CONTENTS №4-2018

Sergeyev V.A., Orlyankin B.G., Alekseyev K.P., Zaberezhny A.D., Aliper T.I.,  Nepoklonov E.AVaccines and vaccination strategies against classical swine fever

The review offers an analysis of the advantages and limitations of traditional live, subunit, chimeric, vectored and DNA-vaccines against classical swine fever. Vaccination strategies for the control of the disease are also discussed. Key words: vaccine, vaccination, classical swine fever, swine.


12 Sotnikov A.N., Gulyukin M.I., Stafford V.V., Volodko D.V., Tolmacheva V.A. Diagnosis and prevention starvation of wintering bees

Discusses working with the families of bees in the club in the winter. The death of bee colonies in the apiaries of up to 25% comes from carbohydrate starvation during the winter. Inspection of bees in the club in the winter every 2 weeks does not impact negatively on the life of bees reveals a weakening of the strength of bee colonies suffering from varroatosis or viral diseases and timely replenishment of the carbohydrate feed, preventing death from starvation. Disease of bees (varroatosis, saccular brood, etc.) lead to a significant reduction in life expectancy of bees, weakening their forces in the winter, the early appearance of brood in sick families frequent death from starvation due to separation from the feed during heating of the brood. This is observed in weak families with brood and cores when the first night frosts in autumn. They should either remove the hibernation house, or put in one hive, two through the partition. In the winter the club creates favorable conditions for highly effective acaricide treatment bipin twice with an interval of 24 hours. Key words: wintering bees, starvation, winter feeding, winter club bees, honey, brood, varroatosis, bipin.

DOI: 10.30896/0042-4846.2018.21.4.12-14

14 Anufrienko S.M. Improvement swine intestine microflora by feed additive Farmaflor contents killed lactobacteria

The article presents the data illustrating the positive influence of inactivated bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus CNCM 1-3698 (LR) and Lactobacillus farciminis CNCM 1-3699 (LF) on pathogen control. Feed additive Farmarlor consists of lactobacteria and inulin. The product is effectively used for prevention of gastrointestinal diseases of pigs and piglets. As a result of the experiments, it has been evaluated that the use of this feed supplement improves the growth of live weight and immunity of weaners, normalizes intestinal microflora, enhances conversion rate and feed intake. Key words: immunity, lactobacillus, microflora, piglets, production indices.

18 Moukhamedshina A.R. Vaccination and disinfection in industrial livestock production

Vaccination and disinfection in the livestock and modern equipment for carrying out the processes. Key words: syringes, dosing units, large-drop vaccination.

22 Fedorova T.KСhlorine dioxide is a reliable disinfection drug providing biosafety of livestocking enterprises
The creation and maintenance of a high level of biosafety is the most important task for livestock enterprises. Currently various disinfectants are used for this purpose. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. For example, hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid gave a quick but short-term effect; formalin is also effective, but carcinogen activity do it not applicable for use in the presence of humans and animals, it requires a long exposure and is not suitable for water disinfection. The search for a universal highly effective disinfectant, which lacks the mentioned drawbacks, highlights chlorine dioxide, which can process premises and equipment (including the drinking and water supply system) in livestock farms, processing and food processing enterprises. Key words: air, chlorine dioxide, disinfection, food industry, livestock buildings, objects of the environment, processing industry, water.


25 Koteneva S.V., Glotova T.I., Glotov A.G., Yuzhakov A.G. Genetic polymorphism of bovine viral diarrhea virus detected in calves with respiratory diseases

There are presented data on phylogenetic analysis of the isolates BVD virus revealed in calves during outbreaks of respiratory diseases in dairy farms in Siberia and the Republic of Kazakhstan where at the time of the research specific preventive maintenance of the disease was not performed or was conducted with the use of inactivated vaccines. A highly conserved region of the genome, the 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR), was used for the analysis. There were tested 24 samples containing the RNA of the virus by PCR results. Circulation of 4 subtypes of the first type virus (BVDV-1) were established among calves with respiratory diseases. The pre-existing subtype was 1b (54 % positive samples). Additionally, BVDV-1d (8,3 %), BVDV-1f (29,2 %) and BVDV-1r (8,3 %) were detected. No virus of the second type (BVDV-2) detected. Subtypes 1f and 1r were discovered in our country in the first time. The circulation of the subtypes 1d, 1f and 1r occurred against the background of the use of inactivated vaccines. Viruses were detected in blood samples and lymphoid organs, less often in nasal secretions, which indicates the presence during outbreaks of respiratory diseases animals with persistent and acute (transit) forms of infection in the herds. Studies on the phylogenetic analysis of BVDV can be used to select and and predicting the effectiveness of vaccines in a particular region. Key words: bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease, cattle, genome, nucleotide sequence, PCR, phylogenetic analysis.

DOI: 10.30896/0042-4846.2018.21.4.25-31

31 Casademunt S.G.  Clostridiosis in highly productive cattle
The article describes the most pathogenic for cattle species of clostridia, including causative agents of malignant edema, anaerobic enterotoxemia, blackleg. It's necessary to vaccinate animals to prevent these diseases. Key words: vaccine, clostridia, cattle, toxins.


35 Kjzikov I.N. Systematic approach to the problem of ectoparasites in animal husbandry

One of the most serious problems in dairy cattle has been and still is ectoparasites. A significant share among them is taken by mosquitoes, midges, and horseflies, moreover, livestock farms, camps and pastures are home to a huge number of flies. Mites also cause significant damage in livestock. Means of modern control of fly populations include new generation insecticide asa fly and larvicide Maggot. Preventive measures of control insects and mites also involve the treatment of animals by the external application. Most often, deltamethrin-based drugs, such as Deltanil, is used. Control of ectoparasites ensures prevention of bacterial and invasive diseases in livestock. Only an integrated approach will reduce the risks of economic losses due to ectoparasites. Key words: ectoparasites, flies, mites, larvae, insecticide, larvicide, insectoacaricide, cattle, pasture, repellent.

37 Zhemukhova O.A., Mizova F.A., Bittirov I.A., Pashayev V.Sh. Epizootological analysis of helminths and protozoa in wild water birds of the North Caucasus

In Kabardino-Balkaria, the species composition of the trematode fauna in the Gray goose (Anser anser L.) is represented by 13 species with a variation of  EI of 11,0 – 27 % and II from 1 to 53 specimens / individual. The dominant trematodes in the Gray goose are Echinostoma revolutum, Hypoderaeum conoideum, Plagiorchis arcuatus, Prosthogonimus ovatus, Prosthogonimus cuneatus, Notocotylus attenuatus. Cestodes of Choanotaenia infundibulum, Amoebotaenia cuneata, Davainea roglottina, Raillietina tetragona, Raillietina echinobothrida, Skrjabina caucasica, Skrjabina cesticillus were invaded by 5,0 to 21,0 % of the Gray goose. The dominant cestodes of the Gray goose are Amoebotaenia cuneata, Raillietina echinobothrida, Skrjabina cesticillus. In the natural conditions of Kabardino-Balkaria, Gray goose populations were invaded by nematodes Capillaria obsignata, Gongulema caucasica, Acuaria hamulosa, Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum, Singamus trachea, Subulura brumpti, Thominx contorta, Thominx collaris with EI fluctuations 5,0 to 21,0 % fluctuations in the intensity of infestation 2 – 35 specimens / individual. Species composition in the epizootological analysis of the fauna of endoparasites in the Lesser White-fronted Goose is represented by 30 widely specific species. In the region, the biodiversity of the parasitic fauna of the Lesser White-fronted Goose consists of 6 species of trematodes, is represented by 7 species of cestodes, 7 species of nematodes, and 10 species of the protozoan class. In the structure of the endoparasites of the Lesser White-fronted Goose, 18 species are poorly encountered, 10 species are moderately encountered, 2 species are found most often and present a biological and epizootological threat to geese breeding. Key words: Kabardino-Balkaria, wild water birds, helminths, protozoa, class, species, extensiveness and intensity invasion.

DOI: 10.30896/0042-4846.2018.21.4.37-39


40 Kashkovskaya L.М., Zhukova N.N., Safarova M.I., Sazonov A.A., Novikova S.V. Butofan OR in diets of the agricultural bird

In trials on the study efficiency of fodder additive established that Butofan OR is a unique tool with highly effective inducing of exchange processes at laying hens and broilers. Its application does not have side effects. The use of feed additive of during various periods of bird life increases its viability and improves production indicators of livestock. Key words: poultry breeding, broilers, laying hen, Butofan OR, butafosfan.

 46 Borisevich M.N. Diagnostic coefficients and informative value of pericarditis signs in puppies of standard dachshund

The aim of the work was to quantify the level of diagnostic information of signs of pericarditis in in puppies of standard dachshund at the age of 1-6 months. The analysis was carried out by probabilistic mathematical methods on the basis of data obtained by specialists of urban veterinary stations in the Republic of Belarus. Symptoms of pericardial inflammation in dogs can be ranked by the quantitative value of the diagnostic coefficients, for example in descending frequency their manifestations: an incompetence, weak heart beat, cyanosis of mucous membranes in the neck and head, standing position of the animal with the forelegs set aside, swelling of the veins of the neck and head. Key words: diagnostic coefficients, dog, pericarditis, symptomatology.


50 Dorozhkin V.I., Popov N.I., Prokopenko A.A., Bochinin Yu.I. Ecologically safe disinfectant agents for treatment of premises and equipment for the bird flu

The article presents the modes and technologies of application of new disinfectants for wet and spray disinfection for the flu birds at objects of veterinary surveillance. Key words: disinfection, poultry premises, technology, disinfection, modes, flu.

DOI: 10.30896/0042-4846.2018.21.4.50-53

53 Kulitsa M.M.  Activity of disinfectant with washing effect Abaldez® on the virus of African swine fever, Stahp. aureus and E. coli

The activity of the disinfectant with washing effect Abaldez® on virus African swine fever, E. coli and Stahp. aureus was studied. It was found that this drug effectively inactivates tested agents on various surfaces of test-objects simulating the farm premises. Key words: Abaldes®, bioassay, virus African swine fever, disinfection, gilts, E. coli, Stahp. aureus.


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CONTENTS №4-2018