CONTENTS №11-2018

Alexeyenkova S.V., Yurov K.P. Equine viral arteritis – actual problem of respiratory and reproductive pathology in the horse breeding

Equine viral arteritis is widespread in the world among horses of North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. In different countries, the number of seropositive horses and the level of seroconversion vary widely from 1,8 to 20,0 %, relatively free from viral arteritis are Iceland, Japan and South Korea. The main clinical signs include pyrexia and leucopenia. Body temperature can increase to 41,8 0C, fever lasts from 2 to 9 days. Other manifestations of the disease include depression and anorexia; conjunctivitis and rhinitis; peri- and supraorbital edema; swelling of the scrotum and prepuce; swelling of the mammary glands; swelling of the extremities (especially the posterior ones); urticaria – on the sides of the head and neck or throughout the body. Laboratory diagnosis of equine viral arteritis includes isolation of the virus in cell culture, detection of RNA virus or viral antigens, as well as serological methods of retrospective diagnosis. There are two main schemes of measures to control equine viral arteritis: Scheme 1 – the system of measures is based on serological, virological and molecular genetic diagnosis, detection and removal of sick horses and hidden virus carriers; Scheme 2 – includes minimizing or eliminating the direct or indirect contact of healthy horses with sick horses and their excreta; in the period preceding the breeding company, a virological and serological survey of stallions and mares intended for mating; first vaccination of colts at the age of six months and not later than one year and then again annually. Key words:  equine viral arteritis, arteriovirus, vasculitis, abort, edema, horses, stallion-carrier, vaccine, prevention, artificial insemination, neutralization test (NT).



10 Piepers S. Vaccination cows against mastitis: an overview

Mastitis of cows causes significant economic damage to livestock. Commercial vaccines against cow mastitis caused by E. coli, S. aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci and Salmonella typhimurium recently become available. Vaccines made from the first two mentioned pathogens, which are the main causative agents of mastitis of cows, are most often used on farms. The review provides information on the effectiveness of a number of these vaccines. The effectiveness of specific prevention of mastitis in cows depends not only on the quality of the vaccine, but also on such factors as the level of herd infection, age of animals and conditions of their maintenance. Vaccination can speed recovery and also reduce the spread of the infection until it is completely elimination in the conditions of proper milking, rational antibiotic therapy, timely culling and slaughter of animals, in which mastitis often occurs. Key words: vaccination, coagulase-negative staphylococci, cow, mastitis, specific prophylaxis, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhimurium.

14 Popova T.V. Main approaches in treatment of ornitobacteriosis and mycoplasmosis in poultry

Article describes most important points in the diagnosis of mycoplasmosis and ornithobacteriosis, as well as features of sampling for laboratory tests for these infections. It also contains an example of successful treatment of ornithobacteriosis and mycoplasmosis on broiler farm by using Tiacyclin and Floricol (manufactured by “VIC Animal Health”). Key words: ornithobacteriosis, mycoplasmosis, respiratory pathology, laboratory diagnostics, Tiacyclin, Floricol.

18 Balyshev A.V., Abramov S.V., Kashkovskaya L.М., Safarova M.I.  Amoxygard Feed in the treatment of poultry patients with salmonellosis

A comparative evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of the Amoxygard Feed and the imported analogue drug in the treatment of poultry diagnosed with salmonellosis. Treatment of poultry with the use of Amoxygard Feed has a positive effect on the dynamics of its recovery, which contributes to the improvement of its safety. Key words: bird, salmonellosis, therapy, efficiency, Amoxygard Feed, Amoxicillin, аcidum clavulanicum.


23 Tselueva N.I., Gamayunov V.M. Leukosis of cattle in the Smolensk region

The dynamics of the epizootic situation of cattle leukemia in the Smolensk region over the past 18 years is analyzed. The information on the results of serological and hematological studies on leukosis of cattle as a whole in the region, in certain regions, farms and settlements. Key words: hematological analysis, bovine virus leukosis, AGID, serological testing, epizootic situation.


26 Sachivkina N.P., Lenchenko E.M.,  Lyseizev A.V. Diagnostic of swine candidiasis

There was registered an outbreak of candidiasis in swines of a large white breed in one of the farms of the Penza region. Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida were isolated from the lymph nodes of 19 out of 30 sick animals. They were identified as Candida albicans and Candida africana using the technology of matrix-activated laser desorption/ionization (MALDI-TOF). Key words: candidiasis, digestive organs, swine, chromogenic environment, Candida albicans, Candida africana, MALDI-TOF.



31 Kazanovsky E.S., Karabanov V.P., Klebenson K.A. Myiases of reindeer and methods of struggle against them

The authors describe the biology of warble flies and gadfly, as well as the diseases (edemagenosis and cefenomyosis) caused by these parasites in reindeer, the methods and insecticides using for their prevention and treatment. Authors provide an assessment of the economic effectiveness of pharmacotherapy of entomosis of this species of animals. Key words: avermectins, edemagenosis, cefenomyosis, gadfly, insecticides, ivermectins, myiases, reindeer, pharmacotherapy, warble fly.

34 Fedorova O.A., Levchenko M.A., Silivanova E.A., Metelitsa I.A.

Synergistic activity of insecticide mixtures on Musca domestica L.

There was compare the insecticidal efficacy against the house fly M. domestica of two compositions containing fipronil in combination with chlorophos or fir essential oil in laboratory conditions by the method of dose contacting. It was found that fipronil had the largest and fir oil the lowest toxicity on adults M. domestica when these insecticides tested separately. The composition containing fipronil and chlorophos in a ratio of 1:10 proved to be more effective than a combination of fipronil and fir oil. The expected values of semi-lethal doses for the studied mixtures were higher than those obtained experimentally. The synergistic effect of the insecticidal components was manifested in both composite mixtures. Key words: chlorophos, fipronil, fir oil, insecticidal mixtures, pest control.


39 Leibova V.B., Politov V.P. Features of the metabolic profile of blood at the end of the transit period in cows, its relationship with milk yield and reproduction

The metabolic profile of the blood of Holstein cows was determined on the 20-30 day after calving in farms with different levels of milk productivity. It was found that the triglyceride content in the blood is 18 % (p<0,01) and that of the cholesterol by 34 % (p<0,01) higher in the more highly productive animals. In animals of both farms, the concentration of triglycerides had a unidirectional connection with the duration of open days (at least p<0,05). The relationship between circulating cortisol and indicators of reproduction and yield of milk differed significantly among cows with different levels of milk productivity, indicating a different strategy of adaptation to the metabolic load at the end of the transit period. Key words: cows, transitional period, triglycerides, cortisol, reproduction, milk production.


43 Nekrasov A.A., Popov N.A., Fedotova E.G., Semichev A.S. Properties of micro-elemental components of blood in red-and-white high performance cow herd

The analyses of the ration feed composition and the blood levels of the trace elements in the Red-and-White high-performance cows have been performed. It was ascertained that the ration is deficient in a range of some trace elements. The dietary supplementation of copper, zinc, cobalt, and iodine comprised 64,7; 40,0; 16,5 and 19,2 % of the norm, respectively, while the study showed the excess iron concentration of almost 153 %. The deficiencies of the dietary vital trace elements caused the decrease in their concentrations in blood. In certain seasons, the maximum zinc deficiency from 77,7 to 45,1 % of the physiologic norm (of reference intervals) was recorded; the serum copper concentration was in the range from 77,9 to 57,4 %. The serum protein-bound iodine concentrations were lower than the values for the reference interval in all the seasons, comprising a minimum from 50,0 to 25,0 % of the norm.  The iodine and zinc deficiencies had the negative effects on the reproduction performance, the dairy product quality, and especially the milk fat and protein contents (comprising 3,83 and 3,17 %, respectively, which were 11.6 and 4,1%, respectively, lower than the plan values). In order to compensate for the trace element deficiencies, the premix formulation is offered; the recommendations for the trace element introduction into the soil according to the information obtained from the agrochemical laboratories are present. Key words: blood components, cattle, copper, cows, trace elements, iodine, zinc, ration, mass fraction of fat, mass fraction of protein milk, premix, Red-and-White breed.

47 Kubrak N.V., Krasnov V.V. Clinical evaluation of spontaneous restoration functions of thick limbs in rats after сontusional injury of the spinal brain average severity

Fifty female Wistar rats were an object of the study. They were divided into an experimental group (n=30) and a control one (n=20). The rats of the experimental group underwent spinal cord contusion at ThIX level using a cylindrical load of 1,8-mm diameter, 10-g weight freely falling from 25-mm height. The rats’ locomotor activity was evaluated in accordance with the experiment schedule. The degree of pelvic limb functional recovery was evaluated according to BBB standard scale (from 0 points – no motions of the pelvic limbs to 21 points – normal walking). The neurological status of all the animals from the experimental group conformed to 0 points by the time of withdrawal from anesthesia. The locomotor activity of the rats from the control group was evaluated to be 21 points. The first signs of pelvic limb motor activity spontaneous recovery in the rats from the experimental group were registered on Day 3 after surgery. Significant recovery of pelvic limb functions in the rats was observed throughout 4 weeks after surgery, and after that the recovery curve reached the plateau. By the end of the experiment the neurological status conformed to 21 points by BBB scale in none of the rats of the experimental group. Thus in the rats with experimental moderate-severity spinal cord contusion at ThIX level that pelvic limb function spontaneous recovery occurred from 0 points on Day 1 and reached maximum on Day 35 after surgery, amounting to 11.9 ± 0.24 points. Further recovery was not observed. There were modificated the score card attached to ВВВ scale and the keys for decryption of its data. Key words: contusion, locomotor activity, rat, spinal cord, ВВВ scale.


53 Gergel M.A., Prasolova O.V.,  Soltynskaya  I.V., Krylova E.V., Golovko O.O., Kuzmina E.V., Davydova E.E.  Development of analytical methods for detection and determination of GM rapeseed in feed

For empowerment of GMO diagnostics in plant-derived  products the  technique of identification and quantitative determination of GM oilseed rape of GT73, MON88302, MS1, MS8, RF1, RF2, RF3, T45, Topas19/2 lines have been developed. The metrological characteristics of the technique were evaluated. The  technique have been certified as a measurement technique (MU A-1/041, certificate № 310354-0024/2016) and also issued  as standard GOST 34104 – 2017 " Feed and feed additives. Method of identification of genetically modified events of soybean, maize and rapeseed using PCR with hybridization-fluorescence detection in real time". Key words: GMO, feed, PCR, rapeseed, quantitative analysis.


57 Dorozhkin V.I., Gunenkova N.K., Suvorov A.V., Gruzinov D.V.  Evaluation of publication activities of researchers

The article presents the main indicators of the publication activity of the employees of the Federal state university "VNIIVSGE" in 2013 – 2016. Key words: publication activity, veterinary sanitation, citation indices.


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CONTENTS №11-2018