CONTENTS №8-2017

3 Burdov G.N., Kotelnikov N.N., Yavkin S.G., Chernov A.N., Marasinskaya E.I. Epizootic situation with bovine leukemia in the Udmurt Republic in 2011 – 2015

The paper presents the analysis of epizootic situation with bovine leukemia and the results of diagnostic studies in the Udmurt Republic (UR) for the last 5 years (2010 – 2015). Analysis of the research results shows the decrease in the number of livestock infected with a leukemia virus in cattle (CLV) (more than twice), animals sick with leukemia (from 2,7 % to 1 %), and unfavorable areas regulated by the state veterinary service of the territory (from 114 to 37) in the last 5 years. The first cases of the bovine leukemia in animals were identified more than 30 years ago, with the beginning of Holstein breed cattle importation into the Republic. The main source and spreader of the cattle leukemia virus are sick animals. The basis of rehabilitation of farms from bovine leukemia is the segregation of cattle into RID negative and RID positive with the subsequent hematologic (hem) research and their separate raising in accordance with the "Rules on prevention and control of bovine leukemia", 1999. The main methods of diagnosis of bovine leukemia used by the laboratory service of the Republic are RID (Reaction of Immune Diffusion) and ELISA (immuno-enzyme analysis). The lack of the Republic state target program to offset the cost of multiple studies of animals and replacement of diseased animals by the healthy makes the rehabilitation of farms from bovine leukemia very complex. Based on the practice of previous years, for successful prevention and elimination of cattle leukemia in the beef herd of UR we suggest to develop a State Target Program (STP) for compensating the financial costs of the farms for numerous diagnostic studies and the replacement of livestock. This program will increase the executives’ interest in the herd recovery from bovine leukemia, and will raise their responsibility for products quality and nation health. Key words: bovine leukemia, diagnosis, ELISA, epizootic situation, eradication.


Abramov V.E., Abramov S.V., Balyshev A.V., Kashkovskaya L.М. Effective therapy of cystitis at pigs by complex drug Nitox Forte

Based on the results of a survey of farms in the Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd and Saratov regions, which specialize in the cultivation of pigs of landrace and large white breeds, authors founded that the incidence of infections of the urinary system was averaged 19,5 %. In most cases affected sows were in reproductive age – up to 4 years. Bacteriological study showed that the main causative agent is E. coli (57 %), less often staphylococci, streptococci, proteins and other bacteria were isolated from the urine of sick pigs and in most cases associations of bacteria were detected. It was carried out a comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of pigs with cystitis by drug Nitox Forte developed by NITA-FARM (Saratov) and oxytetracycline. Nitox Forte, containing oxytetracycline, magnesium and flunixin as active ingredients, had a complex therapeutic effect due to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Its single application to 55 sows with cystitis it provided recovery in 100 % of cases during 5 – 6 days. Monotherapy with oxytetracycline, carried out once a day for 5 days in a row, allowed cure only 37 of 40 pigs with inflammation of the bladder (efficiency 92,5  %), with a recovery period of 7 – 8 days. Key words: urinary tract infections, cystitis, flunixin, magnesium, oxytetracycline, pigs, therapy.

13 Davydova E.E.,  Soltynskaya I.V., Krylova E.V., Kapitova I.A.,  Gergel M.A. Approaches to the detection of genetically modified crops for state control of feeds and plant raw materials

Legislation in the field of regulation of GMO circulation in the Russian Federation and the European Union determines the need for product research for the presence of GMOs. The analysis includes screening for genetic elements, GM lines, identification and quantitative measuring. The application of the matrix approach allows to increase the efficiency of the undeclared GM lines detection, as well as to reduce a total number of tests. The data on the origin of the products and GM lines authorized in the exporting country is considered essential. Key words: GMO, feed, matrix approach, PCR.


19 Kazarnikova A.V.Shestakovskaya I.V.Trishina A.V.Galeotti M. Manzano M. isolation and charakteristic of Yersinia ruckeri  duiring carp outbreakes in ponds of southern russia

The objective of this study was the analysis of reasons caused carp (Cyprinus carpio) and bighead hybrids (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix × H. nobilis) mortality kept in ponds at April, 2015. A total of 25 fish samples without (n=10) and with (n=15) clinical signs of disease were collected along with water samples. The results of water quality parameters showed on high level of permanganate oxidation (2,4 – 2,8 times the normal ratio), nitrite nitrogen (1,4 – 1,5). The concentration of oxygen near bottom was in the range of 2,0 mg/dm3. As the result of parasitological investigations monogenea (Dactylogyrus hypophtalmichthys, D. extensus), trematoda (Diplostomum spathaceum) and mollusk (Unio pinctorum) were detected. 62 different bacterial isolates were identified in water (30) and fish (32). Bacterial characterization was done by morphological and enzymatic properties. For additional identification used MALDI TOF mass - spectrometry and PCR. The detected microorganisms belong to genera Aeromonas and Yersinia. The highest indexes of bacterial contamination of bighead were registered for A. hydrophila (5×103 CFU/g) and in carp – for для Y. ruckeri (2×103 CFU/g).  All fish strains of A. hydrophila and Y. ruckeri were sensitive to ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol. 90 % of aeromonas and 100 % of yersinia strains were resistant to furasolidone. At the first time for southern Russia the infection of carp by Yersinia ruckeri was detected. Key words: aquaculture, disease, bacteria, Yersinia.


29 Safiullin R.T., Dementieva V.A., Nurtdinova T.A. The complex insecticidal program for systemic destruction of flies population in the conditions of poultry farm at cellular and battery keeping of a bird

Scientific-production tests showed that the complex insecticidal program (Quick Bayt® WG 10 % + Baycidal® WP 25 %) allowed to destroy flies (IE – 98,3%) and their larvas (IE – 99,8 %) in difficult working conditions at a cell technology of cultivation of a bird. Key words: cellular keeping of a bird, zoophiles flies, larvas of flies, complex insecticidal program, adulticide Quick Bayt®, larvicide Baycidal®, intensive efficiency.

34 Novac M.D., Engaschev S.V., Daugalieva E.Kh., Filimonov D.N., Artemov A.A., Koshkina N.A., Germanov  S.B. Application of insecticide-repellent ear-tags against ticks for Aberdin-angus and Holstein breedsof cattle

Ixodes ticks, flies and zoophilic flies are dangerous for animals and humans as ectoparasites-hematophagous and carriers of infectious pathogens. Their species composition and numbers are different in the naturalgeographic zones of the Russian Federation. In the Central region the most common are ticks Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes ricinus, gadflies Tabanus bovinus, Tabanus sudeticus, Chrysops spp. and Haematopota spp., zoophilic blood-sucking flies Haematobia irritans, Haematobosca stimulans, Stomoxys calcitrans, zoophilic licking flies Musca domestica, Musca autumnalis, Fannia canicularis, Morrelia spp., Muscina stabulans. The currently used animal protection product against ectoparasites requires the improvement of device design, application technology and active ingredients. The studies carried out in the Bryansk and Ryazan regions showed the high efficiency of first developed in our country by specialists of the SMC Agrovetzashchita devices on the basis of synthetic pyrethroids S-fenvalerate and piperonyl butoxide for protection of cattle against Ixodedticks, blood-sucking, licking zoophilic flies and horseflies. The duration of the repellent effect created by them is 120 days, which provides reliable protection of animals from ectoparasites, infectious and parasitic diseases, the pathogens of which are transferred by Ixodesticks, blood-sucking dipterous and pasture flies. At the same time, the economic damage caused by moraxellosis, anaplasmosis, babesiosis and other diseases is significantly reducedby such ear-tags. Key words: anaplasmosis, babesiosiscattle, ectoparasites, efficacy, gadflies, insecticide-repellent ear-tags, moraxellosis, synthetic pyrethroids, zoophilic flies.


39 Lobodin K.A., Belik S.V., Lozovaya E.G. Preventive measures of embryonic losses in dairy cows

The use of gonadotropic drugs and cyclooxygenase inhibitor at early gestation was provided. Their positive effect on hormonal homeostasis of inseminated cows, improvement of reproduction rates, due to reduced embryonic losses was shown.  Key words: cows, blood, embryonic mortality, preventive measures.


43 Lashin A.P.,   Simonova N.V., Simonova N.P.  Herbal formulation for prophylaxis dispepsia of calves

The possibility of correcting the free radical oxidation of calf membrane lipids by using infusion of nettle leaves and chickweed herb containing a complex of natural antioxidants was studied. 30 calves were divided into 2 equal groups: the control group was kept under standard conditions; the experimental group had a daily oral intake of the tincture in a dose of 5 ml/kg. In the conditions of oxidative stress this herbal formulation promotes reduction in blood plasma lipid hydroperoxides by 24 %, diene conjugates by 21 %, malonic dialdehyde by 23 % and increase the activity components of blood antioxidant system (ceruloplasmin by 28 %, vitamin E by 36 %, catalase by 26 %). There were noted the stabilization of peroxidation processes and a reduction in the incidence of dyspepsia in calves of experimental group. Key words: antioxidants, calves, chickweed, dyspepsia, infusion, lipid peroxidation, nettle.

46 Salomatin V.V., Varakin A.T., Nikolaev S.I., Kharlamova E.A., Kulik D.K. The influence of a complex mineral additive on morphological and biochemical blood indices of boars

Natural bischofite included in the diet of the boars had a positive impact on their blood levels of leukocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, serum levels of total protein, albumin, inorganic phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins A and E, and also induced growth of albumin/globulin ratio. Key words: blood, boars, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, natural bischofite, ration, total protein, serum.


49 Abdullayeva A.M., Smirnovа I.R., Trohimets E.V., Gubankova A.A. Microbiological control of semi-finished products from meat turkeys in the modified gas medium and shrink-stretch film during refrigerated storage

Microbiological research of semi-finished meat of turkeys of various manufacturers, packaged in a modified gas medium and shrink-stretch film was carried out. The microbiological analysis was carried out by conventional and express methods (bacterioscopy and culture on nutrient media) before storage at a temperature of 2 – 4 0C and for subsequent 7 – 10 days (i.e. at the end of shelf life specified by the manufacturer on the package). It was established that the modified gas medium, in contrast to the stretch film, significantly slows down the growth and development of pathogenic microflora. In this regard it reduces the risk of food poisoning and prolongs the period of sale of meat products. Key words: campylobacteria, coliform bacteria, listeria, modified gas environment, proteins, salmonella, semi-finished products, staphylococcus, shrink stretch film, turkey meat.


54 Yanzhieva D.V., Morgunov Y.P.,  Salnikov N.I., Usadov T.R., Kolbasova O.L., Yurkov S.G., Tsybanov S.Zh., Lunitsyn A.V. Сultural characteristics  of contagious ecthyma virus isolated  in the Republic of Tuva 

This article is devoted to the study of cultural characteristics of contagious ecthyma virus isolated in the Republic of Tuva in 2015. This virus was adapted to the diploid cell culture of lamb synovial membrane and to the continuous cell culture of sheep kidney.  Experimental infection of sheep with cultural virus showed lower virulence in comparison with the original strain of this virus (suspension of scabs from the skin of experimentally infected sheep). Key words: contagious ecthyma virus, cell culture, infectivity.


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CONTENTS №8-2017