CONTENTS №8-2018

Glotov A.G., Glotova T.I. Strategy and control principles of bovine viral diarrhea

BVD is important viral diseases of cattle due to the effect of the pathogen on all links in the production of livestock products and a negative impact on the economic performance of the herd. The endemic status of infection is due to the presence of persistently infected (PI) animals, which are a constant source of the virus. After their complete removal the infection stops. The main principle of BVDV control programs is the rupture of the birth cycle of PI calves. Three main strategies are used, the implementation of which depends on the official status, regional characteristics of livestock management and economic factors. The most common control strategy is vaccination with live and killed vaccines and their combinations, used in countries with high animal density and widespread infection. The second is carried out without using vaccines in Scandinavian countries with a low level of infection and livestock keeping by small farms. Combined strategy in the initial stages is realized in Germany, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium and some US states with the industrial dairy and beef cattle breeding. Advantages, disadvantages and factors affecting the effectiveness of control programs are described. Key words: viruses, cattle, bovine viral diarrhea, acute infections, persistent infection, pestiviruses, vaccination, live vaccines, killed vaccines, elimination of the disease.



13 Kulitsa M.M. Some questions of disinfection in light of current epizootic situation in the world

The article presents actual problems of disinfectology and perspective directions of development on veterinary sanitation. Key words: Abaldez®, disinfection, import substitution, veterinary sanitation.

15 Khlopitskiy V.P., Brigadirov Y.N., Kosarev V.N., Ermakova T.I., Parshin P.A., Vostroilova G.A.   Interferon – an effective immunology remedy for protection pigs from viruses

In article the survey information on dysfunctions of immune system of pigs, and also some laboratory and clinical indicators for their control is presented. Results of research work under indications and results of application interferonsoderzhaschy a preparation Mixoferon® in conditions pig complex industrial type are presented. Key words: immunodeficiencies pigs, interferon, antiviral means, immunomodulators, Mixoferon®.

21 Boytsov A.V.  Dosatron's medicators for industry livestock

The article observes modern equipment for injection of medicines and feed additives to animals via drinking water. Key advantages and wide range of application of Dosatron medicators in animal husbandry are brought into limelight. Special attention is paid to dosators of the D25 series – the most popular in poultry industry and pig-breeding, as well as to the innovative DIA4RE model with the high resistance reinforced diaphragm (triple layer). Key words: dosator, medicator, Dosatron, dosing, vaccination, disinfection, hygiene.


24 Laishevtcev A.I., Yakimova E.A., Kapustin A.V. Experience in creating the first native vaccine against riemerellosis

Paper describes the results of Riemerella anatipestifer production strains’ selection for the development of the first Russian riemerellosis vaccine in agricultural poultry. The properties of following Riemerella anatipestifer strains were studied – «Ufa», «Kazan» and «Rostov» – they were isolated in the territory of the Russian Federation during 2016 – 2017. It is found that the LD50 values for the strains «Ufa», «Kazan» and «Rostov» are 5,31x107, 1,74x108 and 8,25x107 accordingly. Through serological reactions it was proved that the strains «Ufa» and «Rostov» refer to the same serotype, and the strain «Kazan» to another. These data are confirmed by the results of determining the immunogenic activity of mono-vaccines. Mono-vaccine of «Ufa» strain after double vaccination of ducklings provides protection against infection of 5LD50 homologous strain and «Rostov» strain, but not against «Kazan» strain. Determination of the antigenic activity showed that the average antibody titres after a double vaccination of ducklings (n=10) in the agglutination reaction averaged as 1:133 for the «Ufa» strain, 1:93 for «Kazan» strain, and 1:20 for «Rostov» strain. The findings confirm the need for further study of the prevalence of riemerellosis in Russia, as well as the identification of infection’s serotypes diversity. The development and production of a single serotype vaccine is not appropriate, so the antigenic composition should be expanded to several serotypes most widely circulating in the country. Key words: bacteria, duck, laboratory animals, riemerellosis, serotype, Riemerella anatipestifer, specific prophylaxis, vaccine.


30 Potekhin A.V., Glazyev E.N., Kukushkin S.A. Determining the   sensitivity of isolates agents respiratory disease of pigs to gamithromycin

Disc-diffusion antibiotic susceptibility test was studied gamithromycin antimicrobial activity and a number of other commonly used veterinary antibiotics against isolates of pathogens of respiratory diseases in pigs allocated in Russia. Most isolates of P. multocida, H. parasuis and A. pleuropneumoniae showed high sensitivity to gamithromycin. Zactran® (150mg gamithromycin/ml injectable solution) can be recommended for empirical antimicrobial therapy of pasteurellosis, Glasser’s disease and actinobacillus pleuropneumonia in pigs. Key words: gamithromycin, Zactran®, antimicrobial activity, Pasteurella multocida, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Haemophillus parasuis, pigs, swine.

34 Grudinin M.P., Guseinova A.Z., Shaldzhyan A.A., Zabrodskaya Y.A., Zhuk D.L., Koveikina V.M., Aliev A.S.  Generation and characterization of the VP1 recombinant protein of the chicken anemia virus

The optimized sequence of the VP1 gene fragment of chicken infectious anemia virus was cloned into the expression vectors pET15b and pGEX-3T in-frame fused with polyhistidine and glutathione-S-transferase tags, respectively. E. coli strains Rosetta (DE3) producing recombinant 6HIS-ΔVP1 and GST-ΔVP1 proteins were obtained. The purification of the recombinant 6HIS-ΔVP1 protein by Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography was worked out. The conditions of refolding, which ensure a specific interaction of the protein with the control polyclonal antibodies, were assembled. Key words: Chicken anemia virus (CAV), gene expression, VP1 recombinant protein.


42 Engashev S.V., Engasheva E.S., Belova L.M., Gavrilova N.A., Tokarev A.N., Loginova O.A., Kuznetsov Y.E., Petrova M.S., Ermakova E.V. Application of the drug Iversan for treatment helminthoses in horses

Drugs based on ivermectin are used to horses in different forms and by different ways. However, veterinarians note that paste containing 1% ivermectin does not provide complete liberation of horses from parasites, injection of this macrocyclic lactone is painful and often induce inflammation of tissues. Strongyloidosis and parascarosis were diagnosed in horses in the horse-riding clubs of Priozersk, Lomonosov and Vsevolozhsky districts of the Leningrad region. For deworming was used Iversan – the drug developed and manufactured by OAS “SVC Agrovetzashchita” (Moscow) on the basis of ivermectin (40 mg/ml). Its effectiveness was assessed by the results of a clinical examination of animals, helminthoscopic, helminthoscopic, helminthoscopic and biochemical studies conducted before and 10 days after deworming. Mature parascars were found in the fecal masses of horses on the second day after treatment with anthelminthic. Coproovoscopy show complete elimination of helminthes from all animals. The drug did not induced biochemical changes of blood. Iversan can be recommended for oral dehelminthization of horses by methods of watering and feeding in view of absence negative adverse events and high efficiency. Key words: anthelmintics, ivermectin, horses, nematodes.

46 Egorova T.P., Gvozdik T.E., Kholodilova L.I. Treatment of monkeys with intestinal protozoain vasions

On the basis of the Institute of medical primatology with the monkey nursery (Adler district of Sochi) [10] an effective scheme for the complex treatment of giardiasis, balantidiosis and blastocystosis in monkeys has been developed. It includes the use of injection form metronidazole prolonged action (Metronid-50) and according to the indications – antibacterial drugs (Enroxyl or Dithrim), intravenous drop infusion of physiological saline or Ringer-Locke solution, antidiarrheal medicine Loperamide, as well as drugs Hemobalance and Gamovit. Key words: treatment, intestinal pathology, metronidazole, protozoa, Balantidium coli, Blastocystis spp., Lamblia intestinalis.

50 Belousova I.N., Trubachenkova A.V. Brylina V.E., Litvinov O.B. Diagnostic significance of changes in the clinical blood analysis in dogs with babesiosis

In the article results of an estimation of changes in the general clinical analysis of a blood of dogs infected with babesiosis are resulted. It is established that babesiosis of dogs is characterized by certain changes in the leukocyte profile. These studies are designed to help a veterinarian assume a diagnosis of "babesiosis" already based on the results of a general clinical blood test. Key words: dogs’ babesiosis, laboratory diagnostics, general clinical analysis of blood, complications in babeziosis, systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), multipleorgan dysfunction syndrome (MODS).


55 Lashin A.P., Simonova N.V. Phytocorrection of the biochemical status and non-specific resistance of the organism newborn calves

Influence of infusion of leaves nettle and herb chickweed containing a complex of natural antioxidants on the biochemical status of calves was studied. 30 newborn calves were divided into 2 equal groups (experimental and control), which were kept under standard conditions. The animals of the test group received through the mouth an infusion in a dose 5 ml/kg/daily during 28 days. The content of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in their blood at the end of experiment was significantly higher than in the control group by 17 and 20 %, respectively, of the total protein by 34 % and inorganic phosphorus by 21%. Positive influence of infusion on nonspecific resistance of calves was manifested by increased bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum, as well as phagocytic index. Key words: biochemical status, calves, chickweed, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, infusion, leukocytes, nettle.

58 Yerin I.S., Vatnikov Y.A., Parshina V.I., Voronina Y.Y. Influence of autological plasma enriched in thrombocytes on lacrimation level in canine keratoconjunctivitis sicca

The material presented in the article contains data on use of autological plasma rich with platelets in therapy of the canine keratoconjunctivitis sicca. The proposed method is based on platelet growth factors contained in autologous plasma. Comparison of treatment regimens with addition of plasma enriched with platelets has shown its therapeutic effectiveness in the treatment of canine keratoconjunctivitis sicca. When autologous plasma is used as part of the complex therapy of keratoconjunctivitis sicca, treatment time, frequency of instillation of antibiotics, immunosuppressive drugs, and the period of remission that is stable and prolonged is shortened. Key words: keratoconjunctivitis sicca, therapy, autologous plasma, lacrimation, dogs.



62 Smirnova I.R., Satyukova L.P., Shopinskaya M.I. Comparison of methods for quantitative evaluation of premixes for poultry content of vitamins B

3 modern methods (microbiological, ELISA and high-performance liquid chromatography) were quantified for the content of vitamins B in premixes. The most correct results were obtained by high-performance liquid chromatography with preliminary immunoaffinity purification on EASY-EXTRACTÒ columns and a microbiological method carried out using the Vita FastÒ test system: the accuracy of their indications was 97 – 99 %, and indications of the test system Ridascreen FastÒ ELISA – 90 – 96 %. Nevertheless, all 3 methods used in the work allowed to quickly and effectively determining the amount of vitamins B in the tested premix. Key words: ELISA, high-performance liquid chromatography, quantitative analysis, microbiological method, water-soluble vitamins.



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CONTENTS №8-2018