CONTENTS №6-2020

3 Orlyankin B.G., Sergeyev V.A., Aliper T.I., Nepoklonov E.A. Pestiviruses are important pathogens for pigs

The article offers a review of the current knowledge on pestiviruses affecting swine: classical swine fever virus, bovine viral diarrhoea virus, border disease virus, Bungowannah virus and atypical porcine pestivirus. Furthermore, research into the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, lesions, diagnosis and prevention of the diseases caused by the said viruses is summarised. Key words: pestiviruses, dissemination, clinical signs, diagnosis, specific prophylaxis, swine.



10 Skorikov V.N., Nezhdanov A.G., Mikhalev V.I., Prokulevich V.A., Potapovich M.I. Recombinant interferons alpha and gamma in multicomponent bovine therapy of postpartum endometritis

The application efficacy of species-specific bovine recombinant interferons alpha and gamma, obtained in Belarusian State University, in a complex treatment regimen of cows with postpartum endometritis was studied as the means of universal immunostimulating, antiviral and antibacterial activity. Clinical recovery was registered in 94,7 % of animals, where 78,9 % – under an application of PDE and ASD-2f. A high therapeutic effect is connected with a more evident organism immune response reaction manifestation and blockade of anti-inflammatory cytokine synthesis. 100% effect was achieved when the interferons were prescribed with the tissue preparation aminoseleton. Key words: cows, endometritis, therapy, interferons alpha and gamma, aminoseleton.


14 Golodyaeva M.S., Yashin A.V. Distribution of arachnaentomoses among dogs and cats in St. Petersburg in 2014 – 2018

Analysis of reporting documentation of veterinary clinics for the period from 2014 to 2018 show that in St. Petersburg there are prevalent otodectosis and demodicosis among dogs and ear scabies among cats. Helethiosis, sarcoptosis, trichodectosis, notothedrosis were found sporadically in domestic carnivores. Key words: arachnaentomoses, domestic animals, invasive diseases, cat, dog, ectoparasites, epizootic situation.


16 Polyakov I.D., Ivanova L.G., Usachov V.V., Polyakova A.S., Polyakov I.I. The safety for mice of new immunobiological medical product BANOVAC® IDD for treating and preventing the digital, interdigital dermatitis and interdigital phlegmon

The object of the present publication is the safety results studies of the new immunobiological medicines BINOVAC® IDD for use in the treatment of digital (DD), interdigital dermatitis (ID) and interdigital phlegmon (IP) in cattle. This medical product having a powerful effect on immune system of animals and can cause a therapeutic effect in the treatment of hoof diseases, as well as prevent these diseases in treated animals up to 150 days after the first injection of this immunobiological medicine. Our studies have shown that BINOVAC® IDD (an analogue of the cell wall of fungi), it was safe for mice in dose range up to 0,75 ml. Key words: colloidal polysaccharide; safety in mice, BINOVAC® IDD for treating digital, interdigital dermatitis and interdigital phlegmon in cattle.


19 Kolbasova O.L., Egorova I.Y. Comparative evaluation of the diagnostic significance of ELISA test systems used for serological diagnosis of lentiviruses of small ruminants

Diagnostic activities form the basis of compulsory or voluntary monitoring programs such slow-onset animal infectious diseases as Caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) and Maedi-visna virus infection in sheep (CAEV/MVV). Moreover, the effectiveness of diagnostic studies, the reliability and objectivity of the data obtained directly depends on the choice of the test system. The article presents the results of a comparative assessment of the diagnostic significance of commercial ELISA test systems designed for serological diagnosis of CAEV/MVV. It has been shown that ID Screen® MVV-CAEV Indirect and Elitest MVV/CAEV have a high sensitivity in detecting antibodies to Maedi-visna virus and establishing the true infectious status of animals in relation to this disease. Key words: small ruminant lentiviruses, caprine arthritis-encephalitis, Maedi-visna virus infection in sheep, ELISA, sensitivity, specificity.


24 Mikhaleva T.V., Bespalova T.J., Dresvynnikova S.G., Dzhailidi G.A. Conceptual issues of sampling for laboratory diagnostics of lumpy skin disease

Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an economically significant vector-borne infectious disease of cattle with a mortality rate from 4 to 95 %. The strategy of carrying out anti-epizootic measures in LSD directly depends on the accuracy and timeliness of diagnosis. The article covers practical issues of sampling and transportation of biological/pathological material from animals with LSD in the conditions of modern methods of laboratory diagnostics. Key words: lumpy skin disease, sample collection, bio/pathological material, laboratory diagnostics.



28 Novak M.D., Engashev S.V., Mironenko A.V., Belova L.M., Engasheva E.S., Filimonov D.N. Dynamics of population size of blinds and zoophilic flies in the Сentral area of the Russian federation

In years with different meteorological conditions (air temperature, precipitation, speed of wind) in the summer, the number of blood-sucking diptera, zoophilous flies on pastures varies significantly. With moderate air temperature, light precipitation and frequent strong gusts of wind in June – July, the number of blinds and bloodsucking flies Haematobia spp., Stomoxys calcitrans is not large. In some dairy herds of cattle under the meteorological conditions listed above, blinds, flies – Haematobia spp. and S. calcitrans were not found during the whole grazing period. This situation was noted in the Central region of Russia in the summer season of 2019 year. Years from 2014 to 2017 it was characterized by hot summer with periodic heavy rains and mostly calms weather, which created favorable conditions for the development of blinds and zoophilous flies in their biotopes. Studies conducted in these years have established a high number of representatives of the midges and bloodsucking flies. In the above years, several insecticidal FLYBLOCK® tags were successfully used on several farms in the dairy herds of Holstein cattle to protect cows from bloodsucking dipterans. Calculations of the economic efficiency of the above animal protection products performed in experimental and control groups of productive animals showed a high result. It should be noted that in those dairy herds where ear insecticidal tags FLYBLOCK® were used for two to three years in a row, and subsequently even in years with favorable conditions for the production of blinds, bloodsucking flies, their numbers were relatively low. In the absence of the ability to feed on the blood of animals and, accordingly, gonotrophic harmony in females of blood-sucking dipterans, the development of generations is interrupted with the potentially complete cessation of the existence of their populations in biotopes located near farms. The observed changes in the number of blinds and bloodsucking flies (a significant decrease) were not observed in licking flies (Musca domestica, Muscina stabulans), which is explained by the peculiarities of their biology and ecology. Key words: cattle, blinds, zoophilous flies, meteorological conditions, ear insecticidal tags FLYBLOCK®.



33 Yahaev I.M., Fedotov S.V., Belozertseva N.S. Gynecological and mammological examinations of lacting cows

The main causes of infertility in lactating cows are gynecological diseases; violation of operating technology and associated mammological pathologies; low level and inferiority of feeding; unsatisfactory animal health conditions. Therefore, the main directions of their prevention and elimination are a complex of technological and veterinary measures, one of the links of which is the conduct of obstetric and gynecological medical examinations. The name of the gynecological medical examination that we changed is related to the fact that the pathologies of the mammary gland do not belong to gynecological diseases, but form separate nosological units related to the mammology of animals. During the gynecological and mammological examination, we determined the quality of milk with a dubious and weakly positive California mastitis test, and compared them with the acceptable safety level in the Technical Regulations for milk and dairy products, which made the studies more objective. An ultrasound scan made it possible to diagnose changes in the tissues of the udder caused by pathologies of a non-infectious etiology: edema, bruises and associated hematomas. In addition, we were able to determine the development of alveolar tissue, the size of the milk ducts and tanks. Therefore, sonography makes it possible to predict the milk production of cows and heifers. The gynecological and mammological clinical examination of the uterine livestock of cows that we developed allows us to determine the nature of the prevailing pathology, establish its main causes, and present specific proposals for preventive and therapeutic measures based on the real possibilities of the economy. Key words: lactating cows, udders, gynecological and mammological examinations.



39 Betin A.N. BioVentum litter dryer for pigs

Sanitary and hygienic measures are an integral part of the technological process in animal husbandry, because they are aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of infection, obtaining high quality products, putting in proper order at livestock enterprises. The microclimate is a complex of factors such as temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, concentration of carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, microbial contamination (content of E. coli, Staphylococcus, fungal spores) and dust. All this greatly affects the growth and development of animals, feed conversion and economic efficiency. Key words: climate, BioVentum, productivity of pigs, blood, safety, efficiency.



42 Sereda N.V., Prokop'eva M.V., Nesterova O.P. Influence of biological products on meat productivity of farm animals

During the experiment, the influence of Polystim and Selenopyran on the peculiarities of changes in body weight and average daily gain in bulls were revealed. The obtained data showed the growth-stimulating effect of the combined use of Polystim and Selenopiran, which was more significant than when using only "Selenopiran". The indifference of the studied biogenic preparations to the organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of meat evaluation is experimentally proved. Key words: average daily gain, meat productivity, steers, immunocorrectors.


47 Pozyabin S.V., Borkhunova E.N., Peryshkina L.S. Comparative characteristics of bladder wall regeneration in rabbits after cystotomy and cystoscopy

The results of pathomorphological studies of bladder tissues after surgical operations are presented. In two groups of rabbits, the features of regeneration after cystotomy and laparotomically assisted cystoscopy were studied. It was found that the regeneration rate is better when performing cystoscopy. Key words: bladder, cystotomy, laparoyomy assisted cystoscopy, rabbits.



51 Marinicheva M.P., Strogov V.V., Zabelina M.V., Dorozhkin V.I. Study of irritating and allergenic effects of the disinfectant Kliodeziw-Dez

The article presents data on the study of irritating and allergenic properties of the Kliodeziw-Dez – disinfectant. Studies of local irritating properties allow us to conclude that the Kliodeziw-Dez – disinfectant has a weak degree of reaction to irritation, a moderately pronounced effect of irritant action on mucous membranes. The use of a resolving dose of the drug for sensitized rabbits causes a moderate response from the eye and skin mucosa. These data make it possible to assign the Kliodeziw-Dez disinfectant to the third class of toxicity. Key words: Kliodeziw-Dez, disinfectant, local irritant effect, allergy.



55 Doronin М.I., Guseva M.N., Michalishin D.V., Starikov V.А., Lozovoy D.A., Borisov А.V. Validation of the spectrometric method for determining the concentration of 146S particles of foot-and-mouth disease virus in vaccine feedstock in assessing the amount of viral RNA

The article describes the validation of the methodology for determining the concentration of 146S component (C146S) of the culture of foot and mouth disease virus in the vaccine feedstock by spectrometric method for estimating the amount of viral RNA isolated after immune capture based on the established value of the number of viral RNA molecules (NRNA146S) using the linear model C146S = (3.9 · NRNA146S + 566783689): 280818944837. There were determined the main validation characteristics of the method: specificity, limit of detection and quantitative determination, linearity, accuracy and precision, absolute and relative indicators of variation. The results of validation of the method corresponds the eligibility criteria. Key words: the foot-and-mouth disease virus, the concentration of 146S particles, validation, spectrometric method, the number of RNA molecules of foot-and-mouth disease virus.


62 Bazarbaev S.B. Development of a methodology for calculating the number of feed samples for laboratory control of the residual amount of prohibited and harmful substances

The procedure for calculating a representative number of feed samples for laboratory control of the residual amount of prohibited and harmful substances using a mathematical model is described in the article. You can determine the number of samples required for sampling from each particular animal feed manufacturing enterprise, knowing the number of raw materials and components used for the production of feed, the number of types of feed produced the amount of feed produced, and the range of products manufactured. Key words: animal feed, safety, laboratory control, chemicals.


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CONTENTS №6-2020