CONTENTS №9-2016

3  Mischenko A.V., Mischenko V.A., Melnikov V.P., Chernykh O.Yu.   Peste des petits ruminants

Data on transboundary contagious viral disease of sheep and goats manifested in suppression, fever, diarrhea, ulcerative-erosive lesions on nasal and oral mucous membranes, conjunctivitis, keratitis, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, pneumonia and affection of immune system organs leading to suppression are given in the paper. The epidemic role in case of peste des petits ruminants is played exclusively by sheep and goats. The latter are more susceptible as compared with sheep. Humans are not susceptible to peste des petits ruminants virus. Economic losses in goat and sheep breeding are extremely high. The mortality can reach 100 % in primary outbreaks and up to 50 % in stationary affected territories. Goats are the most susceptible to peste des petits ruminants animals, the morbidity of these can approach to 95 %. Peste des petits ruminants agent is a virus from Morbilivirus genus Paramixoviridae family. According to results of phylogenetic analysis of virus genome nucleotide sequence all strains form four phylogenetic lineages, agents of three lineages were detected in pathological material samples from Africa. The forth genetic lineage included agents of peste des petits ruminants circulating in Indian Subcontinent, China, Near and Middle East, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Key words:sheep, goats, morbilivirus, virus genotypes, peste des petits ruminants, aerogenic, alimentary and contact routes of agent transmission.


10 Tselueva N.I., Myasnikova N.G. Epizootic situation on bovine leucosis in tne Smolensk region

In article there is present an analysis of epizootic situation by bovine leucosis in the Smolensk region. Key words:bovineenzootic leucosis,economic damage, epizootic situation, health.

13 Evglevskii A.A., Mihailova I.I., Mihailova O.N., Tarasov V.Y., Evglevskaya E.P. Energy metabolic composition for down-calving and calving cows

Pathobiochemistryprocesses of down-calving cows reach critical values, which lead to culled most high-yield animals immediately after calving or in the first month of lactation. The main cause is an energy shortage that often associated with deficiency of easily digestible carbohydrates in the ration. Energy metabolic composition was developed on the basis of succinic acid for prevention energy shortage in cows. Key words: beet molasses, biochemical changes, metabolism, parturition, retention of placenta, succinic acid.

16  Belyakov V.S.  Installation for disinfection of "AIST-2": the quality confirmed with practical operation

The article presents information on the development and application installation "Stork-2" for aerosol disinfection and pest control in various sectors of livestock (in the poultry, pig, etc.). At present, it has been used successfully in 135 farms in different regions of Russia for the prevention and forced disinfection. Key words: spray rig "Stork-2", disinfection, pest control, the application of.


18  Shuralev E.A. Antibody response of Mycobacterium bovis infected reindeer

Using multiplex immunoassay the significance of mycobacterial antigens for diagnosis of reindeer tuberculosis determined. It was established that majeure antigens are MPB70, MPB83 and PPD-b. After the skin test at the later stages of infection the antibody production is activated. Key words: antigens, antibodies, mycobacteria, multiplex ELISA, tuberculosis.

21 Аmanova Zh.T., Taranov D.S., Yershebulov Z.D., Zhugunissov K.D., Barakbaev K.B. , Bulatov E.A., Khairullin B.M., Sansyzbay А.R.  Evaluation of associated vaccine against peste des petits ruminants and sheep pox

In experiments on 6-7-month-old lambs was established that the associated vaccine against the plague of small ruminants and sheep pox effective as monovalent vaccines against these diseases. Key words: vaccine, immunogenicity, ovine pox, reactogenicity, peste des petits ruminants and sheep pox.

24 Stafford V.V., Zaberezhny A.D., Gulukin M.I. Pathomorphologycal changes parenchymal organs of piglets experimentally infected by RRSSV and CV-2

There are describes in the article the pathological changes in parenchymatous organs of piglets experimentaly infected by PCV-2 & PRRSV. The most severe pathologic changes found in the lungs, prescapular & inguinal lymph nodes, kidneys. Key words: PRRSV,  pathomorphology, piglets, PCV-2.

28 Lyska V.M.,  Novikova M.B.,  Balashova E.A.,  Sidlik M.V.,  Kushnir S.D., Kurinov V.V. Studies on pathogenicity of classical swine fever virus strains isolated in the Russian Federation in 1995 – 2012

There were studied the biological properties of 16 classical swine fever virus strains isolated during outbreaks of 1995 – 1996 and 2012, as well as in interepizootic period in different regions of the country. Key words:  virus, wild boar, classical swine fever, cell culture, pathogenicity, pig.


32 Shakarboev E.B., Safarova F.E., Azimov D.A., Akramova F.D.  Distribution of Ligulosis Cypriniformes fish woterbodies in north-east in Uzbekistan

Helminthological opening subjected to 1356 fish species. Ligulidozy carps fish in Uzbekistan conditions are found in all seasons of the year. In natural reservoirs extent of infestation is 8,8 – 27,2 %, and artificial – 3,1 – 9,6 %, the intensity of the infestation reaches from 1 to 45. The disease prone eastern bream, roach, rudd, bream, gudgeon, khramulya, grass carp, silver carp, Marina, carp and others. Key words: Ligula intestinalis, Digramma interrupta, ligulidoses, Cypriniformes fish, Uzbekistan.

35  Safiullin R.T., Yablonskii S.A., Oleinikova V.P. The effectiveness of Delegale against oocysts of coccidian of birds          

In the production conditions of the Moscow region Delegal 4 % at a dose of 0,5 l/sq m and exposure 2 hours against oocysts of coccidia of birds showed 92,4 % intensifications, and the efficiency of the basic preparation of phenol amounted to  61,81 %. Key words: chickens, coccidiosis, oocysts, infection, scatoscopy, desinvasion, Delegal, Phenol, intensifications, production test.


38 Nezhdanov A.G., Mitina A.O., Skorikov V.N., Yudin S.M.  Restoration of sexual cyclicity and fertility in dairy cows with ovarian hypofunction by Sat-Som drug

The efficacy of nonhormonal drug Sat-Som for the therapy of infertile cows with ovarian hypofunction was studied. It is shown that this drug has specific effect on the pituitary-gonadal system and its clinical efficacy equals therapeutic effect obtained under the use of gonadotropic drugs. It is admissible to use a combination of Sat-Son and gonadotropins. Key words: cows, ovarian hypofunction, drugs Sat-Som, Folligon.


42  Trebukhov A.V. The interrelation of protein metabolic indices in cows with ketosis and their calves

In the conditions of intensive livestock production even minor errors in feeding, maintenance and operation conditions often lead to the development metabolic diseases. Among them ketosis of dairy cows takes one of the first places by incidence. Cows of black-and-white breed with this pathology had no statistically significant deviations from the reference values of the content total protein in the blood, albumin and alpha-globulins within 2 months before calving and 10 days after it. In the last months of pregnancy the concentration of serum beta-globulin decreased, but the level of gamma-globulin, in contrast, increased. The nature of changes is determined by blood biochemical parameters represent a significant violation during ketosis cows protein-syntesis function of the liver both before and after calving. In the blood of their calves there were registered a higher content of total protein, albumin, alpha and gamma globulins, and ketone bodies. The concentration of beta-globulins in contrast, was lower than in cows healthy offspring. The identified biochemical changes in the blood of calves born to infected cows ketosis, show infringement of protein and fat metabolism in their body. In the blood healthy cows concentration of ketone bodies slightly exceeded the reference values during entire observation period, that was probably due to the low quality forage and lack of energy in their ration in the last period of pregnancy and parturition. There were noted flow ketone bodies in the body of born calves with milk. Key words: albumin, blood chemistry, cattle, globulins, ketosis, metabolic disorder, total serum protein.

45 Ippolitova T.V., Khomutinnikova J.A. The alpha rhythm particularities of a German shepherd’s brain from the neonatal period till puberty

Authors studied the changes brain alpha-rhythm in the German shepherd’s in 7, 14, 21, 90 days of age and after puberty. During the first three weeks of life it was low-pass and subsequently became high. Sequential acceleration of alpha rhythm on the EEG, characteristic for the human brain maturation, manifested in dogs in a small extent. Key words: alpha rhythm, dog, German shepherd’s, electroencephalography.


49 MimaK.A., BurmakinaG.S., VasilyevA.P., Kazakovа A.S., DubrovskayaO.A., MalogolovkinA.S., KolbasovD.V. Comparison methods of serological diagnostic African swine fever

Here, we show the results of comparative analysis of different serological assays for detection of antidodies to African swine fever virus (ASFV) including Immunoblotting (IB p30 and IB OIE), enzyme immunoassay (ELISA), immunofluorescence assay (IFA), Immunoperoxidase test (IPT). All used methods had comparable high specificity, except for the IPT where it reached 66,7 %. However, the sensitivity of analyzed tests was significantly differing.  ELISA is able to detect antibodies in serum samples of experimentally infected domestic and wild animals on day 14 post infection. Immunoblotting (IB p30 and IB OIE) detects antibodies to ASFV from c 6 – 8 days after infection. IFA, IB p30 and IB OIE can be used to confirm the doubtful results of ELISA, as their sensitivity is higher and they can detect antibodies on earlier dates. In order to implement precise monitoring strategy for ASF endemic and risk areas OIE recommends a combination of various immunological tests for detection of antibodies to ASFV.Key words: African swine fever, immunoblotting,  immunopperoxidase test, enzyme immunoassay, indirect immunofluorescence assay, serological diagnosis.


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