CONTENTS №9-2023

3 Makarov V.V. Epizootological aspects of retroviral  pathology  (part II)

A analytical report is devoted to the general aspects of the epizootology of retroviral infections in connection with the stable unfavorable situation in productive animal husbandry, veterinary care for companion animals and many unresolved issues of science and practice in this area. The second part contains a short overview of modern considerations the epizootological features of oncoretroviral and lentiviral infections of veterinary significance, with special attention to the problem of their pathogenesis and immunology. Ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma, feline leukemia, enzootic bovine leukosis, feline immunodeficiency, bovine immunodeficiency, caprine arthritis encephalitis, maedi-visna, Gembrana  disease are discussed in taxonomic sequence. Key words: retroviral infections, ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma, feline leukemia, enzootic bovine leukosis, feline immunodeficiency, bovine immunodeficiency, caprine arthritis encephalitis, maedi-visna, Gembrana disease.



12 Yukhimenko L.N., Tokareva S.B., Kudinov P.V., Sekhina O.V. The sensitivity of p. Acinetobacter bacteria to antibacterial drugs

The results of testing the sensitivity of isolated strains of P. Acinetobacter bacteria (two species A. baumannii and A. calcoaceticus) from fish and water to 21 antibacterial drugs: amikacin, ampicillin+sulbactam, oxytetracycline, enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, levofloxacin, imipenem, flumequin, imipenam+cilastatin, florfenicol, ceftriaxone+sulbactam, chlortetracycline, doxycycline hydrochloride, ticarcillin+ clavulonic acid acid, amoxicillin, amoxiclav, kanamycin, chloramphenicol, metronidazole and furazolidone. A. calcoaceticus was found to be sensitive to 6 drugs, and at A. baumannii showed high sensitivity to 12 drugs. General sensitivity was manifested to 3 drugs: imipenem + cilastatin, chlortetracycline, and imipenem, which will be effective for the treatment of infection caused by acinetobacter in fish. Key words: acinetobacter, resistance, antibiotics, water and fish contaminants..



17 Bezborodova N.A.,  Belousov A.I., Sokolova O.V., Shkuratova I.A., Tomskikh O.G., Kozhukhovskay V.V. Metabolic profile of cows with clostridiosis intoxication

The presence of Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium difficile in the biological material of cattle with signs of clostridiosis was confirmed by PCR. The conducted biochemical studies revealed pronounced of protein and pigment metabolism disorder, hepatobiliary system anomalies. In cows with skeletal muscle necrosis with purulent limb lesions, high blood levels of creatine phosphate kinase over 1000,0 U/l were recorded. The established biochemical markers can later be used in predicting the risk of complications and an unfavorable outcome in animals with clostridial infection. Key words: highly productive cows, clostridiosis, metabolism, hepatopathology, bilirubinemia, clinical biochemistry.


23 Kozyreva N.G., Komina A.K., Abashin I.Yu., Stepanova T.V. Algorithm for determining the amount of bovine leukemia provirus DNA based on polymerase chain reaction with fluorescent detection of amplification product

This paper presents the results of creating a panel of standard samples and optimizing the algorithm for quantitative determination of BLV DNA based on the RT-PCR method: quantification of BLV DNA and PCR efficiency were evaluated using the plasmid pBLVpol; conditions were worked out on cultural, experimental, field material. The permissible levels of dispersion of the results of measurements of the values CV<0,04 %, SD<0,90 % were identified; oscillatory nature of the measured proviral load in animals, a higher content of PN was noted in older animals, in multiparous dairy cows compared to non-parous individuals and in cattle than in small cattle (sheep, goats in descending order). The studied characteristics of reproducibility, convergence of results, and efficiency of PCR analysis indicate the validity of determining the concentration of BLV DNA. Depending on the set prognostic tasks, it can be used to predict the development of bovine leukemia. Key words: deltaretrovirus, bovine leukemia virus (BLV), proviral load (PL), quantitative RT-PCR, calibration standards, PCR efficiency.



29 Maltseva O.E., Zhuravleva E.A., Alekseenkova  S.V., Loschinin M.N. Preparation of highly active antigen and specific anaplasma ovis serum

The article presents data on producing a low level of rickettsimia in donor animals to make antigens from Alphaproteobacteria A. ovis for use in CFT. In order to get a high level of antigen we surgically removed the spleen a week after infecting the host animal (with rickettsiales that had been propagated in goats). A positive hyper immune serum was obtained after immunization of rabbits with antigens of A. ovis.  Strain Kadom_1 of the Anaplasma ovis was used to infect host animals. Even with a low level of rickettsimia (20 – 30 %), it was possible to make antigens in working titers by improving the preparation scheme. Key words: anaplasmosis, Anaplasma ovis, splenectomy, PCR, CFT.



35 Nikitin V.V., Plemyashov K.V., Korochkina E.A. Clinical parameters of high-productive Holstein cows by estrous cycle synchronization

The purpose of these studies was to study the clinical indicators of blood of highly productive dairy cows by the total estrous cycle synchronization and an ultrasound examination of their ovaries before artificial insemination. A clinical analysis of the blood samples of cows (n=16, the Holstein breed) was carried out. Blood and ultrasound examination of the ovaries were carried out before artificial insemination. A statistically significant difference (p<0,05) was observed in the analysis of the number of leukocytes – 1,6 times (with a tendency to increase in cows during the period of discharge). Hemoglobinuria was recorded in animals of both groups (85,0±2,3 g/l and 75,8±11,8 g/l). The level of platelets was reduced in the blood of both new-calved cows and cows with a diagnosis of infertility in comparison with referent values, 1,4 and 1,7 times, respectively. All studied cows noted eosinopenia (below 2,1 – 3,5 times compared to the lower boundary of reference values), as well as an increase in segmented neutrophils in the blood of new-cows and cows with a diagnosis of infertility in 1,2 and 1,1 once compared to the upper boundary of reference values. The size of the follicles in animals before conducting artificial insemination on average amounted to 14,1±2,8 – 14,8±2,5 mm. Key words: clinical parameters, high-productive Holstein cows, estrous cycle synchronization.


38 Denisenko V.Yu., Kuzmina T.I. Effect of somatotropic hormone on calcium release from intracellular stores of cow granulosa cells

Fluorescent probe, chlortetracycline was used for studding the effect of somatotropic hormone on the release of calcium from intracellular stores of bovine granulosa cells. In the presence of extracellular calcium, the release of calcium from intracellular stores of granulosa was noted under the action of 1 ng/ml or 100 ng/ml of somatotropic hormone (GH). Treatment of granulosa cells with a protein kinase C inhibitor compound Ro 31-8220 had no effect on stimulated with 1 ng/ml or 100 ng/ml of growth hormone calcium release from intracellular stores. The use of verapamil, an inhibitor of L-type calcium channels located on the plasma membrane, has inhibited the release of calcium from intracellular stores. At the same time, simultaneous treatment of granulosa cells with two inhibitors – Ro 31-8220 and verapamil and subsequent treatment with growth hormone led to an ambiguous effect. GH at a concentration of 100 ng/ml still did not activate the release of calcium from intracellular stores, while GH at a concentration of 1 ng/ml in the presence of two different inhibitors stimulated the release of calcium from intracellular stores of granulosa cells. Thus, GH-stimulated calcium release from intracellular stores of granulose cells requires extracellular calcium, and calcium release is regulated by protein kinase C only when low concentrations (1 ng/ml) of GH are used. Key words: somatotropin, intracellular calcium stores, granulosa cells, cows.


42 Minin A.V., Filatov A.V. Uterotonic activity and preventive efficacy of Rutocin in the postpartum period in highly productive sows

The article presents the contractile activity of the uterus and the features of its reaction to Rutocin containing carbetocin, as well as its preventive effectiveness in the postpartum period in sows. It was found that the administration of this drug is accompanied by an increase in the intensity, duration and number of contractions, as well as an increase in the contraction of uterine smooth muscle cells in animals. The myotonic effect of Rutocin on the uterus begins to manifest itself after its administration and reaches maximum values within three hours. The use of Rutocin in the early postpartum period provides active evacuation of contents from the uterine cavity, which reduces the development of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and breast in sows, and at the end of the lactation period, rapid recovery of sexual cyclicity and high efficiency of insemination. Young pigs for weaning have a high energy of growth and preservation. Key words: sows, Rutocin, contractile activity of the uterus, postpartum diseases, reproductive function, safety of piglets.


47 Malakhova L.S., Omarov A.A., Surov A.I., Karpova E.D. The effectiveness of the use of the gonadotropic drug Follimag to increase fertilization and fertility in merino sheep

The development of a hormonal method for stimulating sheep multiplicity is rightfully considered one of the outstanding achievements of Russian biology. Rational use of this method will increase the fertility of ewes and significantly increase the profitability of the industry. Currently, the hormonal method of stimulating multiple fertility requires further improvement, since it is again becoming an urgent topic in connection with the need to increase profitability in the industry. The practical implementation of this project will require additional research and selection of the most suitable gonadotropins. When conducting our own research, we took into account the research of scientists in previous years, the current situation in the country and the current topic of import substitution. For this reason, we used the domestic gonadotropin Follimag®, produced by JSC "Mosagrogen" (Moscow). Key words: sheep, progestogenic and gonadotropic drugs, artificial insemination, fertilization, fertility, Follimag®.



50 Engashev S.V., Novak M.D., Evdokimova O.V., Novak A.I., Engasheva E.S. Immunological options of calves in respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases after use medicine Anandin 10 %

Experimental work to study the effectiveness of the immunomodulator Anandin® 10 % was carried out in a large dairy complex of the Ryazan region on 1 – 1,5 month old Holstein calves (5 experimental and 2 control groups, respectively, 8 and 6 heads). Immunological studies included the determination of phagocytic activity of leukocytes, leukocyte formula, bactericidal properties of blood serum (BABS). An analysis of the research results showed that the immunomodulator Anandin® 10 % injection solution (LLC «AVP S-P») in the doses developed for cattle contributes to an increase in the number of segmented neutrophils, an increase in the phagocytic activity of mononuclear, polymorphonuclear leukocytes and BABS. Anandin®  10 % solution at a dose of 0,02 ml/kg is recommended for prophylactic use in cattle twice with an interval of 48 hours before primary, revaccination or in the same way before revaccination against infectious diseases, for complex treatment – at a dose of 0,08 ml/kg with intervals 3 and 10 dais. Key words: cattle, calves, respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases, immunomodulator, Anandin® 10 % solution, phagocytic and bactericidal activity, phagocytic number (PH), phagocytic index (PHI), immunological studies.


56 Ivannikova R.F., Bessarabova E.V., Smirnova E.A. The effectiveness of the feed additive ProVetin in horse breeding

The article presents the results of the application of the feed additive ProVetin in the cultivation of horses. The preparation contains bacteria strains Bacillus subtilis B-4828, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y-3925, Trichoderma reesei F-1093. The positive effect of the additive on the growth and development rates of animals, hematological and biochemical profile of blood was established, an increase in the body weight of animals and basic measurements was noted. The most significant changes were in horses receiving the supplement at a dose of 30 g per head. Within 45 days, the level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes increased the content of total protein and albumins normalized.  Key words: horses, feed additive, probiotic, hematological indicators.


61 Mishina N.N., Galyautdinova G.G., Semenov E.I., Malaniev A.V., Matrosova L.E., Idiyatov I.I. Influence of complex sorbent in the diet of broiler chickens on the biochemical status of blood serum in experimental micotoxicosis

The article presents the results of a study of the biochemical status of blood serum of broiler chickens, when a complex sorbent is included in their diet against the background of mixed mycotoxicosis. The toxic diet was prepared by contamination of the main mycotoxin: T-2 toxin, aflatoxin B1, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol, fumonisin B1. The experiment lasted for 28 days. It was found that feed additives based on shungite, zeolite, lignin and glucan did not have a negative impact on the health of chickens in the main diet. The complex sorbent, when included in the feed, showed high preventive activity, contributed to the normalization of biochemical parameters of blood serum. Key words: mycotoxicoses, complex sorbent, shungite, zeolite, glucan, lignin, broiler chickens, biochemical parameters.


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CONTENTS №9-2023