CONTENTS №6-2018

Makarov V.V., Yamtitina M.N., Shabeykin A.A., Gulyukin A.M., Gulukin M.I. Anthrax  infectious  cycle

The little referred bioecological elements of the anthrax infection cycle such as the symbiosystemic nature of anthrax infection, the fate of Bacillus anthracis outside the macroorganism, landscape climatic factors as a critical cause of activation of natural nidi and the reality of transmission of infection by bloodsucking arthropods are considered in this article. Key words: anthrax, infectious cycle, parasitoidism, natural and climatic risk factors, transmission of infection.



10 Orobets V.А., Kashkovskaya L.М. Prevention of postpartum pathologies in sows

It is established that after a support more than a quarter of sows develop diseases of the reproductive system. It was proved that the Nitox Forte preparation with a single injection in the first hours after farrowing in the first hours after farrowing promotes physiological recovery of the body after birth, prevents the development of bacterial infection and also reduces the risk of obstetric-gynecological pathology in the postpartum period to 4 times. Key words: sows, support, MMA syndrome, metritis, endometritis, mastitis, agalactia, pathology, Nitox Forte.

14 Fisinin V.I., Juravel N.A., Miftakhutdinov A.V.  Methodology for determining the effectiveness of introducing new veterinary methods and tools in poultry farming
Economic efficiency is one of the main factors, taking into account when new veterinary remedies and methods are introducing into poultry farming,. There is created for a first time a system of methodological principles for determining the effectiveness of introducing new veterinary methods and remedies in poultry farming that was developed and based on the provisions of existing regulatory documents. The system approach, including the possibility of using a variable set of production parameters and an algorithm for calculating individual economic indicators, makes the proposed methodology universal, comprehensive and accessible for practical application in poultry enterprises in different directions of productivity. The cost of the additionally received products is determined by the target production indicators in gross and quality equivalents, the latter having to meet the requirements of the standards. Objective data can only be obtained when taking into account the productivity of the bird for the entire cycle of economic use. A computer program was developed for reduce the time spent on calculation economical efficiency of implementing methods and tools. Key words: economic efficiency, computer program, introduction, poultry farming, productivity, veterinary medicine.


21 Shemelkov Y.V., Kotelnikov A.P., Koulikova T.S.,  Mishin A.M. , Verkhovsky O.A., Aliper T.I.  Live marker vaccine against Aujeszky's disease «VERRES-BAgE»: development and evaluation of efficiency

The present article summarizes the results obtained upon the development and evaluation of efficiency new live marker vaccine against Aujeszky’s disease. A virus carrying a stable deletion of the gene encoding glycoprotein gE, one of the virion's structural proteins, was used as the active component of the vaccine. High titres of the vaccine virus could consistently be obtained in pig embryo kidney passaged cell culture (SPEV). Genetic stability of the deletion was confirmed by PCR-RT and ELISA. It was established that the infectious dose of the virus in a freeze-dried product should correspond to 5,0 lg TCID50/cm3. When administered to pigs, the vaccine triggered off pronounced seroconversion, with antibody levels exceeding those measured upon administration of a similar product manufactured overseas or of a traditional vaccine by 23,2 to 29,3 % (Р<0,05). The vaccine was proven to be safe for animals of all groups. It was shown the absence of the horizontal transmission vaccine virus between immunized and non-immunized animals kept together. Vaccinated sows did not display any complications during pregnancy, and no cases of abortions or declining productivity were recorded. It’s possible to differentiate vaccinated and infected animals by antibodies response in ELISA. The DIVA strategy could therefore be implemented in industrial pig breeding for prophylactic and control of Aujeszky’s disease. The product was named “VERRES-BAgE” and special diluent for it – “VERRES-SOLVENT”. Key words: Aujeszky’s disease, virus, antibody, diluent, marker, antigenic activity, safety.


28 Plemjashov K.V., Krutikova A.A.  Chlamydiosis of cattle in breeding farms

One of the main reasons for the decline in reproduction in the breeding farms are infectious diseases of cattle, leading to violations of the reproductive system of cows, which in turn leads to problems of pregnancy, a decrease in the rate of fertilization from first insemination in cows below 40% and heifers below 60%. Pathological changes caused by infections of the genital tract lead to embryonic mortality, abortion at any time of pregnancy and stillbirth. Analysis of the reasons for the decline in reproduction in some farms of the Leningrad Region showed a high incidence of chlamydiosis of cattle. Key words: cattle, reproduction, chlamydia, ELISA, PCR.


31 Zenov N.I.,  Gordienko L.N., Kulikova E.V. Applying live dry vaccine from the strain  B. abortus 82 for the prevention of brucellosis of reindeers

Brucellosis is widespread among reindeers and needs specific prevention. For a long time a vaccine from strain B. abortus 82, intended for cattle, was used for this purpose without legal justification. Changes have been made to the instructions for the use of this vaccine, which determine the procedure for immunisation the deers. Key words: brucellosis, cattle, reindeer, vaccination.


34 Engashev S.V., Aliev M.A., Novak M.D., Nikanorova A.M., Filimonov D.N. The effectiveness of insecticid-repellent ear-tags against zoofilia flies, horseflies and ticks

Blood-sucking arthropods (mosquitoes, zoofilia flies, ticks) cause harm to the health of animals as ectoparasites and are dangerous as vectors of infectious and parasitic diseases. Populations of blood-sucking Diptera and ticks in a Central area of the Russian Federation is high, therefore, of paramount importance is the implementation of veterinary and sanitary requirements for grazing animals and improvement of their means of protection. In addition to insecticide and repellent preparations produced in the form of solutions, suspensions, concentrated emulsions for spraying and bathing, modern devices in the form of ear tags, leg, tail bands based on synthetic pyrethroids and other insectoacaricides are promising. Ear tags are currently produced from a variety of polymeric materials. The residual effect of synthetic pyrethroids in the composition of the ear tags, providing protection against attack of Gnus, zoophil flies and ixodic mites is maintained up to 4,5 months, that is, during the entire period of their activity. Application of the above protective equipment can significantly reduce economic losses associated with loss of milk, meat productivity, and to reduce the chance enzooty of vector-borne infectious and parasitic diseases, such as Moraxella (infectious keratoconjunctivitis), anaplasmosis and babesiosis. A clinical examination of cattle in experimental and control groups on pastures of the Ryazan region has high insecticide-repellent efficacy of the ear insecticidal tags Flyblock based on the S-fenvalerate and piperonyl butoxide against horseflies, zoofilia licking and biting flies. Key words: insecticidal-repellent tag Flyblock, cattle, horse flies, blood sucking and licking zoofilie flies, ticks, two-minute records, the number of blood-sucking Diptera, the coefficient of harassment actions.


38 Nikitkina E.V., Pestunovich E.M., Turlova J.G., Shiryaev G.V. Efficiency of ovsynch procedure in non-cycling dairy cows in the early postpartum period

The aim of the work was to study efficiency of ovsynch procedure in non-cycling dairy cows in the early postpartum period. The animals were divided into two groups depending on the presence of a corpus luteum and follicular size measured by rectal ultrasonographic examination. First group: animals without any inflammation but with luteal tissue and small follicles. Second group: animals without any inflammation but with large follicles. The protocol for the first group: PGF2a on 35 – 38 days after calving, second PGF2a on day14, GnRH on day 12 after second PGF2a, third PGF2a on day 7 after GnRH, second GnRH 56 h after third PGF2a and AI was performed at signs of estrus. The protocol for the second group: GnRH on 35 – 38 days after calving, PGF2a on day 7, second GnRH on day 3 after PGF2a, third GnRH on day 7 after second GnRH, second PGF2a on day 7 after third GnRH, forth GnRH 56 h after second PGF2a and AI was performed at signs of estrus. First insemination pregnancy rate in the first group was 57,1 %, in second – 33 %. Total pregnancy rate – 85,7 % and 66 %, respectively. Control group (cows without hormone stimulation) showed first signs of estrus at 86 – 115 days postpartum. Results of the study suggest that using a procedure of hormone stimulation in non-cycling dairy cows in the early postpartum period may be effective in inseminating cows earlier which could lead to shorter intercalving intervals.  Key words: hormonal synchronization, estrus cycle, cows, gynecological diseases, follicles, corpus luteum, hormones.

41 Barkova A.S. Influence of modern technology of machine milking on the condition of the udder of cows

A comparative assessment of the influence of milking systems on the condition of the udder nipples and the quality of milk in highly productive cows in the farms of the Sverdlovsk Region. A total of 432 cows were examined during lactation. The distribution of hyperkeratosis was determined by quarter of the udder in the form of a complicated and uncomplicated form, depending on the type of milking equipment, the maintenance system, the multiplicity and duration of milking, and the prelaunch preparation. We studied the health of the udder taking into account the level of somatic cells and the presence of hidden blood. The robotic system of voluntary milking has a less pronounced negative effect on the status of the mammary gland of highly productive cows than traditional systems. Our results showed that the changes in the area of the opening of the teat canal in the form of uncomplicated and complicated hyperkeratosis during milking by the robot are registered in 1,4 – 1,7 times less often than when milking the milk pipe. It was determined that as the number of milking increases, there is a slight increase in the number of cows with lesions of the udder nipples. The average level of somatic cells in the herd with milking by robots is at the level of 212-295 thousand / ml, There is a low permanent traumatization of the udder tissue - the presence of latent blood in milk is recorded 2.3 times less frequently than when milking the milkpipe. Key words: Robotic milking, mastitis, hyperkeratosis, udder, highly productive cows.



46 Arisov M.V., Artemov V.V., Belykh I.P.  Tolerability of preparation Inspector Quadro by dogs and cats

There were studied cat’s and dog’s tolerability to the preparation Inspector Quadro, containing as active ingredients praziquantel, fipronil, pyriproxifen and moxidectin. It was found that treatment by this combined preparation three times with an interval of 7 days in a twice or fivefold increased therapeutic doses did not have negative influence on the clinical condition, physiological status and behavior of the animals. There were no statistically significant changes in the morphological composition and biochemical properties of blood, physical and chemical urine indicators of dogs and cats. Key words: cat, blood, moxidectin, urine, pyriproxyfen, praziquantel, antiparasitic preparation, dog, fipronil.


50 Akbaev R.M., Pugovkina N.V. Insecticid efficiency of powder-cellular from Coretron the group of amorphous silicones in respect of Bovicola bovis

In this paper, we present the results of studying the insecticidal efficacy of the agent from the amorphous silica group in the form of a powder for bovine ectoparasites Bovicola bovis in in vitro conditions. As a result of the conducted studies, it was found out that the agent has pronounced insecticidal properties, and the method used for the study of the effectiveness of the method is easy to use and effective. Key words: Bovicola bovis, insecticide, ectoparasites, cattle, research methods, silica.



54 Ivkova I.A., Zabolotnykh M.V. Examination of dry milk-containing products by safety indicators and establishment of their shelf life

The paper presents toxic-chemical indicators of safety, composition and nutritional value of milk-containing canned food subjected to freeze-drying. Inclusion in their composition of antioxidant complexes vitamin C with dihydroquercetin or cysteine increases the shelf life of these products in 2 and 1,5 times respectively. Key words: safety, vitamin C, dihydroquercetin, freeze drying, dry milk-containing products, nutritional value, shelf life, cysteine.



58 Telishevskaya L.Ya., Sarkhanova A.A., Vasilyeva L.V., Sokolova D.V., Nesterenko I.S., Kozeicheva E.S., Titova E.G., Komarov A.A. Comparative study of metrological characteristics of designed methods for determination endoglucan activity in feed additives

A draft State Standard for the determination of endo-β-glucanase activity was developed. It included two viscosimetric methods (according to Ostwald using a capillary viscometer and a Geppler with a ball viscometer) with β-glucan substrate, as well as colorimetric methods with colored substrates. A comparative study of the metrological characteristics of these methods is carried out. It was established that Ostwald's viscometric method is the most sensitive, but the colorimetric method with beta-glucazim had the smallest value of extended uncertainty. The Ostwald viscosimetric method, being a direct method, makes it possible to determine endoglucanase activity directly in units of viscosity decrease - increasing the fluidity of the substrate solution under the influence of the enzyme, and in the event of disagreement it can be considered arbitration. Heppler viscometric and colorimetric methods are indirect because they are associated with the parallel determination of the enzyme comparison sample, the activity value of which is proposed by the manufacturer. Comparable methods can be considered as alternative and the colorimetric method, as the least labor intensive can be used as an express method. Metrological characteristics of these methodical methods are tested for their sufficient reproducibility and suitability for determination endogluconase activity of enzyme feed additives. The possibility of recalculation of the obtained data into units of GLA by means of a sample comparison with known enzyme activity is shown. Key words: State Standard, colorimetric methods, endoglucanase activity, intralaboratory precision, viscosimetry.



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CONTENTS №6-2018