CONTENTS №9-2020
3 Bespalova T.Yu., Blokhin A.A. Coronaviruses of animals (Review)
Coronaviruses are important pathogens for human and vertebrates. The article provides general information about the coronaviruses, including the classification, main types of pathogenic coronaviruses and the history of their detection. An overview of coronaviruses of horses, pigs, cattle and other ruminants and some wild animals, their epidemiology, clinical manifestation, zoonotic and interspecific potential is presented. Key words: zoonoses; coronaviruses; interspecific transmission; еquines; pigs; cattle; wild animals; respiratory and intestinal syndrome.
11 Mikhaleva T.V., Bespalova T.Yu., Dresvynnikova S.G., Dzhailidi G.A. Conceptual issues of sampling for laboratory diagnostics of avian influenza
The article also covers practical issues of sampling and transportation of biological/pathological material in highly pathogenic avian influenza, taking into account the features of modern diagnostic methods. Key words: animal infectious diseases, avian influenza, sample collection, transportation, bio (pathological) material.
14 Sushchy V.Yu., Sultanov A.A., Gorelov Yu.M., Kanatov B., Nurlan K. New BA-12 disinfectant for disinfection soil foci of anthrax
The territory of Kazakhstan is unfavorable for anthrax, one of the reasons is the presence of numerous soil foci of anthrax. The development of compositions with sporocidal properties for the treatment of soil seeded with anthrax spores is relevant. We have developed and tested a new veterinary disinfectant BA-12. The disinfectant BA-12, tested in laboratory and field studies, has sporocidal properties in concentrations of 10 – 20 %, in a volume of at least 10,0 liters per 1 m3 and can be used for soil treatment and destruction of spore-forming microorganisms, including anthrax spores. Key words: anthrax, disinfectants, soil foci of anthrax.
18 Mukhamedshina А.R. Socorex syringes: swiss quality and innovation for Russian livestock
The article substantiates the need for the use of high-quality syringes in modern veterinary medicine for working with birds, pigs, ships, cattle and fish. The main models of syringes, needles and laboratory equipment of the Swiss company Socorex Isba S.A., as well as the latest developments of the enterprise are presented: ultra-light veterinary self-filling syringe Socorex ULTRA 1810 with an innovative valve mechanism and syringe Socorex with a fixed volume. Key words: veterinary medicine, syringes, needles, laboratory equipment, vaccination, Socorex, poultry.
21 Blazhko N.V. Phylogenetic analysis of isolates bovine leukemia virus in Novosibirsk region
Was performed of full-genomic sequences of bovine leukemia virus (BLV – bovine leukemia virus) in the Novosibirsk region. Sequence alignment was performed on FLK, a commonly recognized control strain of BLV. The main scientific significance of this study is to expand the understanding of mutational changes in the studied virus. For the first time, a phylogenetic analysis of full-genomic sequences of the leukemia virus isolated from blood samples of cattle bred in the Novosibirsk region was performed. BLV genotypes were determined. The degree of divergence between sequences of BLV isolates is calculated. The studied samples of bovine leukemia virus isolated from the blood of animals in the Novosibirsk region were assigned to 1, 2, and 4 genotypes-Japanese, Brazilian, and Belgian isolates, respectively, according to phylogenetic analysis. Sequences of different genotypes formed several subpopulations that developed parallel to each other, being at the same evolutionary distance from the root of the cladogram. When assessing the degree of evolutionary divergence, sequences that have accumulated quite a lot of mutations both relative to the reference sequence and relative to the studied samples were identified. Key words: full-genomic phylogenetic analysis, divergence, virus evolution, bovine leukemia virus, virology, virus mutations, isolates.
27 Laishevtcev A.I., Kapustin A.V., Petkovich D.D., Yakimova E.A. Gallibacteriosis of poultry
This work presents actual information on a bacterial infection that tends to spread in the poultry industry in the Russian Federation – Gallibacteriosis, which is caused by the bacterium Gallibacterium anatis, belonging to the family Pasteurellaceae. The disease is characterized by a reproductive form of the course, accompanied by a decrease in egg production, culling and death of productive poultry, as well as a mild damage to the respiratory organs. A review of the biological properties of the pathogen and its virulence factors initiating the start of infection pathogenesis is given. The most typical clinicopathological manifestations, the principles of treatment and prevention of Gallibacteriosis are described. Key words: Gallibacterium anatis, Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella haemolytica, Pasteurella anatis, Gallibacteriosis, poultry, bacterial infection, virulence factors, pathogenesis, epidemiology, treatment, egg productivity, antibacterial therapy.
34 Magerrams S.G., Akberova R.N. Quantitative changes in eggs of helminths parasiting in sheep depending on the season of the year and therapeutic effectiveness Brovatriol
The purpose of this work is to study the seasonal dynamics of the separation of helminths eggs and determine the therapeutic effectiveness of Brovatriol with sheep helminthozes. Systematic coprological studies were carried out from March 2018 to February 2019 in sheep farms (Tanguerud, Kaladahna, Gizilagaj, Gapychymakhla) of the Astarа. Monthly, 40 – 50 heads were examined from each age group from the same sheep. Infection of animals by helminths was estimated according to the data of helmintoovoscopy and the polar study of fecal samples before and after 10, 20, 30 days after deworming. In the statistical processing of the dynamic series of indicators, three intensity rises were revealed: In August, September, October, and from March to April there was a decrease in intensity. Two antihelmintic drugs were tested – Brovatriol (in the dose of ½ tablets weighing 3 g on 23 – 25 kg body weight)and Albenol-100 suspensions (at a dose of 1ml per 20 kg of animal weight) in the sheep farm of Gapichymakhla. Animals of the first group were treated Brovatriol at a dose of ½ tablets weighing 3 g on 23 – 25 kg of body weight; The second Albenol-100 suspension at a dose of 1ml per 20 kg of animal weight. Animals control groups were left untreated. Brovatriol on the 10th – 20th day after treatment showed 100 % efficiency, Albenol-100 suspension 93,7 %. Comparison of Brovatriol and Albenol-100 treatment results calculated by the t-criterion of Student for two samples was 0,76. Since 0,76<2, the two samples are identical. Key words: helminths, intensity, seasonal dynamics, eggs, invasions, sheep, Brovatriol, Albenol-100.
38 Andreeva Yu.N. Vaccine ADVENT® is an innovative tool for controlling broiler coccidiosis in conditions of multiresistant Eimeria
In world practice, anticoccidial synthetic drugs and ionophore antibiotics are used to prevent subclinical coccidiosis in broilers; as a result of their prolonged and / or incorrect use eimeria, the causative agents of coccidiosis, form resistance to their action. Eimeria multi-resistance is a term that has been frequently used by poultry farmers in recent years, characterizing the ability of parasites to develop resistance to almost all anticoccidials. Vaccination is not only a method of preventing coccidiosis, it restores the sensitivity of Eimeria to the action of coccidiostats. The article presents the main advantages of the vaccine ADVENT®manufactured by Huvepharma and how it is used. The innovation is the carefully selected vaccine formula using the VIACYST® method. Key words: broilers, subclinical coccidiosis, Eimeria multiresistance, coccidiosis vaccine, VIACYST® method, rotation, continuous use, preparation for vaccination, vaccination effectiveness.
41 Nezhdanov A.G., Safonov V.A., Chusova G.G., Sineva A.M., Lobodin K.A., Lukina V.A., Panfilov R.Yu. The state of the hepatobiliary system in dairy cows with postpartum ovarian hypofunction
In highly productive Holstein dairy cows against the background of their nutritious feeding using standard laboratory methods in the dynamics of the postpartum period, biochemical blood parameters reflecting the functional state of the liver were studied during restoration of ovulatory function of the ovaries (n=8) and during their hypofunction (n=8). The latter showed a decreased serum glucose and an increased content of albumin, creatinine, cholesterol, bilirubin and the activity of hepatic enzymes compared with cyclic animals, which reflected a violation of intrahepatic gluconeogenesis and the state of hepatic cholestasis. In the absence of these symptoms of hepatic insufficiency, newborn cows have a high adaptive ability to manifest lactational stress and maintain reproductive potential. Key words: dairy cows, postpartum period, functional state of the liver, ovarian hypofunction.
46 Alimova A.D., Kuzmina T.I. Effect of silicon dimethylglycerolate on porcine oocyte- cumulus complexes at in vitro culture
The introduction of new chemical compounds in order to optimize media for maturation of oocytes and to obtain native and reconstructed embryos in vitro is still an urgent task of modern animal husbandry [9]. In a study using the extracorporeal maturation method of Sus Scrofa Domesticus oocytes, the effects of a silicon-containing compound of silicon dimethylglycerolate (SDMG) on destructive processes in somatic and germ cells were analyzed. First of all, it's cytotoxicity were assessed with the aim of the using in 3D gamete culture model systems and modernization of cryoprotective media. The level of oocytes with varying degrees of cumulus cells expansion, the destruction of chromatin and the proportion of matured oocytes were evaluated. Analysis of the above indicated indicators showed that SDMG has a positive effect on the maturation of oocytes in both investigated media. The level of oocytes matured in NCSU 23 medium was 67 %, and in Sage Media Cleavage medium – 56 % (P<0,05). After the addition of SDMG the proportion of matured gametes increased from 87 % to 74 %, respectively (P<0,05). In general, the results of the experiments indicate the absence of the cytotoxic effect of SDMG and its positive effect on oocyte-cumulus interactions during extracorporeal maturation of porcine oocytes. Key words: oocyte-cumulus complexes, maturation, silicon dimethylglycerolate, pycnosis, Sus scrofa domesticus, in vitro.
50 Kharitonov E.L., Ostrenko K.S., Lemiasheuski V.O. Prevention of disorders of protein deficiency in growing bulls of dairy breeds
The aim of the research was to develop an optimal calculation of the consumption of protected protein that allows fully providing the growing animal body with protein, with the foundation of future health and productivity potential and preventing the development of scar pathologies. The kholmogorsky bullocks were reared in the vniifbip vivarium under controlled conditions of feeding and keeping from 40 days of age to 14 months. To study the effect of concentrated feeds on metabolic processes and digestibility of nutrients, factors of scar digestion were determined. In the course of the study, the physiological and biochemical parameters were included in the reference values. The high-concentration type of feeding does not cause disturbances in the rumen microbiocenosis when rearing calves. At the same time, by the end of stage 3, we observe an increase in cellulolytic and amylolytic activity, which correlates with the total number of increases in the activity of the microbiota and contributes to improved health and as a result, daily increases. The use of concentrated feed for intensive cultivation and fattening of dairy bulls allows reaching an average daily growth of up to 1420 g by 14 months of age, effectively paying for feed with products, with the normal course of enzymatic processes in the rumen and throughout the body. This direction especially has a high profitability in regions with a large number of dairy cattle and low cost of concentrated feed. Key words: gobies, protein security, scar fermentation, feed conversion, concentrated feed, cellulolytic activity, amylolytic activity.
56 Pechura E.V., Poryvaeva A.P. Preventive and treatment efficiency of Endoviraza® for respiratory diseases of young cattle
We determined the effectiveness of the drug Endoviraza® in prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases of young cattle. We conducted a clinical examination of animals (n=48) and a set of laboratory tests of blood and blood serum (n=126). The use drug Endoviraza® helps to stabilize hema-tological parameters, reduce the level of neutrophils to the optimum amount, increase the activity of phagocytic cells, and stimulate the reproduction of neutrophilic cells and B-lymphocytes. Animals harmoniously developed, retained their economic and useful qualities. Key words: calves, Endoviraza®, respiratory diseases, cellular immunity, humoral immunity.
60 Raitskaya V.I. Argovit drug for treatment of intestinal infections young sheep
Lambs of the experimental group (n=20) with the syndrome of gastrointestinal infections were treated with 1.0% Argovite aqueous solution at a dose of 2 ml/kg of body weight 2 times a day until clinical recovery. The drug contributed to a lighter course of the disease and reduced its duration by 2 times, while the safety of young animals reached 95,0 %. They also noted a weakening of inflammatory processes in the body, which was characterized by a decrease in the level of white blood cells in lambs of the experimental group during treatment from 7,2±0,4 to 6,4±0,4x109/l, and in the control group-from 8,9±0,4 to 7,6±0,2x109/l. Calcium deficiency in animals of the experimental group reached 8,6 mg/%, and in the control group-8,1 mg/% with a norm of 9,5 – 11,0 mg/%. At the same time, we observed the. Key words: sheep of Tuva short-fat-tailed breed, Argovit preparation, intestinal infection, hematological and biochemical blood parameters.