CONTENTS №8-2016

3          Nezhdanov A.G., Shabunin S.V., Mikhalev V.I., Filin V.V., Skorikov V.N.  Postpartum metritis in dairy cows

The article considers a modern view on the problem of postpartum uterine inflammatory diseases in dairy cows. The causes and factors determining the development of such diseases have been analyzed. Rational ways of their pharmacotherapy and prophylaxis are demonstrated. Key words: dairy cows, postpartum metritis, etiology, diagnostics, pharmacotherapy.


11        Gazimagomedov M.G., Shapiev M.Sh., Budulov N.R., Ozdemirov R.A. Distribution and clinical manifestation of nodular dermatitis of cattle in Dagestan Republic

Data of distribution and clinical manifestation of nodular dermatitis of cattle, first appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation, are presented in the article in 2015. The first officially confirmed cases of nodular dermatitis on the territory of the Russian Federation are noted in cattle of bordering with Azerbaijan sat Barnabe and Kamiluh of Tlyaratinsky district of Dagestan Republic. Affected animals have characteristic clinical signs of the disease: prolonged fever, nodular skin lesions in the head, neck, crotch, labored abdominal breathing, profuse salivation, seropurulent conjunctivitis, sometimes with clouding of the cornea and cataract, the increase in regional lymph nodes.  Key words: cattle, nodular dermatitis, epidemiology, clinical signs, Dagestan Republic.

15        Lysko S.B., Suntsova O.A., Kashkovskaya L.МAntibacterial properties of Lexoflon OR – the drug on the base fluoroquinolones of new generation

The drug Lexoflon OR have an antibacterial activity against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria in 2 times higher than enrofloxacin. Key words:  antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, levofloxacin, enrofloxacin, Lexotan OR bacterial infection, the bird, the efficiency.

19        Kuznetsov S.S. Efficient and quality approach in the preparation of pig premises

The article presents the whole complex of sanitary measures providing exemption from production facilities pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. It prevents the occurrence of a number of infectious diseases and reduces the cost of growing pigs. Key words: disinfection, sanitation, sows, detergents, microbial resistance.

21        Klasse H-J. Less antibiotics through comprehensive disinfection

The article covers the issues of complex disinfection of pig farms with the new product Alzogur that allows to control spread of swine dysentery and spread of stable flies. Thus, Alzogur helps to reduce the need for antibiotic treatments.  Key words: disinfection, dysentery, pig farms, fly, manure.


23        Danilenko D.M., Komissarov A.B., Fadeev A.V., Sintsova K.S., Konovalova N.I., Petrova P.A., Eropkin M.J., Grudinin M.P., Palazyuk  S.V., Aliev A.S. Characteristics of Influenza A viruses isolated from swine

The article presents the data on influenza A virus circulation in hog-raising farms in three regions of Russia – Leningrad, Pskov and Orenburg regions – in 2013 – 2014 epidemic season. The biological material used for the research was represented by nasal swabs taken from 396 pigs aged 8 – 9 months. The following methods were used: molecular genetics (polymerase chain reaction, sequencing, phylogenetic analysis), isolation of influenza viruses in cell culture and chicken embryos, serological studies (hemagglutination inhibition test). The PCR permitted to identify and subtype influenza A virus in 41 swabs. This PCR-positive materials were used for isolation of influenza viruses and 8 viruses were isolated: 3 strains of A(H1N1)pdm09 subtype and 5 strains of А(H3N2) subtype. Antigenic analysis of these strains using hemagglutination inhibition test showed that all of them were antigenically similar to human influenza viruses that circulated in 2009 – 2010. The serology data were confirmed by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes. Besides, 180 sera from swine were tested to analyze the presence of antibodies to influenza a viruses of А(H1N1), А(H1N1)pdm09, А(H2N2), А(H3N2), А(H5N1), А(H7N1), А(H9N2) subtypes. The antibodies to А(H1N1)pdm09 were detected in 7 sera, to А(H3N2) – in 1 serum. All other samples were seronegative for influenza A viruses. All 8 isolated influenza A strains were deposited to collection of influenza viruses at the Research Institute of Influenza in lyophilized state. Key words:agglutination inhibition test, antibodies, antigens, genome, influenza A virus, swine influenza.

29        Strizhakova O.M., Malogolovkin A.S., Titov I.A., Zhivoderov S.P., Kurinnov V.V.  Experimental infection of piglets with porcine epizootic diarrhea virus strain BS-08 isolated at an outbreak in a large pig farm

As a result of the experiments carried out we found that a PED virus strain BS-08 is pathogenic for suckling pigs. The incubation period in suckling pigs infected with the PED virus strain BS-08 was 18 to 20 hours. The infected piglets showed depression, lack of appetite, weight loss and watery diarrhea, with their small intestine being the main organ of the PED virus accumulation. The virus high concentrations are excreted together with fecal matter. For detection of the PED virus with PCR, using the samples of small and/or large intestine together with their contents, faeces and kidney is preferable. Key words: porcine epizootic diarrhea (PED), experimental infection, incubation period, pathoanatomical signs.

33        Nurgaziev R.Z., Isakeev M.K., Kamarli A.A., Akmatova E.K., Krutskaya E.K.  Dagnostic of canine distemper and parvoviral enteritis in PCR

Methods of molecular diagnostics have established wide spread in Bishkek CDV and CPV among dogs. PCR can be use for both intravital and postmortem diagnosis of  these infections. Key words: canine distemper, canine parvovirus enteritis, PCR, primers, symptoms.


36        Shibitov S.K., Safiullin R.T. Prevalence Buxtonella sulcata cattle in the Central zone of Russia

According to the results of selective microscopic examination of feces cattle of different age groups in the farms of the Central region of Russia established their infestation ciliates Buxtonella sulcata. Extent of infestation in the farms of Moscow region ranged from 23,3 to 57 %, Tula region in 2014 from 60 to 100 % in 2016 from 10 to 70 %. Key words: cattle, diagnosis of parasitic diseases, protozoa infestation, Buxtonella sulcate, buxtonellosis.


39        Kapralov D.V., Miller T.V., Ryabukha V.A., Ryabukha A.V., Daminov Kh.A. The use of drug in biologically active points for the prevention of pathological calving cows

Pathology of calving in the farms of the country is one of the main problems of cattle reproduction.The work of veterinary specialists mainly lies in the use of the collected experience.The mass of such diseases requires a deeper application of effective methods of treatment. We recommend for prevention of pathological calving cows used immunomodulatory and immunostimulatory drug to acupressure points that are responsible for the functional state of the reproductive system.Currently developed various methods and ways of treatment of diseases of the reproductive system. One of our developments aimed at prevention of pathologies since birth dry period. Key words: cattle, prevention, calving, pathology, immunomodulatory and immunostimulatory drug.

41        Fedorchuk E.G., Gorshkov G.I., Narizhny A.G., Dzhamaldinov A.Ch. Efficiency adaptogenic drugs Miwal-Zoo in boar in different diets season

On the basis of these studies found that feeding boars Mival-Zoo adaptogen-tion of the drug in an amount of 8; 10; 12 mg per 1 kg of body weight improves sperm: in general in all seasons of the year  20,5; 29,6; 27,7 % compared to the control group con. Increasing the quantity and quality of sperm parameters in boars experimental groups allowed to increase fertility and prolificacy of sows. Thus, the fertility of sows inseminated with sperm svezhevzyatoy in all seasons of the year increased by 3,3-responsibly; 4,2; 4,2 %, and increased prolificacy sows respectively to 5,4; 7,7; 7,0 % compared to the control group. Fertility of sows inseminated with frozen semen is towered respectively 10,0; 15,0; 12,5 %, and sows increased prolificacy with respectively 9,5; 14,0; 15,2 % compared with the control group. Increased fertility and prolificacy Swee-nomatok in the experimental groups will reduce the cost of piglets at birth, respectively, 8,3; 11,0; 10,3% compared with the first control group. Based on these studies, we recommend feeding boars drug Mival-Zoo in the amount of 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight tively complement to the daily diet in all seasons. Key words: boars, sows, pigs, semen, sperm quantity and quality indicators, fertility, prolificacy, large-fruited, the diet drug Miwa Zoo seasons, zamorazhition of semen, artificial insemination.


45        Nikolaenko V.P., Schedrov I.N. Environmentally safe preparation Bactericide for poultry yard disinfection

The research results on appliance of domestic preparation Bactericide are presented. It is used in aerosol disinfection of poultry yards instead of cancerogenic formaldehyde vapors. After Bactericide application the environmental situation at the poultry facilities improves and weight gain and mortality increases.

Key words: broilers, Bactericide, aerosol disinfection, disinfection unit AIST-2, poultry yard, chemical constitution of meat, mortality.


48        Kovac M., Aliev R.U., Toth J. Use intrascleral prosthesis in horse after evisceration of the eyeball

For the first time in our country we tested the possibility of evisceration horse's eye with using intrascleral silicone prosthesis. The operation provides a more complete cosmetic animal rehabilitation in comparison with a simple enucleation or in the production of the prosthesis inside the orbit after exenteration of eye. Thus, the evisceration of the eyeball helps the owner is easier to accept the loss of the horse's eye and enables such animals to participate in a sporting event where a very important their aesthetic appearance. Key words: horse, evisceration, intrascleral silicone prosthesis.

53        Satyukova L.P., Shoponskaya M.I.  Age-related changes and needs in broilers in vitamins, macro- and micronutrients

The data on the dynamics of age-related changes of vitamins, micro and macro elements in the blood serum, liver and bone broiler chickens. They need to be taken into account in the preparation of a full ration birds of different age groups. Key words: vitamins, macronutrients, metabolism, micronutrients, broilers.


55        Vostroilova G.A., Cheskidova L.V., Bliznetsova G.N. Determination of residual amounts of the Viapenum

The article presents the data on study of residual quantities of Viapenum in milk, muscle tissue, liver and kidneys of cows. Quantitive analysis of norfloxacin and dioxidine in samples extracts was conducted by high-performance liquid chromatography with high pressure. Active substances after the course of drug were found in milk, muscles, liver and kidneys of cows within 48 hours. These substances were found in the organs and tissues in trace amounts below the detection limit in 72 hours and their complete absence was registered in 5 days.Key words: dioxidine, norfloxacin, cattle, milk, muscles, liver, kidneys.

59        Arisov M.V., Abramov V.E., Balyshev A.V., Smirnova E.S. Pharmacokinetic featuresof active ingredients of Gelmintal in tablets

We studied the pharmacokinetics in the organism of cats and dogs the active ingredients of the tablet form of the drug Gelmintal (ZAO "SPC" Ecoprom ") and one of their metabolites (4-transghydroxyprazikvantel). After oral administration of the drug concentration of these analytes in the serum reached the highest values at 18; 6 and 9 hours, respectively. They are well distributed in the body. Moxidectin persisted in the blood of animals during 25 days after giving drug – this opens up the possibility of using the drug for the prevention heartworm disease. Key words: blood, cat, dog, moxidectin, praziquantel, pharmacokinetics.

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CONTENTS №8-2016