological properties of bacterial cells of Staphylococcus aureus was carried out. A pronounced antimicrobial value of the product under study was established. The maximum effect is achieved when using milk bubbled with ozone for 30 minutes. The noted damage to the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane, lysing cells, according to the theory of activation of natural enzymes, leads to irreversible processes of destruction. Key words: staphylococcus, microscope, environment, pathogen, cell, bacterium.
39 Saipullaev U.M., Saipullaev M.S. Biothermal method for disinfection of bird litter from pathogenic microorganisms
The article presents a new method of biothermal treatment of litter manure for disinfection from pathogenic microorganisms of resistance groups I and II. Production experiments were carried out in a room for keeping replacement young laying hens, owned by the peasant farm of IP "Buglen-2" of the Buinaksky district of the Republic of Dagestan. It was found that the optimal way is to collect litter indoors in piles 1,5 – 2,0 m high and 2 – 2,5 m wide. and arbitrary length. They are lined with sawdust 10 – 15 cm high on top and on the sides and covered completely sealed with a two-layer cellophane film. On days 20 – 25, the temperature in the piles increased to an average of 65 – 70 0C. Under such conditions, pathogenic microorganisms died and litter litter was disinfected. Key words: litter droppings, microorganisms, piles, disinfection, temperature.
43 Okolelova T.M., Engashev S.V., Engasheva E.S., Struk A.N., Struk E.A. Additional feeding of vitamin D3 to replacement young animals of a parent flock of egg-laying hens
The obtained data showed that additional vitamin D3 supplementation contributed to repair youngsters of parental flock of Hysex brown cross reduction of mortality due to avitaminosis and uric acid diathesis. Poultry from the experimental groups had higher live weight by the time of transfer to the zone of adult stock, the difference in this indicator for hens was 3,62 – 5,02 %, and for cockerels 1,36 – 1,98 % compared to the control group. Additional vitamin D3 supplementation increased the weight of muscular and glandular stomach, intestine and liver (especially in hens). The most significant difference in favour of hens from the experimental groups was in the weight of ovary (+20,6 – 21,8 %) and oviduct (+15,4 – 18,1 %). The weight of testes increased by 1,15 – 1,72 % in cockerels from the experimental groups. Poultry from the experimental groups had higher content of calcium, phosphorus, protein and its fractions in blood serum, improved bone mineralisation. Improvement of growth, formation of digestive and reproductive system had a positive effect on physiological and sexual maturity of poultry, which was confirmed by higher egg production (2,9 – 3,0 % higher than control) at the time of transfer to laying hens. Key words: hens, cockerels, live weight, homogeneity and safety of stock, weight of internal organs, bone mineralisation, blood parameters.
49 Rusnak I.A., Vilkovysky I.F., Vatnikov Yu.A., Semenova V.I., Troshina N.I. Effectiveness of treatment methods for ascending myelomalacia in dogs
Ascending myelomalacia is an extremely severe and frequently reported complication of thoracolumbar disc herniation in dogs. The study involved 45 dogs diagnosed with intervertebral disc disease complicated by ascending edema and myelomalacia. The animals were divided into two groups, in the first group only hemilaminectomy was performed, in the second group an extended hemilaminectomy and durotomy were performed at the site of edema and myelomalacia. An analysis of medical records, MRI and collection of information in the early and late postoperative period were carried out. Survival was compared between groups of dogs. As a result of the study, it became known that survival rate for ascending myelomalacia was higher in the group of dogs that underwent extensive hemilaminectomy and durotomy. In the first group, 28 dogs were operated on, 22 of them survived (78,6 %), and 6 dogs died. In the second group, 17 out of 17 dogs (100 %) survived after surgery. From this it can be concluded that durotomy in the area of myelomalacia and ascending edema increased the survival rate compared with dogs that received standard treatment of brain decompression. Key words: dogs, myelomalacia, hemilaminectomy, durotomy.