CONTENTS №9-2019

3 Naimanov A.Kh., Kalmykov V.M., Vangeli E.P., Kalmykovа M.S. Chemotherapy and chemyoprophylaxis of tuberculosis

The article provides an overview and analysis of literature and results of the conducted by the authors’ researches on chemotherapy and chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis in humans and animals. The importance of application of chemotherapeutic agents and chemoprophylaxis in medical and veterinary practice is established in the present paper. The authors have indicated the problems of the chemotherapeutic agents application along with the implementation of general complex of health improvement measures against tuberculosis in cattle. Key words: tuberculosis, antitubercular agent, resistant forms of mycobacteria, isoniazid, isoniazid liquor, tuberculin.



8 Tselueva N.I. Distribution and basic methods of prevention and control of bovine virus leukemia in the Smolensk region

The article presents the information about epizootic situation, measures of prevention and control of bovine virus leukemia in the Smolensk region. Key words: bovine leukemia virus, epizootic situation.


11 Lyusin E.ACoccidiosis treatment and prevention of young cattle

Improving the safety of young cattle is a priority in livestock. Official sources indicate that in 56 % of cases, calves die from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by bacteria, viruses and protozoa, including coccidia which are common everywhere. The extent of cattle invasion by them in some farms reaches 95 %. Coccidiosis is prevented and treated with chemotherapy drugs. Modern anticoccidial drug Toltrex® 5 %. Toltrazuril, an active ingredient of the drug, is effective against a wide range of coccidia parasitizing in young cattle. The prophylactic use of Toltrex® 5 % increases the profitability of production by preventing economic losses associated with the disease of calves coccidiosis and their treatment. Key words: animal, anticoccidial drugs, calves, coccidiosis, prevention, treatment.  


13 Glotov A.G.,  Nefedchenko A.V.,  Koteneva S.V., Glotova T.I. Detection and phylogenetic analysis of BVDV of two species during an outbreak of the disease on the big dairy farm

The results of the study of mixed infections in cattle caused by BVDV1 and BVDV2 during an outbreak of the disease in the big dairy farm after importing of animals from abroad are presented. The spread of viruses in animal organs was studied by RT-PCR. BVDV1 was detected in thymus, spleen and lymph nodes, liver, cerebellum and lungs, blood and kidneys aborted fetuses. BVDV2 was more widespread and in addition to the listed organs was present in the brain, abomasums mucosa, small and large intestines. The genomes of the two viruses were detected in 17,9 % of samples (thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, cerebellum, blood, lungs and kidney). In calves up to 10 days with diarrhea and systemic infection, BVDV2 was present in a wider range of organs and tissues, confirming systemic distribution. Two types of viruses were detected in 7,7 % of samples (thymus, lymph nodes, spleen). In calves 3 – 4 months old viruses were detected less frequently (BVDV1 – in 13,9 %; BVDV2 –  5,6 % of samples). Two types of virus were present in only 5,6 % of samples (lungs, lymph nodes). The BVDV3 not revealed. Phylogenetic analysis of isolates established circulation among animals BVDV1b and BVDV2a. The presence of mixed infections of this type must be taken into account in diagnostic studies and in the planning of vaccination programs. Key words: cattle, BVDV species, OT-PCR, phylogenetic analysis, mixed infection.


19 Golovacheva N.A.,  Nikiforov-Nikishin A.L., Gorbunov A.V., Kozlov A.V., Tkachev A.V., Tkacheva O.L. Kholin's zeolites in the system of prevention of animal salmonella infection

In this work studied the role of zeolites in the schemes of vaccination of salmonellosis in calves. The authors found that the prescription of a 5 % solution of zeolites to newborn calves at a dose of 20 cm3 three times a day for 20-30 days in a row it has a effect on biochemical composition, as well as on factors of nonspecific resistance of the calves and the level of antibodies. Key words: Salmonellosis, zeolites, vaccination, zeolites in vaccination, immunomodulating role.



23 Okolelov V.I., Chebotareva T.Yu., Ivanyushina A.M.,  Fomchenko A.O. Diagnosis of sarcocystosis animals in the Omsk region

Together with specialists of veterinary and sanitary service of the Omsk markets tested on sarcocystosis carcasses of farm animals from the Omsk region. Sarcocysts were found more frequently in the pigs, more rarely in the cattle and small ruminants, sporadically in horses. Key words: diagnosis, compression microscopy, proteus, sarcocystis, eimeria, carcasses.


26 Dashinimaev B.Ts., Boiarova L.I. Gasterophilus infection of horses in Zabaikalsky region and remedies for its control

In this study methods of complete and incomplete helminthological dissection of the digestive tract of horses were used. We have established that gasterophilus infection of horses is spread throughout Zabaikalsky region regardless of natural and climatic zones. The extent of infestation with gasterophilus infection was 93,3 % and the intensity of infestation was 14 – 1118 specimens. The intensity of infestation increases with age: in average it was 125,6 larvae in the foals aging up to 1 year, 208,4 larvae – in calves from 1 to 2 years of age and 290,0 larvae in horses older than 2 years. There were identified 5 species of Gasterophilus. Gasterophilus intestinalis predominated among them (43,7 %). During this study the biology of horse bot fly it was established that the larvae of Gasterophilus intestinalis emerges from April 20 to May 5, and adult horse bot fly emerges from the pupa after a 45 – 54 days. Avertine powder, Univerm, Abictin and Albameline showed very high efficacy against Gasterophilus intestinalis, but the best fast-acting remedy was the first of them. Key words: antiparasitic treatment, bot fly, digestive tract, extensity of infestation, horse, imago, intensity of infestation, larvae.



29 Kotsarev V.N., Brigadirov Yu.N., Boev V.Yu. On the question of prediction of endometritis and metritis-mastitis-agalactia in sows

The article presents data on the duration of parturition in sows with different character of the postpartum period. The correlation between the duration of parturition act and the value of ESR is established. The criteria for predicting the risk of endometritis and metritis-mastitis-agalactia in sows in terms of ESR are proposed. Key words: sows, endometritis, metritis-mastitis-agalactia, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, prediction.


33 Filatov A.V., Sapozhnikov A.F., Minin A.V., Khlopitskiy V.P. Endometrаmag-Bio® is an effective treatment non-specific inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus in sows

In the conditions of manufacture application of new complex preparation Endometramag-Bio® is experimentally proved at treatment sharp postnatal purulent-catarrhal endometritis and syndrome ММА at sows.  It is shown that its intrauterine administration activates the contractile function of the uterus by increasing the amplitude and duration of contractions. Clinical recovery of sows is accompanied by complete normalization of metabolic processes in the body during the suction period. A high therapeutic efficiency of Endometramag-Bio® in inflammatory diseases of the uterus and breast cancer, positive impact on the growth and development of piglets, as well as their safety. For treatment of postnatal diseases at sows, application of preparation Endometramag-Bio® in a dose of 75 ml at intervals of 24 hours is recommended. Key words: reproduction, sows, a postnatal pathology, sharp it is purulent-kataralnyj endometritis, symptom complex a metrit-mastitis-agalaktija, contractile activity of the uterus, blood, Endometramag-Bio®.



38 Saleeva I.P., Zhuravchuk E.V., Zaremskya A.A., Burova D.A., Morozov V.Yu., Kolesnikov R.O., Kolesnikova M.S. The dynamics of microbial surface contamination within a poultry house after aerosol disinfection of the populated house with the solution of composite disinfectant MAGO Virodex

The dynamics of microbial surface contamination within a poultry house after aerosol disinfection of the populated house with the solution of new composite disinfectant MAGO Virodex was studied on two treatments of broiler chicks with similar initial bodyweight reared on the litter in two separate boxes. The box with the experimental treatment was disinfected at 14, 21, and 28 days of broilers’ age. It was found that bacterial loads on the surfaces of the experimental box were significantly lower in compare to control treatment: total microbial count was averagely lower by 76%, number of Enterobacteria by 53,8 %, Staphylococci by 61,5 %. This decrease in microbial contamination of the premises decreased mortality in experimental treatment by 5,7% compared to control. European Production Efficiency Factor (EPEF) in experimental treatment was better by 8 points in compare to control. Key words: broiler chicks, MAGO Virodex, mortality, aerosol disinfection, microorganisms, bacterial load.



42 Bochkarev A.A., Stekolnikov A.A., Nausbaeva M.A., Lakovnikov E.A., Blusma A.O. Cytochemical verification of induced osteoblasts in vivo

There was studied the possibility of using bone tissue enriched with activated osteoblasts as a donor bone for autogenous transplantation. The process of reparative regeneration was induced in bone tissue by surgical microtrauma. 15 days after the injury of the bone cytochemistry methods were used to study regenerate cells to determine their histogenetic origin and functional activity. It was determined that almost all cells of the bioptate had high content of RNA, nucleolar activity in the nucleus and alkaline phosphatase in the cytoplasm. The phosphatase in the cells of the bioptate was not detected. From the results of the study it follows that the bone tissue prepared in this way and extracted on day 15 contains many active osteoblasts and does not contain inflammation cells and osteoclasts. It can be assumed that an autogenous bone graft enriched with activated osteoblasts will have a stronger osteogenic and osteoinductive effects in the recipient area than the usual untreated bone extracted without prior preparation. Key words: alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, necrosis of the femoral head, osteoblast, osteoclast, regeneration, transplantation.


46 Engashev S.V., Okolelova T.M., Salgereev S.M., Lesnichenko I.Yu. Application of drugs improving the productivity of poultry when producing environmentally safe products

There are presented the results of the development of domestic drugs which have a positive effect on the viability and productivity of poultry under normal conditions and in stressful situations (high temperature, vaccination) and do not have adversely affect on the quality and environmental safety of products. Key words: broilers, chicken, egg quality, feed conversion, poultry, productivity, safety, stress.


51 Pivova E.Yu., Zhivoderov S.P., Anisimova L.I,  Balysheva V.I. Detection of lumpy skin disease virus antigens using immunocytochemical analysis

The report presents the results of using the immunocytochemical analysis (ICA) to detect antigens of lumpy skin disease (LSD) virus in an ovine kidney   continuous cell culture OK (VNIIVViM). The first specific signs of the cytopathic effect of the virus in the OK (VNIIVViM) cells at multiplicity of infection of 0.1-1.0 TCID50/cell were observed within 36 to 48 hours. When carrying out light microscopy, using the ICA method provided detection of LSD virus antigens as early as 10 to 12 hours post infection. The specific antigen-antibody interaction sites as seen in the infected cells were stained red-brown. Key words: antigen-antibody, lumpy skin disease, cell culture, immunocytochemical analysis.


55 Orlova S.T., Sidorchuk A.A.,  Grebennikova T.V. Optimization of adaptation to cell-free culture media and storage of canine and feline mycoplasmas

Within the framework of the project to simplify the various stages of cultural works with mycoplasmas of dogs and cats, we tried to standardize the adaptation of isolates and microbiological clones through passaging on cell-free culture media. Unfortunately, it was not possible to simplify this stage – full adaptation to the culture media did not occur even with relatively short intervals between reinoculation, the growth from passage to passage became less pronounced and gradually died away. It has been established that storage at a temperature of –18 ° C makes it possible to preserve a small part of viable mycoplasmas for a period of about 3 years. It was also shown that routine PCR for detection microorganisms of the genus Ureaplasma in the feline urine could be used to confirm the presence of ureaplasmas in cultures on liquid and semi-liquid culture media. Key words: canine and feline mycoplasmas, respiratory mycoplasmosis, mycoplasmal conjunctivitis, laboratory diagnostics.



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CONTENTS №9-2019